Chapter 3: The Broken Shore

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Schyuler left the message to the advisors about Anduin's journey to the Broken Shore. Genn didn't quite take it seriously, insisting that he shouldn't go there in the first place, if she hadn't already heard him say he didn't understand what everyone was going through.

Once meeting with Anduin at Deliverance Point, the pair grabbed a set of horses and began their long trek past the beach and onto the main land of the Shore. What Schyuler had originally seen a month ago was terrifying enough. It was merely a prelude. Bones covered the surface of the island, the green energy of the legion cracked through boulders and the mountain sides, giving off a vibrant radiation.

". . . How are you holding up?" Schyuler asked, glancing over at him.

"This. . . this is horrible," he commented. Taking a moment to compose himself and fully take in his surroundings, he continued. "My father sought to shield me from the war, insisting I stay behind because a Wrynn must always rule in Stormwind, but I saw the truth in his eyes. His fear of losing me,"

"He wanted to protect you," Schyuler spoke with a soft realization.

"When my mother died, I was all he had left of her," Anduin's voice became shaky as he lifted his wrist, taking a moment to wipe his face.

"Anduin," Schyuler called out to him gently, coming up at his side.

"I'm alright, the Kings of Stormwind have always fought shoulder-to-shield with their soldiers for the freedom of Stormwind," he reassured the Monk. He paused briefly to gather himself before gently whipping the reigns of his horse. "Come, let us press forward,"

Coming up a steep hill, Schyuler and Anduin arrive at the top of a mountain where the remains of a giant beast floats in a pool of green energy and just beyond it is the Garrison, the main structure of the Burning Legion. The place where Varian died.

Climbing off their steeds, Schyuler and Anduin slowly walked closer towards the building, and were surprised to see two other figures standing before it. Velen and Genn. It appeared Velen got Schyuler's message after all.

"Here. . . this is where his father fell," Genn stated.

"The boy has never known the horrors of the Legion as we have," Velen reminded, gazing at the vibrate green portal that swirled lively at the archway of the structure.

"No. . ." Anduin stepped forward, gaining the advisor's attention as Genn whipped his head around to see the young king remove his hood, revealing his tied back blonde hair and sorrowful blue eyes. "I haven't,"

"Anduin," Velen greeted softly, intending to speak more but Genn's voice broke out first.

"How could you just leave?"

"I had to come here," Anduin stated as he continued his walk, sauntering passed his advisors as his eyes trailed the bone covered pathway before him.

"My boy, you don't need to see this," Genn insisted.

Anduin turned and looked back at them, a Schyuler as she came between them. She gave him a firm nod. I'm here for you, she spoke telepathically. A part of her felt he got the message as he turned back and continued his way up the trail. A horn like breeze flew through the air as ghosts of fallen Horde soldiers faded into the night, calling for a retreat. His eyes glanced over at the corpse of the beast in the river again. The one that Varian slayed to ensure Genn could return home safely.

He stopped a ways away from the entryway of the Garrison, staring down at a small crater in the ground. "Father. . ." he choked and suddenly collapsed to his knees.

Schyuler reacted on instinct, immediately moving towards him. Velen reached out and stopped her, giving her a look insisting that he'd be alright. She heeded the Prophet's advice, but still stared worrisome at her friend. She watched as Anduin reached over, brushing off a portion of ashes and dirt from the ground to reveal one of the halves of Shaylamane, Varian's sword.

"You never surrendered. Even here, at the very end," Anduin spoke slowly as his gaze shifted to the Garrison. "I cannot do this father. I cannot be the hero you were. I cannot be the king you were," he shook his head, tears streaming down his cheeks as he looked back down at his reflection through the blade of Shaylamane.

Footsteps caught her attention as Schyuler watched Genn walk towards him. "Anduin," He circled around before kneeling down in front of him. "Your father's actions were indeed heroic. They were his challenge to us, his people, to never let fear prevail,"

Genn reached down and with delicate hands lifted Shalyamane from the ground. He extended it to Anduin, placing it in his hands. "Even at the very gates of hell,"

Schyuler never took her eyes off Anduin. He glanced back at Genn to meet his gaze, as if his thoughts were racing in his mind. His grip on Shaylamane tightened as Genn suddenly stepped back, a look of surprise on his face.

Schyuler and Velen watched as a golden glow of light began to radiate from the centre of Shalyamane's handle as Anduin stood up and slowly turned back to face them. A stern, determined look on his face and Schyuler realized that Anduin had finally found his way. Shalyamane's once orange glow for the warrior was retired, and now the radiant gold of the priest signed brightly.

Schyuler knew in that moment that there before her stood a King, most importantly a friend, that she would gladly fight at his side.


After a grueling few months since their visit to the Broken Shore, The Burning Legion had finally met its end. There was a final confrontation in Silithus, where the Lord of the Burning Legion, Sargeras, was slain, but not before destroying the land itself and wounding the world of Azeroth in the process. Now a giant sword of a once Brutal Titan was left plunged into the Earth.

Despite the losses, and the hardships, the city of Stormwind, all of Azeroth itself, had to move on and learn to heal. It was today Anduin decided to hold a speech at Lion's Rest in order to lift the spirits of the people of Stormwind and the rest of the Eastern Kingdoms.

Citizens murmured as Schyuler helped Anduin prepare off to the side. She adjusted his sash, making sure it was properly straightened across his chest, before offering a smile of encouragement. "You got this,"

She could sense the nervous aura of the young king if the small beads of sweat lingering along his forehead weren't a dead giveaway. "Believe me, I've been telling myself that all morning,"

"Yes, because it's true," The monk declared with a hearty grin. Once she was satisfied with his presentation, Schyuler stepped back, offering him one more smile. "Whenever you're ready,"

"Thank you, Schyuler," Anduin nodded his head towards her, offering his thanks before she made her way towards the front of the memorial.

Stationed at the bottom of the steps, Schyuler watched as Anduin muttered self words of encouragement before he made his way up towards the podium. He was met with welcoming applause from the subjects that attended his speech, humans, dwarfs, gnomes, night elves, draenei, and even pandarens all alike were gathered along the dock.

Schyuler had guards stationed all around the base of the memorial site for his safety. Ever since the assassination attempt on Anduin's life the other day by a rogue nathrezim, a follower of the Burning Legion, the girl had been on edge. There hadn't been any more signs of the Legion since then.

She could see Gen Greymaine at the top of some stairs at the opposite end of the dock, leaning against one of the lanterns and giving him a clear view of the site. If anything or anyone were to cause trouble, he could sense it coming. Schyuler turned back to nod towards Anduin, and he began his speech as the people quieted down their applause.

"Like many of you, I know first hand the pain of loss. My father--" Anduin took a moment to compose himself, taking a steady breath as he quivered out his father's name before continuing, "King Varian Wrynn, gave his life to save his people. He knew that no one, not even a king, is more important than the Alliance,"

That statement was met with loud cheers and hollars from the crowd, applauding at the memory of their previous king. Schyuler glanced up at Genn and saw a smile of approval from the old king. It sounded like Anduin's speech practice was paying off.

"And because he and so many others had the courage to make that sacrifice, we did the impossible. We defeated the Burning Legion,"

The announcement was met with more applause, and as Anduin continued his speech, Schyuler could see a new figure carefully make his way through the dock, maneuvering himself through the crowd of people. Coming to Genn's side, Spymaster Shaw of the SI:7 appeared. After the defeat of the Legion, Anduin instructed Shaw and the SI:7 to investigate the sword that now remained plunged in the wasted lands of Silithus.

"Let us honour our heroes, not by dying, but by living. Our lives, our joy, our world, these are the gifts of the fallen,"

Anduin's voice slowly ranged out in Schyuler's mind as she watched the two high ranking men appear to be speaking with one another. Shaw spoke a series of words that gained Genns attention. What further gained Schyuler's, was when Genn's smile faded away into a thin line. When Shaw insisted on whatever it was he needed, Genn's lips formed that signature frown as they both turned their gaze towards Anduin.

Something has happened, Schyuler realized, and they need to report to Anduin.

"We must cherish, and celebrate them! For the Alliance!" Anduin decreed as he raised a fist in the air.

His finale was met with a roar of applause and cheers from the citizens of Stormwind. Anduin had a look of satisfaction on his face, proud of the result of his words reaching his people. But it didn't last, for the second he locked his eyes with Genn, his lips too formed a frown. The old man took his leave, vanishing in the crowd as Shaw followed close behind.

"Schyuler," he called, the young King glancing over at his bodyguard.

"Wait behind the memorial," she ordered.

With a firm nodd, Anduin followed her instructions as he made his way across the podium and down the memorial steps. Schyuler gave instructions to a set of guards to hold the perimeter as Genn and Shaw neared. Two knights kept watch at the front while two guarded their rear.

The crashing waves below them were loud along with the seagulls that flew overhead. It was a beautiful view on a beautiful day, but Schyuler knew that whatever Shaw had to say would be anything but.

"We've been observing an unusually large cluster of goblins in Sithilus," Shaw reported. "And the numbers are increasing,"

"Goblins aren't the most charming people," Anduin rationalized, hands on his hips. Shaking his head, he lifted one hand to his chin as he looked towards Genn. "But they do things for a reason,"

"And those reasons usually involve money," Genn pointed out almost annoyingly.

Schyuler has come to know a goblin or two in her travels, and Anduin's description would have to be the most kindred thing he's ever said about them. They were charming, that's for certain.

"So the Horde hired them to dig around Sethilis, meaning. . ." Schyuler's mind pondered at the thought before Anduin nodded knowingly in agreement.

He turned his attention towards Shaw, "So, the Horde has found something valuable?"

"They have indeed," Shaw confirmed as he reached down into his pocket, pulling something out of it before extending his closed fist towards the young king. "This,"

Schyuler's eyes wandered the signs of glowing light coming from the cracks in between Shaw's fingers. Anduin had a puzzled look on his face as he looked over towards Genn for guidance. When the old man nodded towards him, acknowledging that it was safe for him to take, Anduin slowly reached his hand out back towards Shaw.

The Spymaster dropped the object into Anduin's hand, pulling his gloved fingers back, as Schyuler's eyes widened at the sight of a bright white crystal of golden hue glow and a light blue tip. The very sight of it nearly took his breath away. It radiated a warm energy in his hand as Anduin glanced up towards Shaw, clearly relaying his bewilderment in his voice. "What--- what is this?"

"Some sort of crystal?" Schyuler took a shy guess.

"We don't know," Shaw shook his head.

While Anduin wasn't exactly angry at the answer he was given, his response was consumed with a sense of haste and uneasiness. "It would seem the Horde does, and we must learn more,"

"Agreed," Shaw responded almost immediately, attempting to soothe the king's worry, "We have eyes on it,"

With the goblins gathering stockpiles of this stuff for the Horde, Schyuler knew that the Alliance could be in serious trouble. When one struggle ends, a new one erupts from below. 

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