Chapter 6: Ghost of the Past

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After what seemed like hours of constant fighting, the Alliance army pushed the Horde back within the city walls, watching as their opponents scrambled to safety. Schyuler took a quick second to catch her breath, removing her helmet from her head, she wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead. Then again her whole body was sweating at that point, not to mention sore and bruised.

There had been a few close calls. Checking herself she found a few flesh wounds here and there, dried blood patching openings in her leather suit and armour plating. She still remained standing, and if she could stand, she could fight.

"Lieutenant, whatever towers we have left, focus them on the wall!" Anduin gave the command as he aimed Shalyamane towards the cobblestone wall.

"Right away, my king!" One of the high ranking engineers saluted the boy before he rang off, his voice ringing loudly as he shouted the command to his companions.

Schyuler came to his side as they both watched the remaining towers slowly inch into position. As they did so, Schyuler made a quick scan of the wall. Something didn't seem right. There were no more orcs fighting back, no archers or mages raining emergency ammunition from the watch towers above. Surely not just the ground forces made a retreat back into the city.

"Anduin, something isn't right here," She advised, looking over at him with cautious eyes.

She could see the change in Anduin's express as he took one more look at the wall. His nerves twitched as he bared his teeth. "You're right. Where did they go?"

Palms began to sweat as her eyes continued to sweep the wall. Someone is there. A hunched cloaked figure was watching them. She couldn't see their face, but it appeared as if they were assessing them. The figure pulled their cloak closer towards them as they turned and jumped down from the tower and into the city.

Schyuler was about to reach out to the king and alert him of what she saw until one of the soldiers cried out, shouting towards something. All of their gazes locked on to a large buried hole in the ground. The dirt and rocks rumbled as strange green glow flashed through the cracks.

Before Schyuler could even begin to fathom what it could be, Anduin grabbed her shoulder and yanked her to follow him. "Everyone get back!"

"Fall back!!" Genn repeated Anduin's orders as troops began to back away from the hole.

"Anduin, what's happening?" Schyuler asked, her voice shaking as the pair jogged up a small incline. "What is it?"

The rocks and mud gave way as a giant green orb hovered upwards slowly from the ground. It was shaking violently until it erupted, gas pouring out of it as it floated like a wave across the ground.

"Blight spell! Fall back!!" Anduin shouted.

Schyuler could feel her heart drop as she followed Anduin down the hill. Everyone began running back towards the forest. She glanced back to see a few stragglers, the green gas engulfing them. They slowed their pace and within mere moments, collapsed to the ground.

"Oh my god--!" Watching that horror made Schyuler trip in her step as she fell to the ground.

"Schyuler!" Anduin called out to her after whistling for Reverence.

The horse raced to his aid, slowing down to allow Anduin to jump on to his saddle. Slapping the reins, the horse pulled back and darted towards Schyuler. The monk managed to pick herself up and reach out for him. Anduin grabbed her hand and hoisted her up to sit behind him. Schyuler wrapped her arms around him for dear life as Reverence raced to get as far away from the Blight as quickly as possible.

Genn wasn't too far behind, as he and small groups of the Alliance army made it to the edge of the forest, trails of ember and black smoke covering the area from the earlier battle caused by the retaliation Horde. But when the trio regrouped and looked out to the gas covered field, many of them were not as lucky.

Forsaken fighters emerged from the dirt. If the Blight didn't catch the unlucky few, they would make their end slow and swift.

"The Blight has broken our ranks!" Genn gawked at the sight before looking up towards Anduin, seeking advice on a backup plan.

Anduin's eyes shifted, mentally scouring battle plans and strategies for anyway to counter this surprise anomaly. But Schyuler could see the look in his eyes. The look of defeat. "Our assault has been for nothing,"

Schyuler's head hung low as she processed that sentence. They were outnumbered due to the blight. There was absolutely no possible way they'd survive one more assault. This couldn't be the end. Not already when this way had merely begun.

Lost in her thoughts, the wind picked up around them as the strands of her autumn brown hair blew in her face. Brushing them back, Schyuler glanced around to see tree branches and leaves dancing in the wind as a giant dark shadow loomed towards them amonced giant grey clouds. Now there was to be a storm to rain on their parade?

"Anduin, Genn," Schyuler patted the king's shoulder as she gained their attention, the pair turning to glance up at the cloud.

Genn growled at the sight, his golden orbs staring attentively. "What now?"

The clouds drew closer towards the edge of the forest, close enough for them to distinguish a giant shape within it. Appearing from within, a giant ship floated along the fire's smoke. A harpie figurehead pierced forward as the sail drew tainted white. The wood was a dark oak colour as it clashed with the smoke. A net of magic coated in a sparkling mesh of pink and blue kept the ship afloat in the air without the need for a body of water.

Standing at the cathead of the ship was a middle aged woman with long blonde hair combined with white strands tied together in a long braid over her shoulder. Wearing a beautiful navy blue and white cloak overtop her matching robes, a sorcerers staff with a vibrant teal crystal shined at its head. Her crystal blue eyes overlooked the battlefield as Schyuler could literally feel the tension in Anduin's shoulder subside.

"Is that--!"

"Jaina!" Anduin beat Schyuler to it as he acknowledged the arrival of his aunt. Though not related by blood, she was still very much family to him.

Jaina said she'd join them for the siege, but when their assault had moved forward in time unexpectedly, it never occurred to Schyuler that she'd make it in time. But she now realized that the notion was never in doubt.

They watched as Jaina raised her hands in the air, concentrating, as a giant blue snowflake took shape at the center of the battlefield. It was beautiful, majestic even. Schyuler had to stop herself from counting all of the details she could make out with the naked eye, captivated by its presence. The snowflake shattered, a wave of blue ice magic combing the grounds. It neutralized the blight on contact as the green gas vanished, the Forsaken turned to frozen statues.

"She got rid of the Blight!" Schyuler gasped in awe.

This could be their chance. They might have a shot of still winning this battle!

"Alliance! Forward!" Anduin commanded.

With the remaining troops they had left, Anduin led a charge across the battlefield. Schyuler glanced up to the Lordaeron watch towers. The archers that surveyed the Blight now looked on in horror, as many retreated back into the city.

"They're falling back," Schyuler informed the king. "It's now or never!"

When they were close enough to the wall, Anduin pulled on Reverence's reins, bringing the mount to a stand still as he turned, looking towards the ship and shouted, "Jaina! The Wall!"

Jaina arched her hand to the side, motioning the ship to slowly turn to its starboard side. Pink magical energy surrounded the gunports as cannons poked out into position, firing not cannon balls, but orbs of magical energy. They roared through the air, striking the wall before them. Schyuler would have covered her ears to protect her sense of hearing, but the millisecond she did so and looked out towards the wall, an opening had crumbled, inviting them inside.

"We end this," Anduin climbed off Reverence, his gaze never straying from the wall opening as he reached back and drew out Shalyamane. "Now,"

Schyuler followed closely behind him, cracking her knuckles to psych herself up as could feel the chi energy flow through her body. This was about to get a lot harder.


The Horde and Alliance clashed once again in the city streets. Baine Bloodhoof called for a retreat when he realized the Alliance had the upper hand in this fight. He began evacuated as many as he could while Sylvanis Windrunner provided cover fire, the purple aura of the Banshee Queen's power shined brightly as she noticed Anduin, Jaina, and Schyuler running towards her.

"Stop--!" Schyuler yelped, but not before the dark elf knocked an arrow, firing it right into a giant canister that detonated into a series of explosions.

It shook the ground below them, causing the trio and other Alliance forces around them to duck and take cover. Once the last of the Horde fighters had retreated, Sylvanis took it as her opportunity to remove herself from this battle, and leaped away, vanishing in the smoke.

Schyuler pointed after her. "She's running!"

"No! They must not escape!" Jaina stated aggressively.

"Jaina and I will chase her down on the ground. Schyuler, try to cut them off on the rooftops," Anduin strategized as he mentally mapped out a route.

"You got it," Schyuler acknowledged before she waved a playful salute towards the mage as she began her run. "I leave him in your care till I get back,"

"Of course, I just love babysitting my dear nephew," Jaina smirked in response as she side eyed the king.

"Come on, I wasn't that bad, was I?" Anduin gawked towards his aunt as the pair began their trek into the street.

Climbing up the side of some rubble on a nearby building, Schyuler made it up to the roof and began her sprint, parkouring her way across the large plaza. Lordaeron seemed bigger than Stormwind in comparison, but then again this city wasn't built along the side of a mountain and open ocean. If it weren't for it being turned into a warzone, Schyuler would have loved to do some exploring. Perhaps after the war and when they begin to rebuild.

Schyuler caught herself daydreaming as she snapped back into reality just long enough to see the flick of a familiar purple cap turn a corner. "There she is!"

Jumping down from the rooftops, Schyuler harnessed her chi and focused it onto her legs. She landed swiftly on the ground without so much as making a sound. She had a feeling Sylvanis was waiting around that corner to try and counterattack. But Schyuler would be ready for her.

Using her chi, she leaped forward, turning her body horizontally flat before spinning in that direction as the chi around her legs formed a whirlwind and she breezed by that corner in the blink of an eye. When she emerged in a crouched like stance, what she found was not the Banshee Queen.

An orc roared in her face to try and scare her, but a petite body swiftly jumped in between the pair and sucker punched Schyuler in the chin. The monk was sent flying backwards, collapsing to the ground.

Groaning as she pulled herself up, Schyuler assessed this new advisory. It was a blood elf with tanned skin, silky black hair in a similar braid to Jaina's, only hers was longer stretching down to her ribcage. She had piercing green eyes and wore a black stealth suit with a tight Horde tunic robe over top and a thick scarf that covered her lips and nose.

"Go deal with the boy king, Saurfang," The blood elf spoke in a sleek accent. "She's mine,"

"Don't come crying to me if you get killed," Saurfang huffed, his red spiky armour glimmering in the sun as he grabbed his axe and stomped away in the direction towards the others.

"Two against one? Don't you think you're sending your friend into an unfair fight?" Schyuler questioned, stalling as she shook off her previous blow.

"He's not my friend," The blood elf corrected quickly, almost robotic in a sense but Schyuler could hear a grin on her lips as she spoke. "Plus the fight is fair game if you know you'll win. At least in my case,"

"You think yourself to be wise, then?" Schyuler raised a brow at the Blood Elf as she got into a stance.

"I know I am, unlike you," The Blood Elf quipped. "I bet you don't even remember. Then again as a child you were never a bright one, Schyuler,"

Child? Something about that sentence piqued her interest. Schyuler let her guard down only the slightest, and the Elf appeared to notice that as she dashed forward with a knife.

The monk just barely caught her wrist as the knife sliced a small wound along her shoulder. She hissed at the pain as she held a tight grip on her wrist with one hand, while with her other arm used her other remaining strength to keep her from pushing deeper. "Who are you?"

"You may call me, Wiloh," She introduced herself in an almost polite manner, "For now, that is all you're going to know,"

Snarling in frustration, Schyuler shoved Wiloh away from her and with a quick flick of her wrist, smacked the knife out of Wiloh's hand. With Wiloh stunned, She followed it with crouching down and elbowing the Elf in the stomach and knee kicking her in the chin.

Wiloh stumbled back into a hunched position, spitting out blood from her mouth before wiping off the lingering remains from her lips as Schyuler glared at her. "How do you know my name?"

"I could say I'm familiar with the name of the Alliance Champion, but that would be too obvious of an answer," Wiloh's smirk remained as if it were painted permanently on her lips. "That's not who you really are,"

Wiloh flexed her fingers and the dark energy of the sha coursed over her hand. Schyuler would be lying to herself if the action didn't catch her by surprise as Wiloh attempted to slash her in the face with it. She reared back, avoiding multiple attacks before grabbing an abandoned steel shield and blocked the last attack.

She could feel the heat that radiated from the sha as it was slowly attempting to melt away the metal the more Wiloh focused and pushed against it. It was as if her very fingertips were tearing through the shield itself. Once Wiloh had a grip on it, Schyuler yanked them free, temporarily blinding Wiloh as the split pieces smacked against her face, once, then twice before Schyuler kicked the elf away from her.

"You don't really know me. How can you say that if I'm already here breathing and standing?" Schyuler growled at her, waving her hands to emphasize the statement.

"All I see is a facade, an alternate life," Wiloh spat as more of the sha energy spread up along her arms, as if a black and white fire torched her skin. "Had you been a good little girl and not escaped, you wouldn't be here meddling in this silly war that has nothing to do with you!"

Wiloh chased Schyuler as they both parkoured up the city bell tower. The pair met at the top, the giant bell dangled by a thread above their heads as they circled one another. Schyuler could feel the anger coursing through her. Though she was no longer on Pandaria, she wouldn't let the hatred power of the sha get to her. Breathing deeply, she focused on her chi, the purple electric energy vibrating in her hands.

"The Horde invaded Pandaria, torched my friends' homes and hurt innocent lives. The lives of those who took me in and raised me when no one else could. So I would say this war certainly does mean something to me!" She stated.

"You think Pandaria solely allied with the Alliance after the invasion? When it comes between the Alliance and Horde, there's never the good guys or the bad guys," The Blood Elf responded whilst taking a steady step forward, "Just the right side,"

Wiloh dived for her as Schyuler slid underneath, dodging her blow as the pair remerged on opposite sides. Wiloh's fists clenched against the cobblestone floor, causing large cracks to form in the already broken tower. It wouldn't stay standing for long. Whilst she was distracted trying to pull herself free, Schyuler ran for her.

Wiloh saw her coming, growling menacingly in her direction as she pulled once more, violently releasing her fists from the floor and went for a swing at Schyuler's head. Schyuler bent backwards, dodging the punch before dropping to the floor, spin kicking her ankles.

Wiloh flew forward, her sha energy connecting with the bell as it chimed loudly. White cracks of the sha energy spread all over the bell, breaking the string that held it in place as it dropped, crushing the floor below them and giving way to a long drop to the bottom floor.

Scyhuler scrambled to her feet and tried to jump off the tower, but felt someone grab her foot and yanked her back. Wiloh locked her arms around Schyuler's body and trapped her as they both went down with the bell.

Scyhuler didn't remember thinking, much less her body moving, but within the blink of an eye she pulled out a small vial from her pouch pocket, crushing it within her finger tips as a yellow ooze like substance covered her hand. When they crashed down to the next floor, Schyuler's hand made contact with the cobblestone, the ooze reacted quickly and her entire skin turned to stone.

"NO!" Wiloh screamed in frustration as Schyuler stretched her arms out, breaking free from her grasp.

When this floor gave way, Schyuler kicked Wiloh down the hole before the falling stones forced Schyuler to drop after her. The giant iron bell crushed one floor after another, forcing the entire building (or what was left of it) to crumble to the city streets.

When the smoke dispersed, Schyuler towered over Wiloh victoriously, charging a chi blast as she pointed her fist at Wiloh's face.

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