Prologue: The Legion Has Returned

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It had been almost two years since Schyuler made the decision to leave Panderia, and began her new life in Stormwind with the Alliance. Riding the continent of the Echo's of Hatred, Schyuler accepted Anduin's offer of going to Stormwind with him, with the King's approval, in order to try and find out more about her past.

In the process, she continued her training as a Monk and became the first of its class to join the Alliance ranks. When not training with Genn Greymaine, Schyuler took lessons from Anduin, teaching her Azeroth's history and the legacy of the Eastern Kingdoms. It took some time to adjust, Stormwind was a big bustling city compared to Honeydew Village.
In a final assault, Garrosh returned to Panderia and destroyed half of the Vale of the Eternal Blossoms, unleashing the Sha of Pride onto the land. Schyuler knew she can't stand idly by and insisted to King Varian that she be a part of the retaliation. With King Varian's blessing, she tagged along to defeat the Sha and joined the Alliance on the Siege of Orgimmar where Garrosh was dethroned as warchief. Varian would have killed him if Anduin hadn't convinced him to be put on trial for the war crimes he had committed.

Garrosh was brought back to Panderia to stand trial and Schyuler felt like she could finally have a moment's rest. That lasted for a few months until today, Varian summoned Schyuler to his throne room in Stormwind Keep, where both he and Anduin were waiting for her.

She walked towards the throne casually, nodding to the both of them in greeting. "You summoned me, your majesty?"

The pair had been chatting quietly, the girl made a note of a device in the king's large hand. A compass, given its odd shape. She smiled at it, remembering that it was the present Anduin had given to his father for his birthday. The King heard her voice as he glanced up towards her. He shifted in his chair, putting away the compass in his back pocket.

"Yes, I didn't get the chance to say this before, but I wanted to properly thank you for your help against Garrosh," Varian explained as he reached out, squeezing Anduin's shoulder affectionately, "And most importantly, keeping my son safe," The King was impressed with how much she had grown accustomed to the Alliance.

"Of course, Anduin is my friend," Schyuler smiled softly at the prince.

"Since Genn spoke highly of you recently, I believe a promotion is in order," Varain leaned forward in his chair, his arms resting along his thighs.

"Promotion?" Schyuler repeated.

"In the last two year you've shown tremendous courage and determination. I can't think of no one better suited to protect my son during my absences. From this day forth, I'm promoting you as his official bodyguard,"

Schyuler formed a fist over her heart, bowing respectfully to the king. "Thank you, King Varian, I won't let you down," she glanced back at the pair, her lips forming into a playful smirk. "Though I guess now I have to break it to the old man that he's out of a job now?"

Anduin smiled at the joke, covering his mouth to stop himself from laughing, but she managed to get a small chuckle out of the King. "Don't get in too over your head, Monk,"

Schyuler accepted the offer gladly, swearing that she wouldn't let anything happen to him.

"Since you'll be a part of my protection detail, you'll be reporting to Shaw from now on. I don't believe you've been formally introduced?" Anduin pondered, hand under his chin.

"I've stumbled upon him from time to time, but we've never actually spoken," Schyuler clarified with a shake of her head. "He's always giving me this look, it freaks me about a little bit,"
"He's harmless, I can introduce you," Anduin reassured with a smile.

He was about to make his way down the throne steps when the sound of a bird crying out, a Raven, echoed through the acoustics of the room. A black raven raced into the room, zipping down the hall.

Schyuler stepped away from the bird, moving closer towards Varian and Anduin as the bird perched down on the floor. A cluster of purple and blue magic spiraled around it as the bird morphed, turning into a human male. He wore a faded blue shirt with a grey armoured robe wrapped around him and a thick shale around his neck. With silver fox white hair brushed back, and tense blue eyes, he summoned a staff in his hand, slamming against the cobblestone floor.

"The Burning Legion--" The man proclaimed as King Varian didn't even wait for him to finish as he shot up from his chair, standing beside his son. "-- has returned,"

The Burning Legion? That name was a foreign term for her, but as she turned to look up at the two Wrynn's faces, she knew that the news given to them was anything but good. 

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