Chapter Seven - Joohoney vs King Hyunhwa

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Joseon Dynasty

Kihyun, Joohoney, Keonhee, Hwanwoong, RAVN and Minhyuk stand before the grand palace. The familiar fire-lit haechi statue guardians sit at the foot of a majestic staircase. They all blink and look at one another.

"What...?" Keonhee questions.

Kihyun shrieks and Joohoney and Minhyuk both slap a hand over his mouth.

"Shhh, you want to get caught and killed?" Joohoney snarls at him.

Kihyun shakes his head and they remove their hands in unison. Kihyun, instead, wordlessly throws his arm up and points aggressively to his wrist, where a thick red band is tied like a cheap, childish bracelet.

"What is that?" RAVN questions, softly. "Wait, we all have one." He holds his arm up, displaying a similar red-string bracelet.

Keonhee, Minhyuk and Hwanwoong discover they also have one.

Joohoney shrugs. "It's not important." He gazes around at the setting before them and grins. "What is important, is that it seems that our new princess friend teleported us right to the heart of our problem. Inside there, sits a tyrant, who needs a lesson taught to him! So, let's get in there and teach him one!"

He begins to charge up the stairs with Minhyuk and Hwanwoong hard on his heels.

Keonhee and RAVN look at Kihyun.

"Let's go find Seoho!" Kihyun tells them. "Those three can distract, while we get our maknae."

"Right," Keonhee agrees.

The three of them set off to the right and slip inside of a doorway. They silently and quickly make their way through the hallways.

"Where is he?" Kihyun gasps softly to himself.

Just then, a series of male voices shout out. "There's chaos unleashing in the throne room! We must get to the King!"

"I hear that traitor, Jooheon, is in there making a scene!" one guard shouts out.

Kihyun motions to Keonhee and RAVN to follow him, using the distraction to move along. They come up to a room off the side. In the center is a lavish king-size bed that houses a figure laid on it similar to Sleeping Beauty.

"Seoho!" Keonhee gasps and rushes into the room, up to his friend.

Seoho remains still, his eyelids twitching from rapid eye movement. Sure enough, it is just as the mysterious fairy princess lady in the woods told them: he's alive, but he's stuck in a coma.

"What should we do?" Kihyun hisses. "We can't leave him here."

RAVN glances at the door. "Who knows how long the distraction will last for. We need to get out of here."

"So...carry him?" Keonhee questions.

Kihyun nods. "We'll get him to the hideout and hope that Joohoney-hyung and the others will be close behind. Then we can decide what to do."

But, before anyone can make the next move, Seoho's eyes fly open wide and he draws a dramatic gasp as he lurches up into a sitting position.

Kihyun yelps and jumps back, as do RAVN and Keonhee.

Seoho calms himself and looks around, eventually seeing the guests in his room. "Kihyunie? Keonhee? Youngjo-ssi?"

"You're okay!" Keonhee gasps, shaking off the shock.

"You were in a coma..." Kihyun whispers. "But we need to get out of here, Joohoney is fighting your uncle right now."

"Joohoney!?" Seoho gasps. "We need to get to them! Uncle knows everything! Come, we will help them out."

Keonhee looks nervously at RAVN, who unholsters his sword from his belt.

Seoho then leads Kihyun, RAVN and Keonhee through the halls and they burst into the chaotic throne room.

Bodies are littering the floor all around the room. Minhyuk is locked in a fierce battle with two palace guards, while Hwanwoong is showing off some martial arts skills for Chul's replacement. And in the center of the room, circling around the throne are King Hyunhwa and Joohoney. 

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