Part 1

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Samantha's P.O.V.

Hi, my name's Samantha. When I was just a baby my parents left me in an orphanage. When I was about four I started to develope powers. This was something that had never happened before, other than if you were an experiment, or if you were Superman. Anyway, I could melt things, freeze them, move things without touching them, I could speak to people through their mind and no one else would know, stuff like that. I had no idea why I could do these things but I could. Other kids in the orphanage became scared of me, mostly cause I couldn't control my powers. Even the headmistress of the orphanage was afraid. At the time however I had no idea why I couldn't play with the other kids, so it made me sad. Eventually I was given my own room, I would write and draw and I had asked the headmistress to teach me how to read and she did. I stayed till I was ten, then I ran. I knew no one would follow me, so I just ran. Eventually, I came upon a city. I hid in alleyways and got food where I could. One time a man tried to hurt me with a knife, I froze the knife and accidentally gave his hand frostbite. I was usually left alone though, I wouldn't show my powers unless it was a life or death situation. I wouldn't steal food, I was young and people would feed me when I asked politely, most of the time. When I turned eleven I found a boy in an alleyway, he looked about twelve I would say, he was being beat by a man. I ran over and without thinking shot a ball of ice at the man, causing him to fall over passed out, considering it accidentally hit him on the head. "What's your name, boy?" I asked. "Thomas. Thank you." "Don't mention it." I started to leave but felt a hand grab my arm, I turned swiftly to see it was Thomas, "Do you have a home?" He asked, I shook my head 'no'. "You can come live with my father and me, if you want." I paused, I had just saved his life, what could happen. "I would like that." I said. Soon I was following him back to his house, which happened to be an apartment building. As soon as the door opened this is what I heard, "Thomas, where were you? I thought-" The man stopped short when he saw me standing there. "Hello, who's this?" I moved to stand behind Thomas, trying to more or less hide. I didn't like being noticed. "Ha, I just realized I never asked your name." Thomas said turning to face me. "Oh, i'm Samantha." "That's a nice name." The older man commented. I just nodded. Thomas then explained how I saved him and how he had offered me a place to stay, while I just stood behind him silently, keeping my head down. "Well then, in that case you can stay as long as you want. You may stay in the guest room, which I think Thomas will be glad to show you." He paused, "You can call me John." I nodded then followed Thomas to my room. He was about to leave when I asked, "Do you, by any chance, have a notepad I could use? Or a book to read or something to write with?" He looked at me for a moment before responding, "Yeah, i'll be right back." I stayed sitting on the bed of my room till he came back with a big drawing notepad a few pencils, a box of pencil crayons, a pencil sharpener and a book. I grinned like a child on christmas. He set it all on the dresser in the room. I jumped up, ran over and hugged him, just as he turned around. He seemed shocked for a moment before, returning the hug. I sighed, I could finally trust someone. I stayed with them for a year, we had become great friends. We would watch movies together, share stories, I showed them my pictures of things I could see from my window. I had shown them my powers. I had accidentally burned a few different bed sheets, which I had apologized for. One day though, everything changed. John brought me and Thomas to a big stone building and told us it's where he worked.He showed us around, but the next thing I knew I was being shoved into a room and the door was locked behind me. I turned around and looked out the window to see John, smirking. I was sad, then confused, but in the end all I felt was pure rage. I backed away from the door and shot an enormous fireball at it. The door shook, but it didn't move. I screamed loud in rage, and pain cause the fire had burned my hands, making the windows crack. By the time I stopped I was lying on the floor, losing consciousness, due to lack of energy. When I woke up I was still on the floor, in the cold dark cell room, with nothing but a door with a small circular, cracked, window on it. I got up and sat on the bed, thinking. I sat there for, I don't know how long, before someone came in and set something on the bed before leaving swiftly. I looked over and saw it was my notepad and coloring utensils. I looked out the door, through the window and saw Thomas looking in the door, "it's the least I could do." He said, before leaving my line of sight. Did he know this was gonna happen? Did he betray me as much as his father? These were the questions going through my mind right now. Who could I trust? I asked myself. No one! Is the one thought that ran through my mind. Trust no one. Not even your closest friends. I looked at the door and I glared at where Thomas had been, whether he had known or not he wasn't helping me get out, he was just as guilty. At least I can draw now, I thought. I picked up my notepad and set it on my lap, I picked up a few colors and started to draw something, I didn't know what yet but it was going to be beautiful. I was thinking about the times I had shared at the old house, the music I listened to, the books I read, the stories I told, the plants I saw. When I clued back in I saw that I had drawn a book, on the cover of the book it read, My Diary. I touched my hand to the page and just ran my hand over the image a few times thinking. I heard the lock on the door start to open, I pushed all my stuff under the pillow of the bed, so it was out of sight. "You need to come with me." A man said. I stayed on the bed, "fine." He walked over, grabbed my wrist and started, practically dragging me to wherever we were going. Since I don't talk much I just kept pulling my hand back. Abruptly I got really mad and he screamed in pain and dropped to the ground holding onto his head. I backed up, afraid of what happened. Little did I know I backed right into someone. I turned swiftly to see it was John, he smirked and grabbed my wrist. He pulled me into a room and before I could react, strapped me to a metal table thing that was vertical unlike any other normal table. I started thrashing trying to get out. Next thing I know I feel a bunch of things stab into my arms, I screamed in pain. When I felt the things retract from my skin I could feel the blood running down my arms, by now tears were streaming down my face. I had my eyes closed and my head bowed, tears dripping onto my pants and the floor. Abruptly I could feel my skin go cold, I opened my eyes and look through my blurry vision to see my skin going blue. I started thrashing again. Blood was running down my wrists and ankles from the straps now digging into my skin. "Experiment #1, success." I heard John say. "You can take her back to her cell now." He said after my skin went normal. Two people took me out of the restraints, each one holding one of my wrists, which hurt A LOT. They practically threw me into the room I had been in before. I was crying, yet again. I just lied there on the floor, letting my strangled sobs echo through the room, not caring who heard. Eventually I couldn't cry anymore and I just lay there motionless. I slowly got up, ignoring the pain as much as I could and walked to the bed. I layed down and I fell into a restless sleep. I had nightmares of being chased by men in strange suits and seeing posters on buildings. I woke up, sitting up in bed, panting with sweat pouring down my head. I missed Thomas, whether I would say it or not I did.


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