The Chicken Shaman

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I stared at him for a pretty long time. He stared back. "I'm confused." 'A' said.
"Ok 'A' what is your real name cause the author is tired of typing 'A'" I said. He looked at me like I was insane.
"Fine. My name is Aaron." He said.
"Kk." I said and turned back to the Chicken Shaman.
"Wait, is that you Aphmau?" He said.
"How do you know  my name?" I asked.
"Well, I hate you!" He said simply.
"Ok then..." He then slowly stalked backwards and into the bushes.

Aaron looked at me like I had grown two heads. I shrugged and walked over to him and plopped on the ground. I tore off a leg from the chicken. " I love chicken!" I said with my mouth full. "I can see that!" Aaron said while watching me, amused. I glared at him and continued eating. "Have a ever told you how much I love chicken?" I asked. He looked at me funny. "Yeah..." I shrugged and continued eating. "Chicken is amazing! Have I ever told you that?" I asked. "Twice. Now three times!" He said. I nodded and finished eating.

Soon the stars shine bright and I yawned. "I'll wake you up when it's your turn to guard." Aaron's gruff voice said. I nodded and headed into the tipi. I took out the lilac blanket and draped it over my body. I soon fell asleep.

"APHMAU WE ARE BEING ATTACKED BY THE SHADOW KNIGHTS!!!" I turned around and see the sky is red and everyone is screaming. Then I saw them. The shadow Knights, marching.
"RUNNNNNNNN!!!" Everyone boarded ships. I was the only one in the village besides the shadow Knights.
"Well well well.... Look who we have here.... Lady Irene " Everyone laughs. Part of me wanted to lunge forward at him and slice his throat. I start floating up with a spell in my hand. "White light White light shine bright tonight, Shine with all your might, like the stars in the sky this night." I threw the magic straight at them. Every single one of them disappeared. The shadow lord looked furious. He threw a dark spell at me. It bounced off. Then he did this kind of magic that I hated. It made me cry in pain. My spirit was fighting. But then when I thought I was done for. I saw a white glow. It looked like grandma-Lady I-Me 900 years ago. She had her arms in a X "AHHHHHHH RUN APHMAU!" But it was too late. The shadow lord had pushed Lady Irene into me. She was stuck there. The last thing I remember was looking at my drawing that I drew of Garroth and me. " Good bye Garroth." I tear rolled down my cheek.

I woke up gasping for air. What did that dream mean! It felt so real! It couldn't be a dream!

Im so confused!

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