Chapter Eighteen

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GAH - I am so sorry for how long this took! Oi ... I'm not going to even bother with excuses because it makes no difference hahaha. Anyways, I wrote this with tea on my coffee table (irony...I like it!) and The Big Bang Theory on the television (first season with the time machine episode. Hilarious.)

 * * * * * * * * *

The tension in the North house seemed to rise ten fold. When the door to the house slammed shut behind Lizzie, it didn't take too long for the family to come rushing out to the living room in a curious stampede.

All they found, however, was Jesse standing in the middle of the living room. His mouth hung open and confusion, sadness and frustration muddled together in a melting pot of emotion on his face.


Allison, being the sweetheart she is, passed the sleeping Violet over to her husband and took tentative steps towards her younger brother in law. She settled a hand on his shoulder and stepped in front of him. "Are you okay?" she asked softly.

Jesse just stood there, frozen. He wondered how things got so out of hand in such a miniscule amount of time. Jesse never meant to say those things. He would never insult his own brother that way on purpose.

He just felt ... shoved aside. His entire life, Jesse felt the pinching pain of coming in second place to Everett. And not even in the convention way. To be pushed aside in all respects of life. Everett never lacked in affection and attention. Jesse, though he of course had the required parental guidance and attention, still didn't have the same as Everett.

He understood. Of course he did. Everett couldn't see his hand waving in front of his face. Jesse knew how to take care of himself, he could figure things out so much easier than Everett due to having all his senses in tact.

But he still had those lingering feelings of resentment. Jesse didn't enjoy feeling that way. Not even a little bit. However, it existed -  like a black hole in the back of his mind. It sucked all the positive points out at times and left nothing but a gaping void of emotion.

With a sigh, Jesse slowly nodded in response to Allison. Judging by the skeptical look in her eyes, the young woman didn't buy what Jesse tried to sell her.

She let it go, though, to save him some trouble. Somehow, Allison understood that whatever just transpired between all the teens would need to be resolved by them in their own time.

As she took Violet back into her arms, Allison couldn't help but silently hope it would be a quick solution.

If the look on Jesse's face was anything to go by, the argument could be one to tear them apart completely if not stitched back together.

And soon.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

When Everett woke up the next morning, he didn't leave his room. The line of tension that he never knew existed between him and his brother felt tight and thin.
As far as he knew, Jesse left for work already. Which he didn't mind at all. He figured Allison and Jeffrey were still there, however. After all, Jeffrey's room would always be his.

With a groan, Everett pushed himself up with his elbows and kicked off the covers. His bare feet touched the wood floors beneath him and he made a mental note to retrieve his rug from the laundry by the end of the day.

Standing to his full height, Everett stretched his arms high above his head and let out a groan of satisfaction when something in his back popped back into place. The feeling of contentment failed to last longer than a few seconds, a frown forcing it's way onto his face.

The words that seemed to just pour from his younger brothers mouth circulated through his mind repeatedly, like a broken record constantly skipping.

Even though Everett recently wondered if Jesse felt resentment towards him, he never thought those feelings were real and alive. Hearing Jesse confirm Everett's fears tore him apart inside.

Everett tried not to think about it, trying to not let those words get to him. So, shaking his body for the most physical manifestation of the term 'shake it off', Everett made his way to the bathroom in preparation for the day.

Not knowing exactly what to do once Everett left the shower, he hesitantly picked up his phone. He knew exactly who he wanted to call to spend time with. Of course he did.

But after the events of the previous night, Everett just didn't know if Lizzie would want to enter the North home once again. However, he swallowed harshly and hit the speed dial.

To his great dismay, Lizzie's voicemail popped up and he could hear her voice drifting over the line. With a sigh, Everett ended the call and stuffed the cell phone in the pocket of his pants before exiting his room.

The first steps out were a bit tentative, a little afraid to enter the rest of the house. And a bit angry as well, but he tried to shove those feelings aside and focus only on the fear.

But it seemed as though there were no other people in the home. Which made Everett wonder. So he called his mother's phone.

"Hey, Mom. Just wondering where everybody went ..." he asked, slight disappointment in his voice. The fact that everyone took off without him made him a little upset.

"Oh, we had to run to the store. But Jeffrey and Allison are still thre, don't worry." Everett let out a sigh of relief and nodded, even though no one could see him at the moment. "We took Violet with us so they could get some extra sleep before the trip home."

Everett once again bobbed his head up and down. "Yeah, when I didn't hear her or Cole this morning, I kinda freaked," he admitted sheepishly.

Denise chuckled on the other end of the line. "We'll be home soon, okay?"

The two exchanged goodbyes and Everett slid his phone into the pocket of his pants before making his way around the kitchen. His stomach demanded breakfast and, well ... who was he to deny that?

Hands patting down counters and cabinets, Everett found the bowls and cereal. Soon, he sat down at the table, munching down on cocoa puffs. Once again, he felt thankful for the ability to do these sort of things on his own.

Everett really did pride himself on the fact that within the walls on his home, he could do anything. The walls surrounding him on a daily basis were his playground, his sanctuary.

Even though family slept one floor away, he didn't need to run for help. He didn't need to feel completely helpless. It was one of the small things, but it made him feel good.

A few minutes later, while rinsing out his bowl in the sink, Everett felt his phone vibrate. Setting down the bowl, he happily yanked out his phone and put it to his ear. "Hello?" he tried to keep the hopefullness out of his voice.

"You rang?"

Everett grinned as Lizzie's voice came out of his cell phone. "I did, indeed. I just wanted to see if you were up to hanging out today? I know the last time I invited you for a get together it didn't turn out too amazing ..." he mumbled under his breath. He didn't know if she heard or not, but it didn't really matter either way in his opinion.

He only stated the truth.

"Okay, that may be true. But we can make this time better, right?" Her words comforted Everett a little. He still worried about the turn out, but decided to leave those thoughts alone for the time being.

They made plans for letter in the day, considering Lizzie had a few errands she needed to run for her family while they were working. But happiness still encased Everett knowing that later on, they would be hanging out.

Everett left the kitchen, heading towards the living room. His hands created a rhythm, consisting of finger snapping and smacking the palm of his hand on a fist. He liked it and it pushed a small spring in his step.

"Someone seems happy this morning," Jeffrey said from behind. Everett just nodded in response. Understandably, his older brother most likely thought that whatever happened last night would have manifested in Everetts attitude.

But he managed to keep himself in check. Everett was becoming better at that.

"What happened last night?" Jeffrey asked as the two sat down in the living room.

Everetts hands were wrung together nervously and his face remained towards the floor, not truly wanting to confront his brother in such a way. But the question he so desired to ask burned at his lips, begging for release.

"Do you resent me at all?"

Surprise flitted across Jeffrey's features at the question his younger brother posed.

"Everett," he started slowly. "Why would you even ask that?"

Everett failed to reply, silence hanging between the two. Then the light bulb turned on over Jeffreys head and he said, "Wait, wait, wait - does this have anything to do with the argument that happened between you, Jesse and that girl last night?"

When Everett once again didn't respond, Jeffrey sighed. "I'll admit there were times when I wanted a little more attention. But Everett ... I never resented you. Ever. How could I?" he asked increduously. "Something horrible happened to my baby brother that would affect him for the rest of his life. I may have been young, but I understood everything that happened and I knew you needed the extra attention far more than I did. I could figure things out myself, you know?"

And even though Jesse and he were not exactly on speaking terms at the moment, Everett felt a huge weight lift from his chest and he even let out a long breath of air.

Everett felt better knowing that at least one of his brothers didn't harbor any desires to go off on him at random times.

"Do you believe me, Ev?" Jeffrey asked softly, catching his brothers attention once again.

In response, Everett smiled and nodded his head. "Yeah, I believe you."

"And for the record," Jeffrey stood and laid a hand on Everett's shoulder. "This thing between you and Jesse will blow over. I promise. There's just a lot happening in his life and you know how he just kind of spews crap when that happens."

With that, Jeffrey mentioned that he should go wake up Allison and stalked out of the room. Everett couldn't help but a grin a bit.

Maybe he always underestimated his older brother.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"Yes, I so very aware that I am late. However, in my defence, the list of errands my parents disposed into my care turned out to be much longer that I anticipated."

Lizzie's monologue proceeded her entry into the home, lasting through the removal of her shoes and jacket as well. Huffing out a breath of air, she smiled and swung her arms out before hugging Everett.

"Hello, by the way."

He chuckled, returning her comforting gesture. "Must have been quite a list, huh?"

She rolled her eyes, stepping away from him. "You have no idea. I just want to lounge on your couch with your soda and your chips while watching your TV."

"I knew there were ulterior motives to your friendship. They finally come out of the woodwork. I see how it is."

The two grinned and began gathering the mentioned snacks , engaging in a nice general conversation about which show they would put on the TV for the rest of the afternoon.

"Have you spoken to Jesse at all?" Everett asked quietly. The first episode of the season they began just ended and he felt the need to ask as the music played and the credits rolled.

She stiffened before replying in a clipped tone, "Nope." She didn't seem to feel the same gut wrenching feeling that Everett did. He enjoyed the easy relationship he shared with Jesse. They had their routine, the little things they did that nobody else thought much of. He missed that.

He could also understand where Lizzie was coming from. He knew she tended to be a little protective. So the words his brother spoke the previous night fanned the flames of her instincts.

Everett couldn't exactly blame her, but he did want them all to get along again. And he knew eventually they would start talking, but would it be the same? His mind clung to that small seed of doubt lingering in the shadows. What if nothing was the same after this?

"What's up, frowny pants?" Lizzie asked, poking the crease in Everett's forehead.

He weakly smiled and shrugged. "I just hope it blows over soon, you know?" he replied, head bowed down and hands twined together. He really despised fighting these days.

He heard Lizzie sigh from beside him and pat his shoulder. "I promise it's gonna be over soon. It's just ... your idiot brother needs to figure himself out too, you know? What he said last night wasn't okay and I think we both know that."

Well, he couldn't argue with her there. The two sat there for a few minutes, just listening and watching the movie while they pondered their own thoughts.

"Hey, what time is it?" Everett asked out of the blue.

Lizzie peeked over at the clock and replied, "2:30. Why?"

"Jesse gets off at three and I didn't know if you curently possessed any inclination to see the man," he replied sheepishly. Truthfully, he was still a little rattled from the night before. He didn't know what to think at the moment and he was a bit confused. He didn't want to be a hypocrite and shun his brother for a rude moment when Everett himself treated Jesse rather terribly for most of his life.

He was truly conflicted at the moment and he hated it.

"I supposed you're gonna want to head home then, huh?" he said dejectedly, sagging a little. It did make him feel a bit better when he felt Lizzie's posture drop a bit as well.

At least she didn't want to leave either.

“Well, you can come to my house,” she said brightly after a few seconds, her posture changing to a more straight and excited one. "Just ask your mom and we can head out. Problem solved, right?"

Everett could just feel the thrill radiating off of her, but he couldn't bring himself to feel the same way.

He had never been anywhere but school and his own home. He knew those two places like the back of his hand. How could he go somewhere unfamiliar to him?

“Lizzie, I don't know your house,” he mumbled, shaking his head. “I'll like, trip or something.”

“No you won't. I'll keep you from falling. I'll make sure you know where the steps are and where chairs are set up. Everett, I'm not the kind of person that would let you down like that,” Lizzie told him firmly. "I can show you around and help you figure out where everything is. It'll be great!"

“Seriously, can't you see the large inconvenience there? Like, at all?”

“Everett,” Lizzie's voice turned serious and he could feel her scoot a bit closer. “You are never an inconvenience, do you understand? I'm doing this because I want to and whatever I have to do to make sure you're at ease and comfortable in a new situation I suggest is fine by me. I'll do whatever it takes, Everett, and that is a promise.”
* * * * * * * * * *

"Welcome to casa de la Baldwin! Or ... however you say it. I didn't take Spanish," Lizzie chuckled, leading Everett into her home. Lizzie had her hand still tucked into his elbow from leading him into the house. The two kicked off their shoes and hung their jackets as they carried on small conversation.

"So my dad is out of town for a few days, but mom is just up in her studio in case we need anything," Lizzie explained as she lined their shoes up. But the boy beside her just kept quiet, taking everything in little by little.

Everett felt a little awkward and awestruck - he hadn't been to the house of another in literally years. He had to admit, he was a little giddy regardless. It was almost like an adventure to him. He never really left the house. School was the only thing that seemed important enough to abandon the security of the walls for.

He liked that Lizzie's house was one of the few places he left his house for and even happier that she even invited him over. He felt like he just stepped into an entirely different world. The house smelled different than his own and that somewhat surprised him. Where his home smelled like cookies and baked goods, Lizzie's house smelled very floral and wild, almost. He could smell what he thought were candles and the flower spray most liekly her mom let loose earlier.

Overall, it was really nice. Different, but now he knew why Lizzie smelled the way she did most of the time.

Not that he spent an awful lot of time sniffing his best friend ... nope.

"Okay, so let's see. Uhm, oh! So I'm gonna let you go for a second," Lizzie stated, releasing the arm she once held in a nice vice like grip. She must have seen the panicked look on Everett's face because her voice softened and she said, "Don't worry. I'll be close. I just thought it would be cool for you to get to know the lay of the land, you know?"

Everett nodded uneasily, understanding the logic in her words but still hesitant to put them into action. So with one hand slightly outstretched in case he needed her, Everett took slow steps forward. Lizzie directed him easily through her home, grabbing his hand and directing him a few times when he didn't move in time.

But otherwise, it went smoothly. Everett couldn't stop the grin the covered his face at this new accomplishment. He hoped that he would be here enough to memorize the layout like his own home.

That would be ideal in his books.

"Okay, so what kind of movie do you wanna watch? I own nearly everything," Lizzie confessed, owning up to be a complete movie nut.

It took them about ten minutes to come to a decision, but they finally settled on letting Tarzan play.

"Movie, check," Lizzie announced, standing up. She tapped Everett's arm and said, "What snacks do you want? We have way too many chips, a variety of sodas, a two pound bag of Skittles, popcorn and of course ... Twinkies."

When Everett seemed to have a bit of trouble picking one item, she just laughed and promised to bring back a little of everything.

Once she left the room, Everett leaned back on the couch and shut his eyes.

This was definitely nice.

* * * * * * * *

They just began the scene where the baby baboon stole Jane's sketchbook when the sound of piano filled the room. It took Everett and Lizzie a few seconds to realize the sound came from her phone.

Quick to grab the device, Lizzie checked the screen and bit her lip upon seeing the name. Patting Everett's arm, she said, "I gotta take this. Be right back, okay?" she said quietly, trying not to distract from the movie.

When Everett nodded his head, she jumped off the couch and went through the kitchen, slipping out the backdoor for a moment.

Securing the latch behind her, Lizzie wrapped one arm around herself and answered the call. "Hey."

"Liz, how's it going this fine and wonderful day?" Her aunt Kate's voice rang out on the other side of the line, a forced chipper edge blantly exposed. But Lizzie decided to humor her.

"I'm great. I have a friend over right now," she mentioned casually. Maybe knowing Lizzie had company at the moment would speed up the conversation. Everett would be wondering where she went off to.

Lizzie heard her aunt sigh on the other end of the line. "Lizzie, you need to come back," she said softly. "And I reccommend you do so as soon as you can."

Sucking in a shallow and quick breath, Lizzie pushed a hand against her forehead and rubbed it. "Are you sure?"She thought this was over a long time ago. Why now?

"Positive. Everything came back positive. You need to come back to Flagstaff."

Lizzie could feel her heart drop and she clenched her eyes shut. "This can't be happening," she breathed out. Clearing her throat, she replied, "When do you want me to come down?"

* * * * * * * * * * *

"Everything okay?" Everett asked as soon as Lizzie stepped foot back in the living room.

Despite his inability to see, she forced a smile on her face. He would know if something was off just by the tone of her voice. Those kind of little idiosyncrasies were the ones that she both hated and appreciated.

"Yeah, absolutely! Just my aunt calling to check in, you know?" Everett nodded and she let out a silent breath of air as she sat next to him. As she threw herself down, her feet flew up and landed on Everett's lap.

He casually raised an eyebrow. "Yes, Lizzie, I would love to play the part of your footrest. Might I interest you in a foot rub as well? Perhaps some tea as you enjoy your relaxation?"

Lizzie grinned widely. She absolutely loved the teasing side of Everett that emerged over the past few months. So different from the surly and sour man she met before.

"And by the way, don't think I can't tell you're upset just because you act all cheerful," Everett told her casually, taking a sip of his soda.

The girl in question chewed her bottom lip nervously and didn't reply. He busted her anyway, so what was the point of lying? Everett would just see through that, too.

"It's no big deal," she replied. There was no way she could really lie, but she could mask it a bit. She just didn't want him to know what was going through her mind right now. He would worry too much and he honestly had enough on his plate without her added weight.

"C'mon, let's just finish the movie," she told him queitly, hoping to change the subject.

To her relief, he let it go.

But she knew it wouldn't last long.

* * * * * * * * *

I hope you liked this chapter! I'm so sorry it took so long to churn out and I really hope the next one doesn't take as long!

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