Chapter Twenty One

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So last chapter I asked about ship names and I found one that I really liked! So we are going to go with that - and it is Evezzie! (Pronounced Eh-veh-zee) as suggested by CatrionaKirk. This chapter is dedicated to her!

"Are we really sure that this is a good idea?" Jesse asked for what could have been the millionth time. He picked up the two twelve packs of soda he bought on the way home and ripped them open. The red cooler next to the counter began filling with the cans he placed inside. The pair of friends wouldn't be leaving until the next day, but Jesse wanted to ensure that they had everything they needed before they left. 

He wanted Everett to be happy. Jesse spent most of his life trying to make him so. But a cross country trip? With only Lizzie as his guide? It spelled all sorts of trouble to Jesse. As one could probably tell, worried would be an absolute understatement. The guy practically sweat out bricks for the past two weeks.

Ever since the night where the fate of Everett's trip became sealed in stone, Jesse tried - he really did - to be a supportive brother. But worry, anxiety and doubt continued to linger in his mind.

"Jesse," his mother replied in a warning tone. Her hands were busy mixing cookie dough in two different bowls, sugar cookies and chocolate chip. Over the course of several months, Denise learned that Lizzie loved frosted sugar cookies and of course she knew that Everett loved chocolate chip.

Jesse huffed in annoyance and closed the lid of the cooler before searching for the few bags of chips and snacks he bought, as well as the bread and sandwich meat. When he found them and held them up, Denise raised an eyebrow. "What?" he asked defensively. "If we send them off with enough food and drinks, they won't have to make as many stops and there's less of a chance of something bad happening to them," he explained with a look of 'duh' on his face.

Denise couldn't help but smile as she watched him scurry around the kitchen for the items he already purchased, grumbling when he realized he forgot to get some things.

"Maybe you should take a breath and go see what Everett's up to," she told him, putting a hand on his shoulder to stop his work. Jesse looked over his shoulder her and sighed in resignation, nodding as he put down the snacks and walked out of the room.

He wondered if Everett was feeling anything but excitement. Were nerves even making an appearance? Jesse felt kind of foolish for having so many anxieties about the trip, but as he once explained to Lizzie - he's sort of felt like the older brother for a long time. Watching Everett just take off on a road trip that he wouldn't be going on as well? It, to be frank ... terrified him.

Jesse wondered if anything bad would happen and, how would he help protect Everett like he's been doing if he isn't there?

But, never the less, he powered on towards Everett's room, hopefully with what appeared to be happiness and hope. Because really, it was a little hard to muster at the moment when all he wanted to do was worry and fret.

He finally ended up in front of Everett's door and knocked lightly, not bothering to wait for a response. "You all set? Big stuff happening tomorrow," he said, forcing a sense of cheer in his voice. This was a big step for Everett and he didn't want to bring down the excitement.

Everett turned around, a grin on his face. "Yeah, I think I got everything." Jesse watched as his brother walked expertly around his room, pulling things out of drawers and hangers, taking things off shelves and putting them all in his suitcase.

"Sometimes I forget how capable you really are," Jesse said softly, leaning against the door frame.

Everett looked at him in confusion. "Huh? What are you talking about?"

Jesse sighed and walked into the room, sitting in the chair Everett had in the corner. "You have to understand something, Everett. I love you to death and even though sometimes I show it in a screwed up way, I would do absolutely anything for you," Jesse confessed. Everett sat down on his bed, listening to Jesse. "Ever since we were kids, I did my best to make sure you were happy. And even though I continued to protect and help you, I lost the ability and drive to make you happy. I failed completely there.

I guess what I'm trying to say it ... I want you to be happy and even though I know this trip is going to make you happy and its going to be a brand new adventure for you, I worry. I'm scared something bad is going to happen and I won't be there to help out. I keep thinking we're kids still and the truth is ..."

Jesse smiled at Everett, even though he knew the elder couldn't see it. "We're not kids anymore. We're all grown up and you are more than capable of taking care of yourself. I just have to realize that and just ... wow, this god really cheesy really fast," he finished, laughing a little.

Everett joined in and smiled in return. "Yeah, it did. But I totally get it, Jess. You've always been there for me and I can't tell you how much I appreciate how much you gave up just to be with me all the time. And thank you for at least faking being stoked about me leaving tomorrow," he teased, sticking his tongue out.

With a groan, Jesse slapped his hands over his face and slid them down. "Seriously, how do you do that?"

"With skill, Padawan. With grand skill."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Instead of an alarm clock waking me up in the morning as usually expected, Everett found himself waking up to a small gurgling and squeals, accompanied by two small hands slapping either side of his face.

With a slight frown, Everett opened his eyes. "Cole?" he croaked out, voice still thick from sleep.

The babble (and common sense. Der!) told Everett that he guessed right. He couldn't help but smile a bit, sitting up in bed and opening his arms in an invitation for his youngest brother.

Since the babysitting Cole and Violet weeks ago, he didn't mind being around the younger as much. He never really did much with Cole because he was a little afraid his sight would cause problems in the situation.

But Everett's been learning things lately; things his family and Lizzie couldn't teach him. He's been learning that he's not helpless, that he can do things like watch his younger brother.

He's breaking out of the weird zone that he kept himself inside for years and is finally doing things for himself.

The biggest of which is happening later that day. "You know I'm leaving today, don't you, bud?" he asked as Cole accepted the silent invitation Everett extended and crawled into his lap, snuggling up against his chest. "Yup, soak it up while you can, Cole. You're going to have to go without for two weeks, so..."

Cole shook his head and snuggled further into Everett and the older smiled a little. "Okay, maybe we should go grab something to eat, huh?" he asked, poking his little brother in the stomach and eliciting giggles from him.

Everett swung his legs over the side of his bed, Cole still in his grip, and stood up. He slowly made his way out of his room and down the hall. Even though he's gotten good at carrying Cole around, Everett still liked to take it slow and careful. He didn't want to trip over something and hurt him and Cole.

"Morning," Everett said quietly upon entering the kitchen.

Denise went to say good morning, but slightly groaned. "Cole! I thought you went into the living room, you little booger." The weight of the youngest North sibling was lifted from Everett and his mom continued, apologizing, "I'm sorry he woke you up. I wanted to make sure that you had enough sleep for the trip today."

She sounded a little put out and Everett just shook his head. "It's all good, I had my alarm set for eight anyways. I don't think I would have been able to sleep longer than that."

Before she could say anything, Everett took a deep breath and could smell pancakes being made. "Breakfast smells good," he noted, changing the subject.

Everett made his way to the table and sat down. "Is Jesse awake yet?" he asked, noticing that his brother wasn't sitting at the table.

"Yeah, he's been awake for a while. I think he's compiling a checklist and doing a review of all the stuff he packed for you yesterday," Denise replied with a chuckle, sitting down at the table with a plate full of pancakes. She put two on Everetts, along with bacon, and some eggs, and repeated this action with the other plates.

"Jesse!" She called up the stairs. "Breakfast is ready, get down here."

No reply sounded out, however, the door upstairs door shut and Jesse's footsteps came bounding down the stairs.

His butt hadn't even touched the chair when he asked, "Did you pack your phone charger?"

Everett smirked a little, covering it up with a mouthful of food. He nodded in reply and hummed his response.

"What about toothbrush?"


"Why didn't you pack a toothbrush?!"

"Because I need it after breakfast?"

"Oh ... right."

Jesse ceased the inquisition after that, quietly eating his food. But Everett knew what was on his mind. The same thing running through his mind and the minds of their parents.

The road trip.

They all hoped for the same thing, yearned for the same outcome.

"I hope you have a good time, Everett."

The sentiment came from Jesse, surprisingly the only one brave enough to say what everyone was thinking.

It made Everett smile.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Everett stood by Lizzie's car, inhaling deep and taking in the last few minutes of his time on familiar soil. Soon, he would be headed off onto a whirlwind adventure, something he never thought would happen for him.

He could feel his heart racing deep inside his body and he nearly clutched his chest to try and stop

A soft hand laid on his shoulder and immediately, Everett knew it to be his mother. He immediately wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug, the realization sinking in that he wouldn't be here for a couple of weeks now.

"How much of a wimp would you consider me to be if I told you I'm a little scared?" Everett asked quietly, forcing out a chuckle.

Denise took in a breath and replied, "Not at all, Everett. You're going on an adventure and it's okay to scared of new things. But you'll conquer all those fears and come back with stories and souvenirs. It's going to be great, I promise."

Her words helped ease the tension that built up in Everett and he relaxed slightly. Denise released him and he gulped, giving her a shaky smile.

Jesse came up to him next, giving him a hug as well. "Please be careful, okay?"

Everett felt choked up as he nodded, not knowing what else to do. He couldn't think of anything to say. Nerves were lodged inside his body and he had no idea how to stop them.

"Take care, you two."

"We'll be okay, Jess. I promise, okay? I'm a very safe driver and we're taking the easy way. It'll be a few extra hours, but it'll make sure we bypass the intense traffic." Lizzie assured, appearing out of nowhere beside Everett.

She laid a hand on his shoulder and Everett forced the confidence and assurance back into his body that was there when this entire idea came to light. "Love you guys," Everett said, giving each member of his family a hug again.

Before any other distractions or reasons or feelings could come up again, Everett climbed into Lizzie's car and let out a deep breath of air. He could do this.

He could totally do this. Adventures were a good thing, right?

The door on his other side slammed shut and Lizzie asked, "You okay?" Concern laced her voice and Everett nodded, unable to speak at the moment. Anticipation and nerves filled his entire being.

Lizzie mumbled an 'okay' and instructed him to fasten his seatbelt; as he did so, he wondered how beneficial this decision would be for him. He wondered if maybe he should just turn back now and just stay home. They were still in the driveway, so he would be just fine, right?

But then the car roared to life and Lizzie began playing upbeat, summer type music; the windows rolled down and the car backed out of the driveway, speeding down the road with the wind blowing through their hair, and yeah ...

Everett totally made the right call.
* * * * * * * * *

So yeah, comment, vote and share this story! Thank you so much for all the support so far!

- Kim

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