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Most people have no idea how much personal strength they have until an event in their life occurs that causes them to dig deep within themselves and power through tough situations. For me it came after my diagnosis of my chronic illnesses. As a 14 year old it is very hard to learn that you have an incurable mystery illness that doctors don't even understand. I remember sitting in the doctors office with my parents thinking, "I can't do this." As they discussed testing, treatment, my prognosis, and what my illness would mean for me. You have to understand, since I was a little girl I have not liked being around sickness, and now I have a disease that requires weekly doctors visits and frequent hospital and ER stays. From my illness I have overcome my fears and have learned that I have so much more strength inside me than I ever thought possible.

For example:

1) I used to hate getting shots and now I don't even flinch when they have to put IV needles in my arms and hands (which is very often).

2) I used to get panic attacks just from having to visit my pediatrician, but now hospitals and doctors offices don't scare me at all.

3) I have learned to accept my sickness as the new normal and continue to enjoy my life despite being bedridden and bound to a wheelchair. Which in the beginning was something I never thought possible.

No matter what situations life throws at you, remember that you have way more strength than you think and that you will get through even the toughest of circumstances.

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