Mr. Green Eyes In P.E.

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No, no, no, no! This couldn't be happening! I thought I'd never see him again!
     Bree, who was sitting next to me was practically drooling over him. And I have to admit, this guy was totally drool worthy, with those green eyes, tall muscled frame, and light tan, he was a walking God. But a God that I most definanatly did not want in my P.E. class!!

     Bree ripped her eyes away from him and looked at me.

     "Oh MY GOSH, YOU TOTALY KNOW HIM!!" She practically yelled.

      I threw my hand over her mouth before she could tell any more and draw attention to me, but I was too late.
          The green eyed God was already looking my way, and when his eyes fell on me, he smirked. His eyes danced with excitement, and he started off towards me.

"Hi there Emily" he said with a cheeky smile on his face.

     "Hi Hayden" I said with a little more confidence than I was feeling.

         He chuckled and sat down next to me. I thought Bree was going to pass out at any second.

         "So Emily, tell me about your self." He said letting his long legs unfold and lay out in front of him while he set his hands behind him and used them to support him. But I instantly become suspicious.

    "Why do you want to know Hayden?" I ask cautiously.

       He chuckles a deep beautiful laugh and says " because I wanna know".

   I blush slightly at his words. No guys have ever been interested in me, so I don't know how to react to his words.

        Bree shoves her elbow into my side hard and I wince and hiss out an

            "ouch! What did you do that for!?".

        Bree gives me a hard stare, as if to say " what the hell are you doing!?" I roll my eyes at her and turn back to talk to Hayden.

          "I'll tell you, if you tell me" I said.

      If he wanted to know about me, he'd have to earn it fair and square. He frowned, dissapointed that I wasn't going to be that easy, but the frown didn't last long, and I knew he had come up with something probably not to nice.

"Come on Emily! Won't you even think about it?" Called Hayden following me out of the gym.

       "No!" I yell, not even turning back to look at him.

      I walk faster so that I can get to the girls locker room, where he can't follow me. He starts to run to stop me, and I don't move fast enough, his arm snakes around my waist so that I can't leave. He smirks as he looks down at me,

    "Where were you going?" I pout and struggle trying to escape the cage of muscle with out success.

       "I've never been late to class, and I have AG on the other side of the school!"I pout.

        Then he lets me go, I give him a surprised look and he laughs at my expression.

        "I finally got some info out of you!" He teases, and I roll my eyes and turn to go into the girls locker room to change, but he grabs me again and this time I have a plan.

       When he grabs me, I stomp on his foot and take off running, throwing open the locker room door, I peak out and stick my tounge out at him. He turns away and storms off, pouting that a girl bested him.

"Emily! Why didn't you say yes to the date!?" Cried Bree as we walked out of the locker room to go to our period 2 classes.

             I sighed, that girl just did not understand me at all.

     "Bree!" I whined like a two year old, " I have a job at the..... Oh, wait, I'm not working with the boys anymore" I said my voice trailing off, and my good mood vanishing into the thin mist of the morning.

      "Emily, this is a good thing! You can finally date because your 16, you aren't working with those stupid horses anymore, your free as a bird!" She exclaimed.

      I felt a wave of sadness fall over me, I hadn't ridden Camino or Jackson in more than 5 months I missed them dearly.

     "why would he want to date me? I'm plain, and pale as a vampire! I love horses more than anything, and would be at the barn every day once I have another ride!" I said trying to get her to change her mind.

     Sometimes talking to Bree could be like talking to a brick wall.

         "Plus, it's not a date, it's an outing where we get to learn more about each other, and that boy is trouble! He will not be good for my grades!" I say.

    Bree rolls her eyes at me and I give up trying to make her understand.

      "Just because he's hot doesn't mean he's worth dating" I mutter and Bree's eyes light up.

     She runs up to Kacie and loudly says "I finally found someone Emiliy finally finds hot!" Kacie grins and runs back over to me walking backwards as I continue my way to AG.

             "Who is he? Or she? Kacie asks" wiggling her eye brows. I'm not gay or lesbian, I straight as they come, but more than half of my anime and choir friends are gay or lesbian and I support them.

     "Come on Kacie you know I'm straight as they come" I say.

           "and I'm as straight as a rainbow" says Kacie twirling and laughing.

           Despite my mood, I laugh, Kacie knows how to make my day better. "So who is it?" Kacie prompts.

      "Hayden La Mar" I say in defeat. Kacie nods her head, Kacie may be lesbian, but if a guy is really hot, she would date him.

             "I have to agree" she said doing some kind of weird made up dance as she continues to walk backwards.

       I say good bye to Bree, and me and Kacie walk twords the AG building. AG stands for Agricultural Science.

     Because of where I live, I was going to go to a really bad school, but MVA was only five minutes away and I had always wanted to go to school there to join the AG program.

      Kacie and I both have AG, but she has it period 5 and I have it period 2. We walk all the way to the steps that descend down the the baseball field and the AG classrooms as well as the farm. The bell rings and Kacie heads off to history with Haskell.

                As I go down the stairs Nick Peterson slides down the hand rail laughing as his girlfriend Abby tries to catch up to him, but is miserably failing.
         If Nick never opened his mouth, he'd be the hottest guy in the whole school.
     Nick was quite the bad boy and had a foul mouth. He was a major jerk as well.

      Abby was 15 and wore clothes way too tight and short, it would have looked better if Abby were model skinny, but Abby was a little heavier than me, and tight clothes just looked trashy on me.

          I picked up speed going down the stairs, wanting to avoid any more chaos that might be brought by the foot ball players who were rushing to get to class on time.

   Citlali came down the stairs quickly to catch up to me. Citlali is a nice girl, last year, her, me, Brie Shannon, and Esteé competed together at the Best Informed Greenhand competition for the FFA ( Future Farmers Of America).

     Brie Shannon is very smart and is always an A student, she raises animals in the 4-H program near the school.
Brie has red hair like mine, but not the same color, hers is less of a red and more of a brown.

    Esteé is a rather small girl, who is even paler than me, which was saying a lot.
she wears a pair of glasses and looks like an honor student, but if you get her sleep deprived and sugar high, she will shatter her good girl mask and go crazy!

As I reached the bottom of the stairs I walked over to the classroom saying hello to the other AG teacher Darryl. Darryl looks like a scary old farmer, but he's actually quite the cool dude.
He goes to horse shows to support his students who ride and helps during the show to carry tests back and forth from judge to the person putting together the score.

Darryl is tall, but not too tall, he's about 6' with black hair and a jet black beard, his belly hangs out a little and he wears plaid shirts that have the buttons on them.
His room smells of all the pet snakes and rodents he has.

My teacher is Cherie, Cherie is always cheerful. She loves the minions, and Jurassic park. AG is my easiest class, the class I can do work I have forgotten to do last minute.

Today we put together our record books for the FFA, and it is a labourious task for me because I have to put all the expenses I had for the boys.
At this point for the book I'm pretending I'm still working with them.

Lately though, I've been out to see a horse named Bella, but Bella is crazy, she's not even under saddle at the walk.
She's a nervous Arabian mare that had not been out of her stall in the past 7 years.
I had been trying to make ends meet but, there are just some horses that you can't ride.

After finishing up the record book, I wonder if Hayden will have any classes with me... I laugh, there's no way that kid is honor classes, I giggled.

As I walked up the long flight of stairs up to my next class, AP lit. I tossed my earbuds in and turned my music to Set It Off's Bleak December.
I walked over to the 221 class room at the 200 building and went to open the door, but holding open the door was none other than, Hayden La Mar!

* that one was a long chapter, sorry for any spelling errors, I'm not an honor student, but for the purpose of just having fun, I chose to be~ 😜 This book is just something I wrote for fun~ hope you enjoy~*

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