Chapter Seventeen

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I can't thank enough for all the votes and reads. Merci!


I sat outside on the front porch, waiting for Ms. Haley to pull up. The sun had started to set when her van pulled into the driveway. My leg bouncing with uneasiness, as she got out of the car with a folder. Both of us had something to say and I determined myself to go first. "Hello, North," she greeted, as she made her way towards me.

"Hello. So I need to tell you something first," I quickly said, standing up to greet her.

She noticed the tension and uneasiness in my voice and stopped. She nodded and led me, reassuringly, to the twin chairs by the porch. "Yes, of course. Is everything okay?" she sat down, placing her cup and folder in the table.

I shook my head once and sighed before quickly blurting out, "I think saw my mother at the clothing store. No, I saw her. I mean she had a baby with her and she stopped to talk to my brothers. I am a hundred percent sure it was her."

Ms. Haley's eyes widened and paused not saying anything for a minute. I did not bother to look at her until she spoke. "It's bold of her to walk into a crowded place. Are you sure it was her?"

Maybe, it wasn't her but instead a curious woman. It could have been just a coincidence. My mother wouldn't be bold enough to step forth and comfort my father, much less a store with security.

"Maybe your right. I'm probably just still paranoid about the incident," I told her and sat back in my chair.

Ms. Haley glanced at me before reassuring. "I can get in touch with the store and get the police to run the surveillance for you."

I smiled at her and nodded, "Thanks."

She gave me a small smile before sighing. She picked up the folder and slid it to me. Ms. Haley did not say a word until I took it into my hands and opened it. "The police were wondering if you know about your father's job."

I quickly sat forward and shuffled through the papers. The face that I thought I knew so well, wasn't the man in the pictures. My eyes darted through the papers as I read, "He was a cybercriminal? What about my mother?"

"Aiding a criminal," she answered. "He was nearly caught by police until he ran from them-"

"-Nine years ago. I was only seven then. I remember my father freaking out as my mother was fixing dinner. He was also in his study but I can never forget the way he was ordering us to get into the car. I was completely terrified at the way he was speeding away from the house. We didn't bring anything but the clothes on our body and the cash that was in the trunk."

"He managed to steal millions of dollars from individuals like the Thompsons. Only God knows what he did on the run," she said, before gathering the folder back.

She stood up and I followed suit. "Why did you show me this?"

Ms. Haley slowed to a stop. "I felt like you had the right know, after all, he is your father."

I grimaced at her. "He is not my father. Not ever since he changed."

She rubbed a reassuring hand on my arm before waving farewell. I watched her leave the driveway before turning away and heading indoors. His face still burned in the back of my mind.


I'm ending this chapter shorter than usual because the next chapter is going to be incredibly long. Until next time.

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