❅ Chapter Seventeen ❅

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Early morning, a few days later, Risa smelled the smell of eggs, toast, and biscuits. The smell floated into her room as well as the whole house signaling it was no doubt time to get up. That was the best alarm system, the smell of delicious breakfast to wake up to put you in a good mood.

She knew Marie was in the kitchen making breakfast. She hadn't ever had a homemade breakfast. She didn't count biscuits for breakfast back at the orphanage as a real homemade breakfast. The whole time they had been here she had made them such tasty meals. She has never eaten so well before now. Having a family who loved you was no doubt a joy. She hoped she would be able to find her own.

She got out of bed, making it before she went to get dressed for the day. Putting in a dress Marie had laid out for her the previous night was such a touching gesture. Not to mention she was able to keep every dress she had been given, it was nice of her. It may have been a bit dated, she was just happy to have a few choices of clothes.

She made her way down the hall and into the kitchen, pulling out a chair she sat down crossing her ankles. She glanced at those at the table. "Good morning Rolando, Vincent, Randolph, and Marie." She greeted them happier than ever. She then looked at the breakfast that was before her."Hmm, Marie, this all looks so delicious." 

Marie smiled happily as she bowed her head before sitting down. "Good morning Risa. I am glad you think so. It was made from the bottom of my heart with love." She said placing a hand over her heart before beginning to pour the orange juice. "This is freshly squeezed from my greenhouse. The orange tree was a gift from Randolph for our thirtieth wedding anniversary."

Risa found that so romantic. She didn't know how old they were nor did she dare to ask. She did know they had to at least be married for forty to fifty years. "That is so sweet." She wanted her future husband to give her such things after she was married. She only wanted things that had a purpose and not knick-knacks that sit and collect dust.

Rolando couldn't help but happily hum as he stuffed the eggs into his mouth. "As always, love makes everything taste better." He mused glancing over at his mother. He was going to miss her homemade food when they left for Paris. "I have missed your cooking mother, I am just glad to see you again after all these years."

Marie scooped a chunk of butter with her knife then spread it on the biscuit nodding her head with a smile. She was touched by his words and scoffed, shaking her head. "Oh, Rolando. Love is what makes everything better. I am happy to have you with us, being apart for so long has hurt." She placed her hand over her heart before taking a bite out of the biscuit.

Rolando's eyes brightened up at his mother's words. He had missed her but had been so preoccupied with Frontance and the restoration of the palace. "I couldn't agree more." He agreed with his mother since, after all, his mother was right. It hurts being far away from his family and finally, he was home.

Risa took a sip of cold and delicious orange juice. There was something about the refreshing taste of fresh orange juice. She set it down on the table. Seeing Rolando and his family have such a precious moment makes her heart yearn to have that. "What is on the agenda today?" She asked, breaking away from her thoughts.

Randolph sat down his newspaper on his lap, after folding it up. He had been busy reading the news that he hadn't been participating in the conversation. "I believe a few more lessons on how to act and balance them you will be on your way to Paris." Time has no doubt passed so quickly that it was hard to believe their stay was almost up.

Rolando was sad to leave but was grateful to see Stella, his one and only love. He had missed her and speaking and writing letters wasn't the same thing. "At least I want to make it to Stella's before dinner. This afternoon we will be leaving for Paris, our neighbor will take us, he had to go there to drop off a few things." He already had things planned out.

Risa perked up. Her heart was almost flying as she was suddenly overwhelmed with the very idea of going to Paris. She hadn't forgotten per se, she just had been busy practicing being a notable lady. "I can not wait to see Paris with my own eyes. I also can't wait to meet Stella, she sounds so sweet." She had heard so much about her.

Vincent could care less about Rolando and his romance with Stella and all this happiness over a city. It was a little annoying, to say the least. "Where are we staying in Paris? You still haven't told us, Rolando." He pointed out. They had to stay somewhere unless he hadn't planned that out.

Rolando gave the 'silly me' look and shook his head. "I can't believe I forgot to tell you guys. I am putting us up in a hotel for our stay. It is close to most everything in Paris so we won't be traveling so long to get to our destinations. I also happen to know the owners. They are acquaintances and would be happy to allow us to stay there." He explained, glad to have resources.

Risa had to do a double-take. He had got them to stay in a hotel? Knowing Rolando and who he knew to be it had to be a fancy hotel for the rich. "Wait, a real hotel? We are staying in one of those fancy hotels with the marble floors?" She asked curiously with a dreamy gaze in her eyes. She had always dreamed of what it would look like to be inside one, but she never dreamed of actually staying in one.

Rolando was amused that Risa was so curious about this. She was right, it would be a huge hotel that only the rich can afford. "Yes, Risa. As the former military sergeant for Nathan, I knew a handful of people who had visited the palace a lot of times. I occasionally helped them with things they needed that my title didn't cover." He smiled as he spoke, sipping from his drink after he had finished.

Vincent scoffed at what he had said and gave his eyes a roll. "Pfft, sure you did. You told me most of the time you were a tour guide. Don't sugarcoat it and make it sound grander than it was." He shot at Rolando, being a little sour. He didn't know why he was being so sour, he just was oddly enough easily annoyed at everything.

Rolando frowned, glancing at Vincent. He had no clue what had made him say such a thing. He could tell he was annoyed by his foot tapping and shifting in his seat. "I was not sugarcoating it. I had more responsibilities than my title and I had just stated that." He replied by picking up the napkin and dapping the corner of his mouth.

Risa ignored Vincent altogether, he was being a jerk and it was uncalled for. "That sounds fascinating. No wonder you know so many people and have so many connections. Your name holds its weight everywhere we have gone for the past month and a half." She could only dream that someday her name would hold that much weight.

Marie hadn't given it much thought but truthfully their journey had been tough. She didn't know how they could have bred it. "I still can't believe for a month and a half you had been traveling after the accident on that train. I am glad you ended up conquering your fear, Risa. I know it is very easy to overcome fear." She softly said.

Risa nodded as she pushed up her empty plate. She patted her stomach which was now filled to the prime of food. "Yes, I had to understand that not all conductors are trying to kill you and besides, it was better than walking all day and resting only for the night." She admitted not caring if she had to admit she had that fear.

Vincent glanced at her and couldn't help but shake his head. "I think you left out the part where you had been whining most of the trip. "My feet hurt." "Are we there yet?" "Can we take a break now?" It was annoying. You didn't hear me complain about the hours of being stuck outside in the cold snow." He mocked her using a girly voice leaning back in the chair.

Risa frowned and crossed her arms over her chest. He was a real jerk. Yes, she may have said those things a few times, but she had kept to herself most of the time. "I do not sound like that! Yes, I may have been asking and stating facts, but I certainly wasn't whining." She shot at him, narrowing her eyes at him before sticking her nose in the air. 

Marie stood up and gathered up the dishes of those who had finished. "Alright, you two that is enough. I can agree with Rolando that Vincent needs to stop antagonizing Risa and Risa you need to stop giving in and ignore him. It would be best if you just dropped the subject and moved onto something different." She pointed out.

Risa sighed looking up at Marie and slouching a little bit in her chair. She was right. She needed to just let it go and forget how he is. "I try my best to ignore him but sometimes I don't want to give him the satisfaction of feeling right if I say nothing to him." She was being honest with why she kept going at him.

Vincent gave the orphan girl a sideways glance. He narrowed his eyes at her and scoffed  "Oh sure or maybe it is because you always have to have the last word." She always seemed to say something after he had said. To him, she always had to have the last word which was why she couldn't just leave anything alone.

Rolando stood up making the legs of the chair screech against the floor as he scooted it back. "That is enough. We have much to do before we leave for Paris in a few hours. Which includes packing up and saying our goodbyes. That is going to be hard. We haven't been here that long and we must leave." He exclaimed looking at the two before sitting back down.

Randolph had taken notice that he was acting like a father to those two young adults. He then laughed gently at the end of his words. "Rolando, you will see us again. Perhaps we may drive up to see you in Paris since your mother is running out of the macaroons she likes from that one bakery." He told his son, glad he had come.

Marie nodded agreeing with what her husband had said. "He is right. It isn't like you're going back to Canada for the rest of your life. You said yourself that you are staying in France for as long as it takes to help find Risa's family. Finding someone isn't an easy task, so just remember not to rush into anything." She was glad it was like old times and she could see him whenever they wished.

Risa was touched that he would stay for as long as it took to find her family. It made her want to cry, her heart swells twice as big. "You would stay with me in Paris until I found my family? That is a long time and I don't even know if they are here." She couldn't let him do such a thing. She already was feeling like a burden during this whole time. 

Rolando chuckled, waving her off with his hand. "We will find them. First, we will start with that pocket watch of yours. Only one clock shop makes those but he is out for the whole next week for personal matters." He wanted to make sure she found what she was looking for and would be able to stand on her own feet.

Risa frowned at what he had said. Could she wait that long? She hoped it was quick but Marie had also said it wasn't an easy nor quick task. "A week? Goodness, that delays finding my family. What makes you so sure he will know how many of these he made and all who bought them?" She had made a point, that was a little far-fetched for them to do.

Rolando was sure he would be able to help her out. "He is very organized and has kept every transaction written down and looked in a box for safekeeping. I am sure he will find who all made them." He knew deep down everything would fall into place. He had everything mapped out and he would exhaust every possible way.

Risa nodded, crossing her legs and resting her arms on the table. "I sure hope he does." She truthfully hoped she would get a lead and if that meant going to every name of those who bought it she would do. She stood up from the table and sighed, she should go ahead and start packing. It would take a while.


Noon soon rolled around and everyone was ready to leave for Paris. Rolando was loading their suitcases into the back of the horse-drawn carriage they were riding into France. "I think these bags have gotten heavier, especially Risa's." He groaned placing his hands on his back and stressing it backward after he had loaded up the suitcases.

Risa walked out of the house, Marie following behind. "Oh, Marie, this lacy baby pink and white dress is stunning." She exclaimed, spinning around and the gauzy white layers underneath fanned out. "And these pearly white heels go so well. I can not keep all these. This is way too much. I have more clothes than I could ever wear." 

She was not turning down all she had been given. She was feeling a bit greedy with all these gifts. She had never had a gift before or at least for as long as she could remember. "Are you sure you wish for me to keep them?" She asked, looking at the older woman. She felt bad to accept such things. She knew they were expensive.

Marie smiled as she looked at the young lady up and down. She moved some curly hair from her face and placed a white hairband on her hair. "Of course I wish for you to keep it. I am never going to be wearing such clothes. Besides, you look beautiful and could put these to good use." She was proud of the girl before her.

Risa hugged her tightly before turning to Vincent and Rolando. "What do you guys think? Do I look beautiful? Do I look like a French girl?" She asked playfully, placing her hands on her hips and popping out her right hip. She hoped they liked her outfit, even if they didn't she couldn't care less.

Vincent was in awe of how beautiful she looked. He had never admitted this but she was beautiful, despite her nature. "The little orphan girl cleans up well and could pass as a duchess. What are the odds?" He mused seeing she looked much like Persia did at her age in the paintings back at the palace. Of course, he tried to pass it off as he was merely teasing.

Risa blushed just a tiny bit but rolled her eyes and scoffed at what he had said, playing it off and not giving him the pleasure of knowing he had made her blush. "Pfft, thanks, Vincent. I am glad you think so. Although I could care less what you out of all people think." She commented. "Also, did you just compare mentors to the Duchess?"

Vincent gave a lopsided smile, amused how his words had taken effect on her and that made him proud. "I was teasing. You're welcome. Of course, you do, typical Risa could care less about what I think. It isn't such a bad thing though." He didn't care about what she said so he was one to talk.

Rolando walked over and smiled seeing how beautiful and older she looked all dolled up. "Risa you are beautiful. I see you shortened the dress you wore to your sister's wedding many decades ago. I can't believe you still have that." It was refreshing to see such a beautiful dress get a makeover into something new.

Marie nodded pretty proud of her work and pointed out what else she had altered and added. "I shortened the dress I wore as a bridesmaid. I also used the fabric I cut off to make the slightly puffy sleeves, the sash, and the ruffles on the bust of the dress. It may be ahead of its time, but isn't that what fashion in Paris is? Pushing the limits and trying new things?" She explained, finding this dress was her pride and joy.

Risa was beaming at how pretty she looked. She spun around and smoothed it down. She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. "It looks way ahead of its time, Marie! Who knows, I may end up bringing a new era of fashion." She joked gently, pushing her hair to her back and crossing her arms. She hadn't heard what she had said about it being ahead of its time.

Vincent looked over at Risa and crossed his arms. "So you don't care that it was only tailored to fit you and it is from several decades ago?" He asked, finding it hard that she didn't mind not getting something brand new and could be happy with hand-me-downs.

Risa shook her head, not very pleased with his words. "I don't care. I am happy to be able to get such beautiful clothes. Seeing as I have no money to buy anything with. I only had one dress growing up and I am glad to wear something different." She could only dream of owning such clothes and she would have them being given to her.

Marie looked between the two and smiled. Even though they were constantly at each other's throats she found them cute. "Oh, I also made some strawberry pie for you guys to give to Stella. I know it is her favorite." She said, holding out the pie her husband had given her. The smell was wonderful and it was still quite warm.

Rolando smiled, taking the pie and sniffing it. He had always loved her pies and he knew Stella would love it. Cherry pie. A classic with fresh, juicy red and black cherries in a sugary cider sauce. "Oh my, mother, this is delicious and smells so strong. Stella will love this, thank you." He closed the lid to the box and his mother tied it back up in a pretty little bow.

Risa peaked at the cake before he had closed the box up. "I am not a fan of cherry but I will eat it if I am offered. I am more of an apple pie type of girl, and Vincent is more of a blackberry pie boy. I never thought Vincent would like blackberries. He always strikes me as a green apple type person, sour and only good for one thing." She teased and laughed. 

Vincent gave her a sideways look. "Haha, very funny. I do prefer blackberry pie over all other pies. Not only for the fact it stains your tongue which I am not afraid to admit is fascinating, but the berries are also sweet." He said. He sounded like he was a professor teaching about blackberries

Risa laughed crossing her arms over her chest. She rolled her eyes and huffed. "You are a child Vincent! You hate things that stain your fingers or tongue because it takes forever to go away. Plus berries like that are perfect for dye and paint." She knew a little about that since Mrs. Hemmingworth would have them dye her clothes or paint designs on them for her to sell.

Rolando walked over and set the pie inside a small chest and closed it. It shouldn't move around and where it was it should fall off. "I think it is about time we should leave." He said walking over to his mother and father. "Farewell, I will see you once again in a few days, perhaps even a week. I will call you when we get to the hotel." He hugged them tightly.

Marie hugged her son tightly, kissing both sides of his cheeks before she held them between her hands. "Alright my boy. I love you, be safe please." She told him to step back so her husband could take his turn. She was sad to see him go but knew it was what was best. He had a task to do and she knew he would see it through.

Randolph hugged his son tightly with a smile. He patted his back a few times before pulling away. "Yes please be safe, son. We love you so much, I love you." He told him, meaning everything from the bottom of his heart. He held his wife's hand tightly and stepped closer to her.

Rolando looked at his parents, his face shining brighter than the sun that was outside. He was blessed to have such wonderful and loving parents. "I will, we will be safe. Take care for now alright? I loved seeing you again, it made my life to spend these last few days with you again." He was glad everything happened how it did.

Marie was flattered, her cheeks lightly tinted pink. She waved her hand in dismissal, trying to fight the blush. "Oh Rolando, we will take a car, I promise. Paris is a big city, please take care of yourself." She was being a mother and fussing over him, reminding him of everything once again as all mothers do.

Risa walked up and hugged Marie tightly. She was thankful for all they had done for her. From the food to the lessons and the clothes, she was grateful. "I am going to miss you. You have been so kind and generous to me. Thank you for everything and I hope to see you again." She smiled, pulling away and hugging Randolph.

Marie smiled hugging Risa back tightly before pulling away. She was proud of how she turned out. And yes she may have been an orphan but she certainly was a well-mannered young lady. "You are most welcome, I am doing what anyone would do. You have a bright future ahead of you." She gently told her hoping she would take that.

Randolph nodded as he hugged her before pulling away. He was also quite proud of her and wished she would find her family. "She is right. No matter what happens, a family doesn't have to be blood to be family. Your friends can be just like family as blood." He gently nudged her with his hand playfully.

Risa was beaming at their words. That meant so much to her. Hearing someone tell her that touched her deep down. She didn't have that growing up but it was better now than never. "Thank you. I will always remember that. Even on bad days and if I don't find my birth family, I have you guys." She couldn't help but be grateful and touched by what they had said.

Vincent rolled his eyes and gave a mock gag. Did they have to do that? Honestly, it was just annoying. "I think I am going to be sick. Can you please stop with this mushy stuff and let's get on the road? I have things to attend too in Paris." He said, pivoting on his foot not wanting to throw up his lunch he had already eaten.

Rolando sighed walking to the horse-drawn carriage and climbed up in the very front. He gathered up the reins in his hands then turned around towards his parents. "Goodbye, mother, goodbye father." He said, waving at them. He recalled the last time he had bid them goodbye was when he left to train to be in Willard's military when he ruled.

Vincent just waved and got into the seat beside him in the middle. He looked back to see Risa still hugging them, going back and forth. "Come on Risa, it isn't like you won't see them again." He called over his shoulder. Did she have to take that much time and bid them goodbye when all she needed to do was say a quick hello and goodbye?

Risa frowned and picked up Loyal walking to the cart, she set her dog on the seat and climbed up. She picked up loyalty and sat down, sitting on her back. "Bye Marie, Randolph!" She called waving back to them. She was sad to see them go, but she was looking forward to what lay ahead. She would soon find her family.

Roland flicked the reins beginning to slowly move down the road. Soon they would be at Stella's and one step closer to finding Risa's family. Little did he know what Paris had in store for them was much more than that simple task.


Okay, I divided the prologue into three parts and built on to what I had. I made a note about it in the first part of the prologue but this is for those who have already been reading all of my current chapters. You can go check them out but nothing was changed, things were just added onto.

I have been kinda busy and not in the mood to write hence why this is late but do not worry. Chapter Eighteen will also be coming since I almost got it completely wrote up. So, yay for me! This novel is officially has the most chapters and I ain't even half way finished dividing and editing the other chapters I had already written up.

Chapter talk:
So, Risa, Vincent and Rolando are leaving Marie and Randolph's home to travel to Paris to meet up with Stella at her home. Saying goodbye to loved ones are always the hardest but hey, at least they will see them again.

I know I haven't been making note of characters clothes but I want to leave that to your imagination and only list the ones that I feel need to be listed. Like Risa, I enjoy writing out what she is wearing.

And lastly, anything else I forgot to ask my pals. I am happy to answer anything!

In closing, all rude, impolite and mean comments will be replied to in a diplomatic way, reported or deleted if I feel like it is attacking me personally.

Thanks for reading!

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