❅ Chapter Thirty-Seven ❅

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Meanwhile across Paris, Vincent stood at the train station, glancing at his watch as he waited for the train to pull into the station so he could get on. He had his ticket in hand and he was eager to get on his way.

He had a lot to do before he returned. He didn't want to spend a long time back in Canada, but he did want to at least spend a few weeks there. He felt if he stayed there any longer he might get too comfortable and not return to Paris. Other than his family and Rolando, he had no other reason to come back.

His mind wandered to how far the palace had come from when they left. Rolando had left it in good hands, maybe it was almost done? He doubted that since the palace was huge and had a ton of work to be done. Unless more help was hired, he had no clue where that money would come from. Although if people volunteered that would lessen the burden.

He pulled his scarf tighter, burying half his face into it so only his eyes were seen. "This is ridiculous. Why did it all of a sudden get so cold? It was nice, now it's freezing." He mumbled bouncing on his feet. It had been so nice but now it was becoming fridged.

Perhaps it was because of where he was standing with the trains coming in and out, bringing wind with them. Either way, his train was pulling into the station and he would soon be able to get on and leave Paris. He looked back, seeing the Eiffel Tower so far away, glittering against the night sky. He'd miss this place, but it wasn't like he wasn't coming back.

Loyal ran up to Vincent, after having weaved through the people who were coming off or getting on the train. She barked loudly and attached her jaw on his pant leg, growling and pulling on him. She needed to get his attention and this was the best way.

Vincent gasped and frowned trying to shake off the dog. "Get off -" He stopped and looked down at the mutt. "Loyal? What are you doing here?" He bent down to the dog. "Are you here to stop me from boarding the train?" He then noticed Loyal shaking her head. "What's wrong? Where is Risa?" He asked, not understanding what she was doing here.

Loyal whined, turning around and pawing at the ground before darting off a little and barking. "Come on, come on, come on, Risa is in trouble and needs your help!" She exclaimed, then realized it was barking at him.

Vincent looked at the train as he heard the conductor call as they were departing. He looked back at Loyal who seemed to want him to follow her desperately. "There better be a good reason why you want me to follow you." He mumbled, running after the dog. "I'm missing my train because of you."

Meanwhile, Risa hid behind a statue to try and catch her breath. She needed to at least catch her breath. Her side was throbbing with a sharp pain which she didn't know why. She didn't want to play the game but it seemed not joining in wasn't an option for her. Medusa made sure of that.

Took off her cardigan and counted to three and stepped out from behind the statue and held up her coat, letting a bunch of the dragon minions run into the coat. They squealed and fell to the ground, as she covered them up and darted off. "That ought to hold those imps for a while." She glanced back at them trying to get out from under it.

She was closest to Nathan and saw him struggling to swat away them with his hat as he sat. She opened her purse and grabbed out a small bottle of perfume "Nathan, here." She tossed him the bottle, knowing it was a good thing she had brought it with her.

Nathan caught it and looked over at her with a bewildered expression. "What am I supposed to do with this -" He cut himself off as he pointed the nozzle at them and squirted them with the perfume. They coughed and wheezed, falling to the ground on top of each other. So that was how he needed to use it. "Thanks, Risa." 

Risa rushed over to him and offered her hand out to him. "It's nothing. You do realize this is a complete waste of time right? There is no way we can win this even by finding creative ways to stop a few of them. There are hundreds." She bluntly explained, placing her other hand on her hip.

Nathan took her hand and pulled her behind a hedge. "I know. I just need to keep trying. I have been a coward - looking back now this is all my fault. I ran away from my kingdom when it needed me the most. It was my fault Clarissa was left behind and I was too stubborn to see it before." He frowned, running a hand through his hair.

Risa felt bad but she was trying to be optimistic. "But at least she survived. I know I may not completely believe that I am Clarissa, but you do have to admit I do look a lot like your wife when she was younger." She admitted sheepishly. "Maybe one day I'll - we'll believe it."

Nathan looked over at her, giving her a soft look. "You do look like her.. it is like looking at a painting of Persia when she was your age. Not to mention you were orphaned and had that pocket watch. It may take me some time to fully accept it too." He said resting a hand on her shoulder.

Risa placed her hand on top of his. "I hope I do not die tonight. I still need to apologize to Vincent. I shouldn't have been so hard on him, I can be so stubborn sometimes and not see clearly." She sighed, looking up at the starry sky, her breathing evening out.

Nathan looked up at it too and slightly smiled. "Now that is something I know all too well. If you are my daughter, that is something we have in common. Stubbornness. I still haven't learned. This must've been a wake-up call I needed, although I would prefer to have avoided this." He said, enjoying this little bit of peace.

Alas, it didn't stay peaceful long. The dragon minions flew around the hedge and charged at them. Risa and Nathan looked at each other and got up, darting back to where Medusa was, breaking off and going their ways.

Risa groaned rolling under a stone bench and running a hand through her messy hair. "This is useless. Fighting is only stalling time - maybe she doesn't even have a plan and is taking this time to come up with one." That seemed like the only logical reason she'd buy this time.

She looked over at Nathan who was using a stick to try and shoo them away. He was failing miserably and every attempt only made the dragon minions madder to the point where they would attack their claws onto his shirt and jacket, ripping them. They were trying to get to the skin.

Risa flinched at the thought, they had grazed the skin on her arms too many times. She couldn't remember where she had dropped her coat, nor could she figure out what else to do. She looked around the park, she could see Cyrene huddled in a corner with her siblings. Persia was in front trying to keep them away from the children, and they were just taking it out on her.

She couldn't stand this anymore, so she rolled out from under the bench and yelled. "Alright, that is enough. This is ridiculous! We fancied your little game Medusa, but it is over. I get it, we won't win, trying is only wearing us out and getting us hurt." She called out walking over to her. 

She placed her hands on her hips. "You don't have a plan, do you? You were just trying to buy time to think of one since you have waited years for this moment and didn't want to wait any longer." She said, making Nathan and Persia gasp at her words.

Medusa grinned standing up from the bench she had been sitting on. "I wasn't buying time. It was more amusing to see how much you would fight knowing there was no way to win. I was just waiting to see who would be bold enough to speak, and that was you." She tapped her cheek with her fingers. "And it was a wake-up call for Nathan to realize this is all his fault and admit it. So Nathan, how does it feel to admit you caused all this?"

Nathan gritted his teeth, his fists clenched at his sides. "It hurts to know I caused this. For a long time I had blamed everyone but myself, it made me bitter. Now I realize there is no way out. Even if I don't want to accept my fate I should be okay with the outcome. I brought this upon my family when I made the choices I did. I can admit that now."

Medusa was beaming, she couldn't believe he had uttered those words. "Keep going, anything else you wish to admit right here and right now?" She hoped he would admit he should have listened to her. She was enjoying seeing this side of Nathan. It might have been a little pathetic, but it was worth all the trouble she had to go through.

Nathan gritted his teeth and spoke. "If I had only listened to you and trusted you, you wouldn't be wanting to murder us for revenge. No, it doesn't make what you are doing justified, but it doesn't make me innocent either." He knew that was what she wanted to hear: the truth.

Risa grabbed a stick on the ground and darted for her while she had her back turned. She raised it in the air and attempted to swing it at her while she was distracted by Nathan. Although he didn't know that was what she was going to do, he was just as surprised as everyone.

Medusa whipped around and grabbed her wrist, tightly. "And what do you think you are doing?" She sneered, yanking the girl closer to her and applying enough pressure that Risa couldn't do anything. "Trying to take me out with a stick? How charming."

Risa whimpered, cowering under her grip on her wrist. She bent her body inward at the pain. "Just admit it, you don't have a plan. That is why you paid others to do it for you. You couldn't come up with an idea." She exclaimed, tears welling in her eyes at the pain. 

Medusa squeezed her wrist tighter, the dragon minions keeping Nathan and Persia from coming to help. "I have a plan for each of them. I was going to be quick for you but with that stunt, I suppose I can make do with what we have at hand." She looked over at the pond and smiled. "You can't swim, nor can they. So, throwing you in the water would be a painful and long way to die for you. Drowning. Now, where have I seen that before? Oh yes, ship to Russia you were thrown overboard and Vincent jumped in to save you. Alas he isn't here this time, is he to say to you?"

Draco picked up Risa before she could react to what she said. She screamed and tried to get him off of her. He hovered around the pond and suddenly let her go, blowing a little smoke from his nose before circling and coming back to Medusa.

Risa plunged into the cold water. She tried to hold her breath as she tried to get to the surface. She unfortunately was sinking slowly, not knowing what else to do. She kept fighting. She could feel her chest tighten with every second that passed by and the pressure in her head felt like it would explode.

Vincent had arrived just as Risa had gone into the water. "RISA!" He yelled, darting over and driving into the water. It was cold, yes, but he was solely focused on getting her to the surface. He swam down after her and reached her, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her out.

Medusa cackled heavily at the sight, only seeing Vincent dive into the water. "Aw look, Prince Charming is here to save the poor damsel in distress. How cute, bleh." She faked gagging, turning to Nathan and smirking as she approached him. "Hmm, perhaps it is you who should be next."

Risa coughed, taking many deep breaths. She was wet and cold, but she was glad to be alive. She didn't know who got her until she crawled up to land. "Vincent? What are you doing here? How did you -?" She asked, her voice soft as she sat on the ground.

Vincent says beside her, running a hand through his hair. "Loyal came and got me. What on earth is going on? Who is that lady?" He asked to get to his feet and offered her his hand. He didn't understand what was going on and he wanted to know.

Risa took his hand and got to her feet. She moved her wet hair from her face. "Medusa. She is here to finish them once and for all, including me since it turns out I am Clarissa! Surprise." She sheepishly admitted and then sighed.

Vincent pulled her over behind a bush and peaked out. "You finally have come to terms with it huh? Well, why hasn't she tried to kill you yet? It seems like she is stalling." He peeked over the brush and still saw her back turned towards the pond.

Risa sighed, peaking out as well. "I have come to terms with it." She admitted. "I may not fully believe it but I can't deny the similarities. I have the watch, the memories, and I look like Persia did. How can I deny what is in front of me? It may be cliché, but it's real."

Vincent took off his shoe and dumped out the water before putting it back on. "Although we should figure out a plan on how to stop her from succeeding in killing your family." He said, doing the same to the other one.

Risa ran bare feet over the grass. "I don't even know what she has planned. I see no weapons. All I see are those little dragons and Draco. How are we to stop her if we don't know what she has up her sleeve." She felt discouraged about this whole thing.

Vincent reached over and moved some hair from her face. "The element of surprise. She doesn't know you have been saved yet, no one saw that. They were all too focused on Medusa and whatever she was speaking." He said, his tone a little happier than it normally should be.

Risa took heed but was glad he was finally being a little optimist. "I think she may drown us all since she hinted none of us could swim. Although that wouldn't be a satisfying death unlike with weapons and lots of blood. Not to get gruesome or anything." She cringed at the thought. 

Vincent nudged her arm and motioned his hand shooing her away. "Just go now, we can worry about that later. Just keep in mind, go along with anything I do when the time comes okay?" He asked, knowing this was not going to be easy.

Risa nodded and darted from behind the bush and towards Medusa and her family. "That was freezing but I'm not that easily beaten down." She called out seeing the relieved yet surprised faces and gasps of her family. "Water was nothing for me to deal with and I can't swim? Ha? Do you believe that now?"

Medusa turned around and smirked. "I figured it wouldn't work as much. I mainly did it to scare you guys and see I'm not playing around. Now, I can finally finish this. Oh, Draco got Vincent from behind the bushes, thank you." She snapped her fingers, commanding her dragon to do just as she said.

Risa watched as Draco swooped down and grabbed Vincent flying over and dropping him beside her before landing behind Medusa. She gasped and bent down, resting her hand on his back. "Vincent, are you okay?" She asked him to help him get to his feet. 

Vincent nodded using her to get to his feet. He frowned looking at the large rips in his new coat. "I am fine. Just my coat has been ripped, pity, I liked this coat." It was a parting gift from Rolando. It was much warmer than his old coat, which he still kept for sentimental reasons. "What do you plan on doing to us?" He asked, glaring at Medusa.

Medusa hummed, crossing her arms. "I have a scepter, which has the power to freeze a person in place and draw their life from them. It feeds on guilt, anger, regret, all negative emotions. Over this time tonight, your negative emotions have amplified so no one is leaving here tonight alive." She explained clapping her hands as her dragon minions brought over a black scepter with black ivy growing up it and a glowing forest green orb on top.

Risa felt her heart sink deeper into her chest than it already was. She looked over at her terrified family and Vincent who seemed just as terrified as she did. She has so many negative emotions that she didn't know how she would escape tonight if she could.

Nathan attempted one last time to reason with her knowing there was no way he would escape since he still blamed himself for everything that happened. "Please Medusa, give us a second chance? We can make things right." He begged, not sure whether he would follow through or not with giving her a second chance.

Medusa scoffed, pointing the scepter at them and shaking her head. "Eleven years too late, Nathan. If you had come to me sooner. Perhaps I would have taken you up on the offer, but the damage over time has been done and can not be reversed." She said coldly as the scepter began to shoot light that wrapped itself around each person.

The pain was unbearable, unimaginable. It was like the feeling of being torn apart but you were still very much together. Risa groaned as she collapsed on her knees, tears welling in her eyes. She had never felt such pain before, but she knew because of how much she hated Vincent. 

For Nathan, it was ten times worse. Unlike the others, he wasn't trying to shake his emotions. He knew there was no way he would be forgiving himself or letting it go. They were in this mess because of him and as for Persia, it was as uncomfortable as walking with a cut on your floor.

Medusa at least made sure it wasn't painful for Ariel, Marilla, and Gideon, they were being pulled off to sleep from which they wouldn't wake up. She also made sure they didn't hear how painful it was for their parents and sisters. Cyrene only felt a small amount of pain, since she didn't hate anyone, just slightly upset with her father.

Vincent was trying to fight it, he was trying to get himself to believe he was truly forgiven for what he had done. He knew he had turned over a new leaf and he was trying to make things right again so he wouldn't go back to his old ways. He felt awful that Risa wasn't going to forgive him for his actions. 

Risa gritted her teeth and slowly began to speak. "I forgive you, Vincent. I'm not mad at what you did anymore. I was stubborn and didn't want to listen to what you had to say. I know you were only trying to give me space and your letter came from a place of honesty. I didn't want to believe it, but I do know." She said looking over at him.

She managed to slowly stand up a little more than she had. "Nathan - er Father, as much as it is a foreign thing for me to say, I still can't truly believe it. I know you meant well that fateful night. You were worried about your family and that was all that mattered to you. I don't regret anything happening that night. I wouldn't have met Loyal. I wouldn't have met Vincent or Rolando in the way that I did. I wouldn't have made the friends I made. I have to thank you because it has made me a better person."

She stood up and looked straight at Medusa. "I'm not angry at you. All those years you were hurt, bitter because of what Nathan, my father had done. He should have listened because he didn't want revenge. I understand that, if I was in your shoes I would believe my actions are justified. Perhaps it is time for you to turn over a new leaf too? I can forgive you, and forget everything you have done. I hold nothing against you." She gasped when she was able to break free.

Medusa gasped, she did not plan that to happen. "How did you - I don't understand." She stammered trying to get Risa back with her family, burdened down with the negative emotions. "No, no, no!" She exclaimed, her plains failing. This wasn't possible! How could someone be so forgiving just like that?

Risa darted for the scepter but Draco swiped his tail towards Risa, sending her flying and hitting a bush. She groaned as she collapsed onto the ground, trying to get to her feet again. That had taken the wind out of her, she struggled to catch her breath. Her back was scratched up from the bushes but other than that she was fine.

Vincent gasped his heartbreaking seeing her get thrown into the bushes like a ragdoll. He couldn't deal with Risa getting hurt. He didn't know why it pained him so much. "Risa!" He wheezed out as he tried to get out of the scepter grip. It was futile but he was still trying.

Risa gritted her teeth. That hurt but it was nothing they were feeling. "You guys have to forgive it. You need to let it go or else it will be your demise. It isn't that hard, because believe me, even if you don't fully believe it you will. It feels better to get it out." She yelled at them.

Vincent took a deep breath. She was right. He had to get it out and into the open. "I'm not mad at my family anymore. They were just kids when they had me, they didn't know what else to do. It was fight or flight and they chose flight. If I was in their shoes I would have done the same. If it wasn't for them abandoning me, I wouldn't have been raised by Rolando nor met you, Risa. It in the end helped us all, my mother has a family and I have a. brother, my father hit rock bottom going to jail and has turned over a new leaf."

He managed to stand up, feeling the grip lesson on him. "I did want to pass you off as Clarissa for the money. I wanted to show off to my father that I was successful. Things didn't work out like that and I am glad they didn't. I learned a valuable lesson in all this. Even if you didn't let me explain, if you did I probably would have tried to make an excuse. There are no excuses. I should have been honest before the opera, not after. I am turning over a new leaf and will never go back to my old ways." He said breaking free from the grip.

He was surprised but happy. He darted over to Risa, helping her up and looking over at Medusa who was freaking out. "Take a few deep breaths, Risa, just keep it slow." He coached her gently rubbing her shoulders.

Medusa was furious, she had lost a train of focus and left Ariel, Gideon, and Marilla, who remained asleep but were breathing and alive. "No, no, no, this can't be happening. This isn't what I planned!" She yelled but then took a deep breath. "Draco, deal with Risa and Vincent. At least I still have Nathan, Persia, and Cyrene under my grip." She cackled, making it go a bit faster and more painful.

Cyrene gritted her teeth and began to speak. "I am not mad at anyone, I never have been. I just have been upset and disappointed in what has happened by the choices you made." She began looking over at her father. "You blamed Mother this whole time, took it out on her and us because you couldn't come to terms with what you did." 

She straightened up a little more. "You sheltered me my entire life, heck you were furious when I met Clark and fancied him. If it wasn't for Stella, I would have never seen him again. I don't blame you though, you were trying to protect me and what is in the past should stay there." She said breaking free and darting towards the scepter, but the dragon minions held her back.

Persia was so glad everyone was speaking their mind, getting the things off their chest that they needed to. She took a shaky breath and looked over at her husband. "I am still quite upset that you had taken it out on me. I never asked you to come along and perhaps I should have asked why you were staying. I had a lot going on and I am to blame for Clarissa as well." She wasn't going to not take some of the blame.

She pushed herself off the ground and onto her knees. "I didn't want to lose my husband, it was selfish and yes we were in a rush to leave. We didn't take the time to be careful. I failed as a mother, I relied too much on Lena and Sherry rather than myself. Because of that, I didn't keep an eye on Clarissa. Yes she was older but she still was only a child, I should have kept a closer eye on her." 

She got to her feet and took a deep breath. "I am not mad at you Medusa. I am madder at myself for being an awful friend. I didn't defend you, nor did I listen to you either. I knew deep down you didn't do anything, yet I was afraid of being the only one who had your back. I should have had it no matter what anyone else thought. You had always been by me and I failed. I am deeply sorry and I know I can't take any of it back." She sadly admitted, finally breaking free, but instead of going for the specter, she knelt beside her sleeping children checking on them.

Lastly, it was only Nathan who was trapped by the scepter. He was having a hard time accepting his part or finding the words. He felt every second that passed, he grew more tired and wanted to fight no longer. He couldn't get himself to own up to it right now, even though he had before this was different. 

Risa looked over at Nathan and saw he wasn't fighting anymore, it seemed he was giving up. "Father, you need to forgive yourself. If you can't forgive anyone else, you need to forgive yourself. You can't change the past, but you can change your future." She called him, hoping to get through to him.

Nathan glanced over at her, she had a point and he had just gotten back his daughter. He couldn't give up now. "She is right." He said looking up at Medusa with determination. "It was all my fault. I was a coward. I was a horrible ruler. I was focused too much on one thing that I overlooked everything else. I will admit. The whole reason I choose to not believe you is that I knew how everyone would look at me. They would think I was only doing it because you were my wife's friend."

He pushed himself off the ground. It was working. "It was foolish of me looking back now. I cared too much about what others thought. If I had believed you and stood by your side you would have proved it and made a fool of everyone in the palace, those who were involved. If I could change things, I would, I would do a lot of things differently." He said.

He gritted his teeth and pushed himself up and sat on his knees. "I am sorry for taking it out on you Persia, Cyrene - and Ariel, Gideon, and Marilla, although you can hear me. I shouldn't have been so bitter and pushed all my emotions down so deep that I took it out on you. It was wrong. It wasn't entirely because I was worried Medusa would hurt you, but half of it was I didn't want to lose you like I did Clarissa."

He got to his feet and felt his strength coming back to him. "I am sorry to everyone I pushed away. Everyone I hurt. I promise to make amends with everything, including you Medusa. Even if I won't go easy on you or pass off what you did as fine, you will still be brought to justice but I will take into consideration my part in this mess." He said breaking free.

The scepter exploded in a cloud of green sparkly light which sent everyone who was within reasonable proximity backward onto the ground as the bright light cascaded across the area they were in before dissipating. 

Medusa scampered to try and get up, slightly blinded temporarily by the light as everyone was as she looked for her scepter which was in pieces on the ground. "No, no, no!" She exclaimed, distraught that her plan had failed again.

Nathan walked over and grabbed one of the pieces of the rod from the scepter and pointed the sharp part at her. "You are done with Medusa. Soon you will be locked up in prison for your crimes and will pay for what you have done all these years." His voice was cold. "Forgiving you didn't make what you did right."

Risa rushed over and stood in front of Medusa, looking her father dead in the eyes. "No, that isn't right." She knew he wouldn't hurt her. He would press charges and send her to prison for her crimes. It may have been what she deserved but it wasn't right.

Nathan narrowed his eyes at his daughter and frowned. "What do you mean it's not right? She tried to murder us all!" He yelled, getting worked up over his daughter's words. "How is it not right? She deserves to be punished for her actions."

Risa understood that. She knew it wouldn't make everything okay. "But look at why she chose the path? You didn't listen to her, you didn't give her a second chance. You hurt her by not trusting and believing her. Yes, what she did was wrong, but perhaps showing mercy and giving her a second chance is what she needs." She tried to reason with her father. 

Cyrene walked over and stood beside her sister, grabbing her hand and gently squeezing it. "Risa is right. If you were in her shoes you would probably do the same thing. We need to do what should have been done eleven years ago. We need to show her mercy, give her a second chance, have compassion, and try to show her we care." She said, placing her hand on her heart. 

Nathan saw the look in both his daughter's eyes, pleading with him to give in and agree. Although he was trying to fight it he heavily signed and tossed the staff away from him. "Alright. Have it your way." He wasn't going to fight. Deep down, he knew that Risa and Cyrene were right.

Risa turned around once Cyrene let go of her hand. She bent down and offered a hand out to Medusa. "All things happen for a reason. Perhaps it is a sign telling you, you need to give up this and get a second chance. You may not want it but I am offering it out to you. I know firsthand that everyone needs a second chance." She glanced at Vincent. 

Medusa looked up at her, ashamed more than anything. "But-but why? I tried to murder you, your friends, your family. Nathan is right, I deserve to be punished for my crimes. You are right that it is a sign. I had been told that before but I didn't listen." She admitted, looking down at her lap.

Hans flew over and nested himself on her shoulder. He nuzzled his head into her cheek. "You can listen now, Mistress. She is giving you a second chance, take it and see where it leads you. Don't let it pass you by again and squander this moment. You may never get another one." He still cared for her after all she had done.

Medusa looked over at Hans, for the first time he was right. He may have been right before, she was just too stubborn to listen. She looked up at Risa and gently placed her hand in hers, getting to her feet. "I accept the second chance. Even if everything inside me is telling me not to. I should have listened to Hans before. I would have saved myself a lot of trouble." She felt bad and could feel years forming in her eyes.

Risa smiled, helping her to her feet before letting her hand go and picking up Loyal. "I believe you can speak to animals. The connection you have with that crow is astounding, along with that dragon, little dragons, and that cute little black bat." She said watching Iggy rest on her other shoulder.

Draco walked over and frowned at Medusa, not understanding what was going on. "Are you doing well? Pfft, I am disappointed in you. You choose to listen to that punny appetizer instead of me." His voice held disappointment with a hint of coldness.

Medusa gave him a soft look, not having the courage to meet his eyes. "One day maybe you will learn. I can't continue down that path. It is a dangerous path that only leads to pain. I want a second chance, it was all I ever wanted. I finally have it and I am not going to squander it away." She felt better and for once she felt free.

Draco sighed as the dragon minions rested all on his back. "Then this is goodbye. I don't agree or condone this goodness that I am seeing before me." With that, he took flight and disappeared into the dark sky.

Iggy watched as Draco left and sighed. "Phew, I am glad I am no longer looked at as a meal. I am sure he will have a change of heart, dragons are stubborn and coldhearted. I am glad to see this new you, Medusa, I am loving it." He exclaimed happily.

Medusa gave him a sideways look. "Don't push it, Iggy. I may not be very fond of you like I am Hans, but this is still new for me. I have much to learn and fight against everything my brain and body are telling me to do. I am following a little voice I had forgotten about, and I hope it won't lead to pain." It would take a while for her to adjust. 

Risa took a deep breath and was content. "I don't know about you guys, but I think we're missing an engagement party. Stella is probably worried sick about where we have been, so perhaps we should get going? We can stop at a boutique and get some new clothes. I am sure Medusa is going to need something a little less creepy, no offense." She placed her hand on Medusa's arm.

Medusa gave a small amused look on her face. "None taken. I wouldn't mind a change of wardrobe but nothing too colorful, it has never been my taste." She admitted. She could get used to this new way of life. She was trying to turn over a new leaf and go against everything she was being told.

Everyone was glad that the night had turned out the way it did. No one died. No one got hurt. The path from here wouldn't be easy but it would be a lesson to learn from. Besides they would have a lot of explaining to do, to everyone who was waiting at the engagement party.


We only have one more chapter before it is the epilogue and this book can be completed and I can move on to another one. I believe I am going to focus on The Royal Charm Academy next since I do have a lot planned out for that and I am much farther in it than Shipwrecked Princess and my others. It also seems to be a favorite of people, since that gets a lot of reading list added than my other works.

Chapter Talk: 
This did take longer than I hoped. I didn't really have an idea on how to end this battle. I never had gotten that far before, I did have the basic outline but what happened wasn't planned out. I am glad with how this turned out, although it may be choppy, but I will smooth it out later.

And lastly, anything else I forgot to ask my pals. I am happy to answer anything!

In closing, all rude, impolite and mean comments will be replied to in a diplomatic way, reported or deleted if I feel like it is attacking me personally.

Thanks for reading!

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