❅ Chapter Twenty-Five ❅

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The day passed by in a blur. Stella had shown Risa all the beautiful places in Paris during the day. Risa was so glad to have forgotten about Vincent, he never crossed her mind since that morning. She was only focused on this wonderful city covered in a light blanket of snow now that night had fallen. It was something out of a novel.

Stella walked down the street as the lamps that lined the road were lit up making things easier to see. "Risa, are you hungry yet? If so, I have the perfect place for us to go." She looked over at Risa with a smile on her lips. She had made a reservation at a fabulous restaurant she was a regular at.

Risa nodded and if on cue her stomach grumbled which made her giggle. How cliche. Just the mention of food made her hungry. "I am hungry. What restaurant is it?" She wondered where Stella was going to take them after a long day of sightseeing and doing various fun things. It seemed Stella was showing her all the fancy places, places she normally wouldn't go.

Stella was glad she had asked because she didn't want it to be a surprise. She was thinking about waiting to show her and keep it a surprise but decided against it. "Ciro's Restaurant, not only does it have the best dining and cuisine, and it also has a floor for dancing. I am sure you would care to do that? Try something new." She asked, placing her hands in front of her.

Risa knew what she was getting at by hinting about the dance floor. Ever since they came here Stella has been burning about romance nonstop. "Oh, so you mean to dance with a handsome beau? I would love that. Although I have never danced in my life! I am sure I have two left feet. Eating and dancing, that will make me tired enough to go to sleep tonight and not be bothered by dreams or thoughts." She needed that for once.

Stella laughed gently, finding it funny that Risa managed to get that out of what she said. She was good and no doubt right to a certain extent. "You catch on well. I just want you to have a good night and forget about all your troubles and also I want you to make friends, feel at home here." She just wanted her to make a life for herself even though he was an orphan.

Risa wanted to hug her but she stopped herself. "You are the best Stella, I know dancing with a handsome beau will help me make friends and who knows, maybe a love interest?" She teased with a laugh. She was only joking. She had no interest in love. She didn't even know what it felt like. She had never liked anyone!

Stella smirked a little knowing what she would say next she hoped Risa would take the hint. It was a long shot but she could at least try. "I am pretty sure you already found one who is right under your nose." She said, opening the door to the restaurant and walking in, finding a table for the two of them close to the dance floor.

Risa truthfully had no clue what she meant by right under her nose. She knew no guys who she had a crush on. And there was no way she was talking about Vincent since she knows how she feels about him, but that never crossed her mind. She sat down across from Stella, setting Loyal down onto the floor. "Are we allowed pets in here?" She asked, feeling nervous about what to do with her pup.

Stella rubbed Éclair's head from under the table, earning a nuzzle back. She gave a small laugh and shook her head. "No, but I have special clearance, you could say, so as long as they stay under the table and make no sound then everything is perfectly fine." She normally didn't bring her dog out around Paris today was an exception.

Risa raised an eyebrow and gave an amused smile. Stella had a whole lot of connections and was well known. Even though she was a noble, she was humble. She guessed that is what people liked about her. "Oh, you do? Must be nice to have your words weigh such a high value. I can only dream of that. I am nothing but an orphan who knows nothing about her past, yet." She sighed leaning back in her chair and slouching only for a second before sitting back up.

Stella felt bad for the girl, her whole demeanor changed as she spoke about being an orphan and nothing more. "Your name might not be right now, but who knows? Soon you may find your family name and if you don't, you can always choose one yourself. You truly don't need any weight to your name, it isn't as fun as it may seem." She was trying to be encouraging.

Risa gave a gentle smile, but then it disappeared as soon as it came. "That is what I am afraid of. Doing fine alone. I don't like being alone and not knowing who my family is. I've been alone my entire life! I never have depended on anyone but myself. I am thankful you wish to lend a hand but sometimes things I must handle on my own without help." She didn't believe in her own words.

Stella could tell Risa didn't believe a word she said, growing up like she did, not knowing who you are, and being one of many kids in an orphanage made her who she is. "I must say I haven't known you but for almost a week and I am very proud of you. Words can not express how proud I am, but my action will when I can show you."

Risa looked up at her, she was touched. Besides Rolando, she was the only other person who had said such a thing to her. She couldn't deny the selfish part of her wanting to hear it more often. She had never been selfish so perhaps she was asking for too much. "Oh Stella, that is so sweet of you to say and means a lot you think that. I wish I was told that more often." She said with a heavy sigh.

The waiter came up and they ordered what they wanted. The waiter told them that he'd be back in a few minutes with their drinks and then bring out their food. He was polite and no doubt new at this with how nervous he was acting. He was fairly new and by that, it was his first night working there. He was a young kid, at least a few years older than Risa.

Stella looked at him and felt bad for how nervous he was. Having a job for the first time was always a bit intimidating. "Monsieur, I can tell you are nervous. Just take a deep breath and do your very best." She said to him and he in return smiled going back to the kitchen feeling a bit less nervous.

Risa took notice and couldn't help but smile. She was a true gem. Not many people would have taken notice nor took the time out to reassure him and uplift him. "That was very nice of you to give him some encouragement. I hope when I get a job people will be that way towards me." She mused, pushing her hair behind her ear and crossing her legs.

Stella looked towards Risa and waved her off with her hand. Whenever she did something like this, Risa seemed to be so surprised. Was it that surprising? "It is the least I can do for that poor boy. I don't want him to get fired for messing up one too many times. A little encouragement goes a long way and makes someone's day - that unintentionally rhymed." She laughed softly, finding it a bit amusing.

Risa felt Loyal snuggle against her feet and whimper. She looked under the table and cooed. "Oh Loyal? What are you doing?" She wondered why her dog was cowering when there didn't seem to be anything wrong. The whole day Loyal had been quiet save for the barking at the mime.

Loyal looked up at Risa and rubbed against her leg. She knew Risa wouldn't be able to understand her, which she then would need to motion to who was bothering her. "Éclair isn't being nice. I am trying to stay far away from her." She glared at the poodle, before looking back up at Risa. She was starting to loathe the poodle and was beginning to never want to see her again.

Stella looked under the table as well and saw Éclair who had her teeth slightly bared. "I think Éclair isn't playing nice with Loyal, and Loyal is afraid of Éclair since she is much bigger than Loyal. Éclair, be nice to our company, I am excited for you." She scolded her dog, not wanting to put up with her attitude towards the younger pup.

Éclair gave a sarcastic bark and rolled her eyes before laying down and sighing. She wasn't going to let Stella's words bother her. "I'll play nice with Loyal since you are giving me that tone and look." She didn't like it when Stella wasn't nice and laid back about things she did. Why couldn't she just let her be herself?

The waiter came back with their food, a bit less nervous than he had been before. He set it before them both before returning to take another order at another name. The girls dug into the food and enjoyed the meal, finding it savory and filling, something that Risa loved. The soft music playing in the background makes dinner enjoyable and relaxing.

Risa looked up at Stella as she ate her food, which she was using her manners. "Ever since I met Rolando, I have been eating much better than I did growing up. I didn't even know what half of the things I tried were before. It did get kind of boring eating the same things over and over, but if that was all you had you learned to accept and eat it." She sighed gently, waiting until she finished talking before eating some more.

Stella set down her spoon in her soup and gave a gentle smile. She knew Risa had had a hard life growing up, but she didn't realize it was to that extent. "It seems living in the orphanage didn't help you much other than giving you a place to stay and at least a basic education." She pointed out hoping she was right. It was sad how she didn't get a normal childhood.

Risa nodded her head as she took another bite of her food and chewed it up before spending. "Pretty much. Mrs. Hemmingworth was flip-floppy. One moment she was mean, the next she hinted she cared, then it was telling us the same thing over and over again in different ways. It was annoying. I almost lost it a few times but I had self-control and knew it wouldn't go well for me if I said anything." Just the thought made her tired.

Stella listened to what Risa had said, glad she never had to go through that but was sad Risa had to. She was so mature for her age, and that wasn't a compliment, because she had to grow up fast to survive. "Ah, I see. I am not sure how you managed to stay sane with that woman the way you spent with her." She pointed out sipping her drink. She would have lost it and she was a patient person who had a high tolerance for people.

Risa was even surprised sometimes at how she kept sane during her stay. She supposed it had to do with her will to find her family. "I am even surprised. Though I suppose it has to do with my yearning to find my family and if only she could see me now and how far I have come." That was the only reason she could think of to endure all that. It was the only thing keeping her going, even now.

A twenty-two-year-old young man named Maurice Alexandre walked to the table where Stella and Risa were, his jade-green eyes focused solely on Risa. She wasn't from around here, he could tell just by looking at her and her manner of speech. "Bonjour, Mademoiselle. May I have this dance?" He offered his hand with a smile on his lips as he quickly smoothed down his hair with his free hand.

Risa looked up at the handsome young French man. She felt nervous all of a sudden and was a little hesitant to accept. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Stella beckoning her with her eyes and placed her hand into his. "Oui Oui! I would be delighted too." She replied standing up and glancing at Stella, who gave her a thumbs-up as she was led onto the dance floor.

Maurice took his stance, placing a hand on her waist and his other gripping her hand. "I'm Maurice Alexandre." He introduced himself, his voice deep and smooth like melted chocolate pouring from one bowl into another - at least according to Risa. "I come here very often and I have never seen you before, are you new?" He inquired, leading her in a simple dance.

Risa smiled and mirrored what he did but she put her hand on his shoulder looking up at him. She remembered how handsome a man was dancing with her. What was his ulterior motive? She blinked a few times and broke her trance. "Ah, nice to meet you. I'm Risa. I am new, I just arrived in Paris a few days ago. I'm from Canada." She replied recalling what Marie had taught her about dancing.

Maurice wasn't surprised, she had no French accent and she sounded more Canadian or American, due to the fact she had no accent whatsoever. So when she confirmed she was Canadian, it made sense. "The pleasure is all mine, Risa. Is the lady you came with is your sister?" He asked looking over at Stella who was watching with a smile.

Risa shook her head, blushing a little that he thought they could be sisters, though in a sense they were. She was sure that would flatter Stella and even make her blush like it was doing to herself. "Oh, no. She's a friend of mine, well she's the girlfriend of one of the men I came here who also happens to be my friend." She rambled just a little not knowing if what she said made sense.

Maurice laughed gently. He thought she was cute when she rambled on about things and backtracked to make things clearer. She seemed like a sweet girl who wasn't shy, but more nervous than anything. "Ah, I see. What made you come to Paris out of all the places to go?" He asked curiously, wanting to get to know this mysterious girl.

Risa was iffy about telling him her true reasons with all that had gone on and her trust for personal issues had been broken thanks to Vincent. "It is a bit complicated I suppose? To put it simply: I am here to find my family. Although it isn't as easy as I thought?" She said it like it was a question rather than a statement. She was nervous and didn't anticipate for it to come out like that.

Maurice could tell she wasn't so sure or she was iffy about telling him about why she came. Why would she trust a stranger with her life story? Something that personal. Oh, you didn't have to tell me. I apologize if I stepped out of bounds with my question. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable." He quickly said he was feeling bad. He didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable.

Risa was shocked he felt bad and was apologizing for asking such a question. That was something she wasn't used to. Someone being so considerate. "No, no, please, you didn't step out of bounds. A lot has happened and someone close to me broke my trust, so I am having a bit of trouble trusting again." She softly spoke in barely a whisper as if she was embarrassed.

Maurice couldn't help but frown a bit, she seemed fragile and broken, whatever happened was bad. He didn't want to press her and make her feel obligated to talk about it. That wouldn't be right nor was it his place. "I am sorry that happened, amour. I understand if you do not wish to talk anymore and wouldn't blame you." He wasn't going to press on this

Risa was grateful for his actions and she could tell he wasn't faking it. He was sincere. She wasn't feeling obligated to tell him, she wanted to. It would help her feel better. Perhaps she could make a friend? "That is sweet of you. It is alright, other than Stella, I haven't talked about it to anyone. Besides, you're an utter stranger, the chances of us meeting again are slim outside of here " She pointed out.

Maurice gave a lopsided grin, she was quite a character no doubt. He had never met someone quite like her. He was growing rather interested in this foreign girl. "You do have a point, we are strangers who may never meet again. Even though we are, I still don't want you to do anything that would make you uncomfortable." He knew his mother raised him well.

Risa was truly touched and wished Vincent could take a few notes from this guy on the subject. If only he was as caring and understanding as he was, things might have turned out differently. "I am fine. Please, ask me as many questions as you want and I will be completely honest." She said, giving a nod to confirm that she was ready.

Maurice was glad out of all the young ladies here he chose her and wasn't disappointed. He had a few things he wished to ask her but nothing personal since they were still strangers. "Alright. Why did you come here to find your family? How do you know they are even here?" He asked not understanding how Paris fit in.

Risa understood many would probably ask why she had this specific. She had already told Emily and Monica, so telling him was no big deal. It wasn't personal to tell him why she came. "It all started with the pocket watch. I had to ever since I came to the orphanage and to me, it seemed the only piece of my past I don't remember." She explained, knowing she had it in her purse right now.

Maurice was interested in her whole story, never before had he heard that before. A pocket watch? It must have had something to do with Paris. It wasn't uncommon for pocket watches to have landmarks on them. "I can see how that could lead you here. Perhaps the maker of the watch could tell you who all bought it." He suggested, but he then realized that perhaps she already knew that.

Risa perked up a bit at his suggestion. She was just glad he had come to that conclusion. "Yes, you see, one of the men I came here with, Rolando, made arrangements for next week for us to go and see all who brought my watch. Although I am sure not many people bought one with a lullaby engraved in it, that could dwindle the number of people who bought it to a smaller number or even only one family." She spoke with a twinkle in her eye.

Maurice knew she had a point so it would make it easier to find her family and hopefully, they would accept her. There were a lot of things that could go wrong, but there were also a lot of things that could go right. "I do hope you find them. Now, who are these men you keep talking about who brought you, you said one was Rolando?" He asked.

Risa nodded her head as she spun around, her movements ever so graceful. "Rolando, he was the former military sergeant of the late King of Frontrance. Then the other was um, Vincent, he was the one to hurt me and break my trust for people, Rolando was his guardian. He messed up and because of his greed he betrayed my trust." She replied, chewing on her lip.

Maurice listened to her and gently gripped her hand tightly. "I am so sorry that happened. What did he do?" He wondered what could he have done to betray her trust that she was this hurt about it? It must have been something huge! He couldn't even comprehend anything that would have done this to her.

Risa took a deep breath and began. "He was going to return the late queen's locket to the count and countess, things went smoothly until he wanted me to come in, I wanted to meet them. Things got blown out of proportion and I found out Vincent was going to use me as his pawn to get the reward money. That was all he ever cared about, using me to hurt a poor family for money. How greedy can someone be?" Contempt was conveyed in her voice as she explained.

Maurice could not believe anyone would want to use such a nice and beautiful girl. What was this Vincent thinking? Greed drove people to do crazy things. He shook his head at what she had said. "I am truly sorry that happened. He sounds awful and I can't imagine how you felt about it happening." He wished it never happened to her.

Risa was glad someone finally was agreeing with how awful he was. Talking to this stranger, Maurice, made things better. Talking felt good and it was such a burden off her chest. "Thank you. He did try to apologize, own up, but I don't think he was ever going to tell me what he had planned. That is what friends do, they are honest." She was an honest person, sometimes a little too honest.

Maurice couldn't help agree she had a point. Friends are honest, even if it may hurt someone's feelings. It was better, to tell the truth than to give white lies to make someone feel better. More often than naught white lies did more harm than good. There is always a nice way of being honest. "I truly hope he learns that. You are very smart, I like that." He said with a smile.

Risa was flattered that he liked how smart she was, no one had told her she was smart, well, coming from someone she didn't know that is. She looked off to the side and blushed a little at his smooth words. "You are too kind Maurice. I hope we don't remain strangers and we meet each other outside of the restaurant." She sheepishly said, hoping to be as smooth as he was.

Maurice chuckled, knowing that could mean two things. "I know you are not talking about romance, although many things would imply it. You want to be friends, no?" He asked knowing he was right. She wanted a friend and he was more than happy to oblige. He didn't have many friends, most of them were already married which he wasn't.

Risa nodded admitting that was what she wanted. She laughed it off even though it was awake for her. "You, yourself are pretty smart. I do want to be friends. I don't have any friends my age and it would be nice to have someone to spend time with. I can't burden Stella whenever I am bored and want to hang out with her. She has a life." She was surprised she was even saying this.

Maurice couldn't help but smile, glad she was saying this. "I would be honored. I must admit to myself, all my friends have married off. So, being the only one who hasn't married at times gets a little uncomfortable. Besides, I'm not one to easily make friends since I prefer studying, and reading." He admitted, hoping that she didn't find it boring.

Risa blinked a few times, all his friends were married? He was so young. Why would they be married when they had plenty of time for that in the future. That was too much of a coincidence. How could he not be good at making friends? "Why don't I believe you? I am sorry, but it seems coincidental that you aren't good at making friends." She didn't know where this bluntness was coming from.

Maurice wasn't offended if hurt at all by her words. He could see how that was. He was being outspoken and presumptuous with her, telling her that might have been a shock. "It is alright. I understand where you are coming from. I don't make friends that easily because many just want to be my friends to use me, since my family happens to be quite wealthy. Growing up they only wanted gifts and money, so I learned that finding friends who don't want to use me was quite rare." He sighed, looking at the floor after spinning her around.

Risa was feeling bad and she jumped to a conclusion like this. Her cheeks reddened at how stupid she was. She felt so bad.  "Oh my, well, I am sorry people are doing that to you. It must be awful to be used just for those reasons. I can't say I understand since I was an orphan and had nothing, but Stella knows how that is." She glanced over at her friend, who was all smiles.

Maurice glanced at her too and flashed a smile, nodding his head. He turned back to Risa, seeing how apologetic she was he would simply dismiss it. "I am glad I am not the only one. Now, I am sure you have your troubles with people using you, as Vincent did." He pointed out, knowing she did know how he felt to a certain extent.

Risa knew he was right, she had been hurt by Vincent in the same way, he wanted to use her to get the reward money. She wasn't so different from him. She might have been an orphan but because she had no family, it made her an easy target to be passed off as the lost duchess. "You are right. Thank you so much for listening and talking to me, it has made me feel much better." She flashed a smile.

Maurice returned the smile and bowed as he gently spun her around. "No, thank you for offering to dance with me. I do hope the rest of your night is nothing but lovely." He truly meant his words, taking her hand and pressing a gentle kiss into it. "Perhaps we shall run into each other soon and if not, I am always here." His eyes sparkled as he spoke.

Risa did a quick bow as well, giving a small laugh. He was so charming. Goodness, why did he have to be so smooth? "Likewise, likewise. Please take care of yourself and I hope to see you again." She was glad she had accepted the invitation to dance. Everything was slowly getting better and she liked that.

Soon the music ended and everyone began to calm before going back to their seats. Risa told Maurice goodbye and he in return said the same thing. They both went back to their tables and sat down, both smiling widely. Still, both reeling from the dance, they spoke to their respective companions at their tables.

Stella had a check grin on her lips as she watched Risa. "See, I told you, Parisian men are just the nicest men you'll ever meet." She teased with a laugh. She knew how stereotypical that might have sounded, but it was merely a joke to tease her with. "It is getting late. We better head back to the hotel, it has been a very tiring day." She mused, leaning forward.

Risa giggled at her words, getting all bashful. Then, giving a small yawn and quickly covering her mouth. "Oh my, I suppose I am tired. Although my brain hasn't registered, my body sure is getting tired." She said, standing up and grabbing her coat, putting it on then grabbed Loyal.

Stella pulled on her coat leading Risa out of the restaurant and onto the sidewalk. She was already finished and so was Risa so there was no reason to linger around. "So, now what do you think about living in Paris so far? Is it nice? What did you expect?" She asked, turning to look at Risa.

Risa thought about it walking beside her as she looked at her feet. "It's a wonderful place and is beyond nice. It is better than anything I had dreamt of. I think I might want to stay here instead of going back to Canada even if I don't find my family. I want to call Paris my home! Canada has nothing for me, it never felt like home." She glanced back up at Stella with a smile.

Stella was surprised Risa had said she wanted to stay in Paris but was glad she wanted to. She was glad nonetheless. Seeing her want to stay and live made her so happy. "Oh, you're thinking about staying? I am glad you are because I do adore you and even if we can't find them we will still look for other places for them." She was glad she would be sticking around.

Risa was so happy she had met Stella, she was the most wonderful person she had ever met. "Stella, you are the best thing to ever come into my life, besides Rolando and Loyal, of course. You are like a sister to me and it means a lot, all you have done." She smiled at her as she spoke. She was just glad to have someone by her side and as kind as she

Stella was grinning ear to ear, giving her head a note. She couldn't help but feel flattered and a bit prideful at her words. It was a humble pride though, even if that sounded oxymoronic. "It is my pleasure, I am happy to be of service. When you do stay, have you figured out your living accommodations?" She hoped she had a place in mind so that she could help her out in getting it. Not paying for her to stay but just to get it down for her.

Risa shook her head, she truly hadn't given much thought about a place to stay. It might have crossed her mind but as of now, she had only thought about finding her family and if she couldn't she would move on from there. "I haven't given much thought about that though I would like my little apartment. It can be mine and I can furnish it myself and finally have things that are mine I worked hard to get " She explained, pondering on it.

A sleek black car pulled up to the curb beside them and he leaned over. "Hello, Stella, Risa. How are my wonderful ladies doing?" Rolando said as he looked at the two lovely ladies who had just stopped. He saw they seemed quite happy and the way they were talking, it must have been an eventual yet amazing day.

Stella looked over at Rolando, a bit surprised but happy to see him nonetheless. What was he doing here? How had he known she was here? He hadn't told anyone her plans. "Oh, Rolando, hello. It is quite a surprise you found us since after all Paris is such a big place." She teased, knowing whatever reason it was none of her business.

Rolando chuckled as he rested his arm on the rolled-down window. It had finally stopped snowing and the temperature had dropped a lot. "A coincidence I believe. I was over this way visiting an old friend, it was nice to see them again. Oh, and they just had a sweet baby girl, she was so precious. Then I saw you two and I had to stop." How could he just pass the love of his life and Risa?

Stella couldn't help but coo at his words and blush a tiny bit. Of course, he had to stop. Then her mind drifted to the baby, she wondered which friend of his had a baby. "Aww, babies are always the cutest but for me, I am not sure I would have the patience for a baby. Though I would like to adopt a child." She knew she had said this many times but it was never bad to bring it up again.

Rolando first hand knew what it was like adopting a child seeing as he had taken in Vincent and taken guardianship over him. He knew this late in life the only thing they could do was adopt unless by a miracle she did get pregnant after their wedding. "Adopting a child is always a nice thing. Even if it isn't official, as long as they know they are loved and have a roof over their head, I think they will be fine." He paused. "Care for a ride back home?"

Stella nodded glad he had asked since yet her feet were hurting. "I would love a ride back home. My feet are killing me but I have been pushing it aside since that is how things are. How about you Risa? Would you like to have a ride back to the hotel?" She turned to the girl and asked. She wouldn't allow her to talk home alone at night, no matter how safe or how much she insisted.

Risa was glad she had offered but shook her head. "Thank you so much for the generous offer but I think I will be fine walking back myself. I have Loyal here with me and I want to experience the nightlife here alone. I have a lot to think about and I think by the time I get back to my hotel room I'll be sleepy. I will call you when I get back to tell you I made it." She bent down and picked up Loyal.

Stella smiled, hugging the girl before stepping back. She knew she wasn't going to talk her out of it. So all she could do was nod and let her. "Take care Risa, be safe, and give me a call when you get back to make sure you got home safely." She told her not wanting anything to happen to her. She smiled when Risa gave her a nod to confirm she would.

Rolando waved as he helped Stella into the car and let Éclair get in the back. "Take care, Risa. Be safe. And goodbye Loyal, I will see you two soon." He told them, with a small wave. He shut both of the doors and walked around and got in the car, turned on the ignition then they drove away to where Stella lived.

Risa waved until they were out of sight and turned to her dog. "Well Loyal, it looks like it's just you and me. Which you know is what I like." She walked down the street, taking a deep breath and snuggling into her thick coat. The day had been wonderful, if only life, in general, could be this perfect. She still had much to do and figure out, along with finding her family which she was sure she would. It just takes time.


I have nothing to say.
Edit: I added another 1k words and I found a few places where I never compeleted the sentence. Goodness, I can't believe I missed that. Thankfully I'm catching it going back through these chapters.

Chapter talk:
Originally Maurice didn't have that big of a part and he wasn't going to show up again after this. Alas now I have changed that to him showing up for often and being come a regular character. I did expand on his character since I originally wrote it and I am happy about what I have.

And lastly, anything else I forgot to ask away my pals. I am happy to answer anything!

In closing, all rude, impolite and mean comments will be replied to in a diplomatic way, reported or deleted if I feel like it is attacking me personally.

Thanks for reading!

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