Chapter 1 ~ My Stange Arrival

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([f/n]'s POV)

I put my hand over my eyes to block out the sun, attempting to blind me. My sister, Aphmau had allowed me to live with her after I had finished college. And well, until I have a place of my own.

I knocked on the grey door as my bags were on the right side of me, and my impatient huskies on the other. I had gotten Aurora and Echo as a Christmas present for my mom, as a goodbye gift for leaving to school. I had a small apartment, so I was allowed to keep them in there.

I tapped my foot on the concrete impatiently as I crossed my arms. I heard slight bickering, and in confusion I turned to the noise. There were four boys in the house across from Aphmau. Whislt the three of them looked like mad-men, one of them had his attention to me, and from here, I could see the smirk on his face.

I scoffed when I heard the door open, causing me to turn back around. Before I could say a word to my delightful sister, I had been tackled to the ground. I swear I could've felt my ears crying for a second. "You're here!" 

I simply rolled my eyes. "I hadn't noticed." 

"Travis!" The air was knocked out of my as another body jumped on top of us. I quickly pushed them off, and took a sharp intake of air, glaring. 

"Travis.." Aphmau slightly growled. I got onto my feet and brushed myself off. Finally looking at the person,  it was the guy who I saw, no less than a minute ago, smiling right back at me. I gave a small one back, as I could feel myself blushing slightly.

"Anyway.. [f/n] come inside and put your things down. I'll introduce you to some of my friends." I nodded as I stepped inside, taking in the smell of red velvet. "It's the room on the far end to the left upstairs!" She added, to prevent the possibility of me barging in on one of her roomates.

I heard footsteps behind me as I glanced back, not seeing the reason why Aphmau would follow me up. It was Travis, or so I thought his name was. "Do you need something?" I finally asked after a few moments.

He gave a dashing smile that could possibly send any girl crazy. I mean look at him, he's attractive. There's no use denying it. 

"Your number?" That sounded more like a statement, than question. "Excuse me?" I tilted my head at him. "Your number, I need it." 

I opened my mouth to reply before I got interrupted. "I mean, I can always ask Aohmau, I sure she has it?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me. I scoffed for the second time today before I went to the room. Not before telling him to 'try it', in which he replied with heading downstairs. 

Aren't I going to have a merry time.


"So, Aph why'd you stop by?" The guy who Aphmau ntroduced me as Laurance asked. I stared at my phone, awaiting some kind of text, to verify that Travis indeed got my number from Aphmau. Although I never asked her.

"Just introducing (Y/N) to the Street." She said with a soft smile. I looked betweet the two before squinting my eyes. I shrugged it off as I looked back at my phone.

I gripped the item in my hands. This could be his plan. To make me think that he's going to contact me in some way, but then he doesn't, and forces me to give my number to him. But that's silly.


I lifted my head back up as I saw my black haired-sister looking at me in question, holding the door open. I gave out a slightly nervous laugh before shuffling my way inside.

As soon I got to the entrance, my eyes widened at the sight of  mop of blonde hair. "Garroth!" My voice slightly shouted. The game as I recognized as Destiny was paused, as the two males sitting down  looked back at me. 

My theory was confiremed when a pool of light blue orbs stared at my [e/c] ones. Before he could speak, I tackled him dow the the ground, similar to what Aphmau did to me this morning.

"(Y/N)?" Garroth questioned. I nodded frantically in responce. You see, Garroth here was a childhood friend of mine. That's pretty much it. We used to play as kids, and evenn got to the point of giving our first kiss to each other.

By force of course. I'll get Aphmau back later.

"Can I play?" My question was directed to the game on the screen. I heard the blue-haired male scoff. 
"You aren't good enough to go against me." He challenged. I pushed the blonde male off of me as I squinted my eyes at him. "Is that a threat, mate?" 

I got a small smirk in response. "1v1 me then!" I got closer to him.

"It's on!"


"Dude.. you suck." I stuck my tongue out at him. "Well, I'll just go in my room and cry." He said sarcastically.

"You should'nt have tried Dante." Garroth shook his head. "She's beaten me in numerous games before." He muttered the last part, although I heard it.

"Sorry, I get really competitive when it comes to gaming." I apologize, not really meaning it.

After I finished my sentence, Travis came from the basment, half naked. I tilted my head, my cheeks getting hot. "Guys where'd you put my--" He paused when he saw me. "Well hello there~" 

"Do you always walk around the house like that?" I asked, genuinely concerned. "How can a person be so hot?" I whispered the last part.It's kinda hot.." I mumbled the last part. I heard a gasp from Aphmau, she most likely heard me.

What if he planned this? What if he heard me playing, and decided to strip, just to impress me. I mean, that's a little self-centered, but do guys do that? Do the walk around the house naked all the time? I wonder-

"You just gonna ignore me, Angel?" I jumped, making slight  contact with Aphmau. "Don't do that Travis!" He smirked a little bit.

I blushed a bit, looking at the time. "I have to go.." I stated,  standing up. "Are you coming Aph?"

"No.. I'm going over to Aaron's see you guys!" She said walking out the door.

On the way over to the house, I met Kawaii~Chan. I thought my ears had been through enough pain, but I guess not. I huffed as I put the key in the door, swinging it open. 


Finally done! I was hungry so I practically jumped down the flight of stairs, and into the kitchen. I heated up some popcorn and laid down on the couch to watch some AoT.

I was almost done with the episode I watching, not wanting any interruptions. Nearing the end of the episode, I heard someone come through the doorway, but I paid no mind. The unknown person then proceeded to jump on top of me, earning a glare from me.

"Get off me! The good part is coming on!" By the smell of the person I could tell it was Travis. I totally didn't smell him when he sat next to me on the couch. That would be weird..

"Wouldn't you rather cuddle with me?" I bit his hands, making him take them off me.

"I cuddle if I want to, now move." Nobody disturbs me and my anime. It's a sin, and Aphmau knew this. He continued to sit beside me, staring at me. "You're awfully.."

Sexy? No don't say that, he'll think you're crazy.


 No fun.

"You analyzed my personality very quickly, how about you analyze the rest?" He said with a wink. I was on a thin line of laughing. I rolled my eyes at him as I went to grab the remote.

But he went for it aswell, most likely intentionally. You know those cliche movies where a couple is at a movie, and they both go for the popcorn, so their hands touch?

Yea, that wasn't us.

Our hands did touch, and I blushed for the third time today, cursing silently. I bet he was enjoying this. I glared at him as I yanked the remote away from him and hit him on the head.

A cry of agony came from the male as he pouted, and stared down at me. I felt a sudden wash of guilt, as I stared at the red mark that I made.

"Kiss it better?" He smiled.

I'm a nice person okay? But luckily for me, It was near his cheek. I secretly praised myself for being able to hit well, who wouldn't be?

I did the deed, but turned away quickly after that. "Hey.. you missed." My eyes widened as I felt a pair of lips on mine.

Oh. No. He. Didn't.


This part has been edited. The rest of the story may not line up with this chapter until edited.


I had too k? I know what your thinking.

"Luna, why you leave us off on dis cliffhanger?!"


"Luna, why da kiss in the first chapter?!"

I couldn't resist! It was soo tempting. We all know Travis, and with the personality I gave you, this is gonna be great...



Word Count - 1253

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