Chapter 4 ~ A-Con *Pt. 1* - Boyfriend?!

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Didn't bother editing this, I got lazy, sorry

<New Symbol>

(F/A) - Favorite Animal

~(Y/N)'s POV~

"(Y/N)~Senpai! Aphmau~Senpai! Wake up!"

I groaned. "One more day, mommy.." I say as I flip my next side.

"B-But (Y/N)~Senpai today is the day we're going to A-Con!"

I quickly jumped out of bed, waking up Aphmau. "I'm going to pack right now! I can't wait! Wait 'till you see my costume!"

I ran off to my side of closet, and starting to throw clothes in my (F/A) suitcase. Making sure to delicately pack my three costumes. I quickly hopped into the shower, and quickly came out. I plugged in the curling iron.

When I was done, I simply curled the ends of my hair, not bothering to do much.

Which explains why I only had on strawberry-vanilla chapstick.

I wore a black crop top and ripped jeans, and tied a red flannel around my waist. Along with black leather boots.

"Guys, hurry up i'm ready! And don't forget to call the pet sitter!" Aphmau rushed into the bathroom and said. "Finally!"

I chuckled a bit "I'll go grab the guys.."


I knocked several times and nobody answered. A smirk came upon my face as I looked at their open window. Looks like we're going in.

I slowly climbed through the window, as I saw Laurance with his headphones on, sitting on the couch. Guess he didn't hear me knock. I saw three suitcases, the colors of green, blue and red. I knew Travis' suitcase wasn't there, I'm sure he never changed it since.

I crept down the stairs, and slowly opened the door. Surprisingly, it wasn't locked. I tried my best not to be noticeable, but my boots made it pretty obvious.

"(Y/N)?" Travis says with a confused look on his face.

"Hey Travis." I saw a figure behind some crates. Lucinda.

Try not to show any signs of jealousy.

"Hey (Y/N)!"

"Hello, Lucinda.. I came to collect you guys. Did I interrupt something?"


Travis smirked. Before he could talk Lucinda spoke. "You didn't interrupt anything (Y/N). We're coming now."

"Mhm, sure. We're meeting at Aph's house." I glared at Travis before I left the basement.

Everyone that was coming except Travis and Lucinda were outside. They came running, making sure to lock the door and we were ready to go!

The whole car ride, Katelyn was staring at Lucinda and Travis. It looks like so much happened while I wasn't here. I sighed, and put my headphones on. It was going to take a while to get to the hotel.


"Oh, wow.." I say as I walk through the doors.

"That's something I should be saying~" I turned around quickly and caught Travis staring. I smacked him to the floor, and sat on him.

"You were saying?"

"Nothing.." I got off of him, and I saw Kawaii~Chan squealing in the corner of the hotel, now saying "Both of Kawaii~Chan's ships are sailing! Eeep~!" I guess a lot of commotion happened in those couple of seconds? I shrugged it off as Aphmau handed me the room key. As I got on the elevator, because I was not taking the stairs, I reached the room floor. Walking in the room, I was in awe. Two queen sized beds, in each room, an amazing view! Perfect! I dropped my suitcases on the floor and waited for the rest to come. I sat on the bed with my phone, as they came piling in.

"Your already in here (Y/N)?" Aphmau came in, her face a bit red.

"I was for awhile now."

"What are you cosplaying as?" Lucinda asks.

"Patience.. "

"As long as it has a short skirt, I'm okay with it." I gave Travis a death glare.

I decided to cosplay as Amora the Assassin, (Yep I just did that. Amora is a character from one of my books.) from a recent anime I started to watch. I got so hyped, I ran past the group and straight into the bathroom.

To my surprise, as I got out, I saw an amazing array of costumes bestowed before my eyes. As I got further into the area everyone was in, I cleared my throat.

"It took you long enou--" Travis turned towards me.

"I thought that one costume Aph had one was revealing.." Laurance whispered as red scattered across his face.

"What? Is there something wrong with it?" I pouted.

"No! Everything I see is perfectly fine~."

"Think I didn't know that Travis?" I smirked. "I have to meet up with my other friends that I met on Aph and I's old street. One of them is Amora's rival and the other one is her lover." I heard a slight growl coming from someone. "It's quite a coincidence, he looks a lot like Laurance!" (Well I just spoiled mah book.)

I knew not to say Kaito and Luna, because they would kill me.

"Guess we'll meet up with you later?" Aphmau said.

"Yep! Time to get in character." I kept a straight expression on my face as I began to walk out of the door.

Going down the elevator and onto the ground floor, I began to walk to the convention. I waited outside of the door when I began to get shaken violently.

"Hey! What's your probl-- Kaito!" He brought me into an embrace.

"Its been long Princess." I nodded. He's going to get smacked later for calling me that. "Your costume is very near accurate."

"So is yours.." I turned my head bit to see the group coming from the hotel. "I think we should go.."

Please don't come.

He pats my head. "Sure."

"You.." I heard a growl.

And they came.

"Kaito.. what are you doing here?" Aphmau stepped forwards. "You look different."

Save the situation, quick.

"I'm sure you remember these guys."

"Aphmau, my.. sister." I took a small gulp, while he looked at me with disapproval. "And Travis-"

"Her boyfriend." He interrupted.



~Bai ● 3●

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