chap 4

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Takashi POV

I woke up to my cat mewing and licking my face. I woke up and smiled lovingly at it. I carried it down. Then I went to shower. I quickly changed for school. When I got down, I opened the door to leave before remembering that I hadn't taken my breakfast. I left the door to take some toast. Then I turns to find my cat so that I could give it food. Then realization hit me. I had left the door open. It might have wondered out. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I heard a pitiful cry. I followed it. I saw a group of upperman throwing big stones at a girl, who was sheiding something. One stone hit her head and it started bleeding!" Stop it!"I yelled. Punching the students out cold. By then the girl had fainted. I ran over to her. I saw that she was sheiding my cat. I was so grateful. I also realized that she was a student at my school. That's strange. I would have noticed her if she studied there. I put kuro(Takashi's kitten name)into my coat and carried the girl. I took a closer look at her. She looked so...fragile. I carried her to school and stayed with her at the school sickbay as they patched her up. Later the nurse left. I noticed that she looked disturbed in her sleep. I don't know why but I had a sudden urge to hug her and comfort her in her sleep. But I held myself back. Soon enough, I fell asleep.

I was awoken by a sound. I woke up and realized that the girl had tripped and fell while trying to not wake me up. I chuckled at her clumsiness . "trying to escape without thanking me?" I asked mockingly."thanks for back then"she replied in a mere whisper. She suddenly got up looking around. At that moment ,kuro popped out from my coat. I thanked her and explained that Kuro is my cat. She smiled and nodded. I told her my name and learned that her name is Ruriko. 'What a cute name for a cute girl' I thought. After that she said she needed to go so we went our separate ways.

(Time skip to when he met her again)

When I was walking, I saw Ruriko walking down the street with her head down. 'Wonder whats wrong' I ran over to her."Ohayo" I said. She didn't reply. She just kept looking down. I kept talking but she was spacing out. I couldn't take it. I shook some senses into her. She looked up at me. I was shocked. Her face was purple and bruised,like someone slapped her. "What's wrong?" I ask. She looked away. I lifted her chin and made her look at me. She suddenly hugged me and started crying." Wish okok. Shhhhh. Easy " I assured her. After a while she told me her story...

(Ruriko's story)
In ruriko POV

I was only six when my parents died in a accident. It was on the eve of my birthday. They were on buisness. I told them to come home early so that I can spend time with them. So they speed in the highway. They couldn't stop on time when a vehicle came and they crashed head on. They were admitted. But on my birthday, they died. I was very depressed ever since. I went to live with my aunt and uncle. They allowed me to go school. But once I was fifteen, they temporarily stopped. So after all this time, I'm now 18 and I'm finally going to school again. I was home taught so I don't have to retake the same year...(end of flash back)

(Takashi POV)
I was astonished of her horrid past. When I asked about her aunt and uncle, she started fidgeting. From that I learn that they were not on equal terms. So I didn't pry on it. I told her that and her gave me a sweet reasurring smile. 'Kawaiiiiiii! So cute. I wanna see that everyday'. I thought. "Let's go school. We are gonna be late". I said. Then we made our way to school talking about random things.

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