Day 5 of Finding Love

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After a fun time with the Nanbaka gang, Artic was just chillin when Winter invites Jotaro Kujo and the Jojo Gang to the mix to help cheer her up

Artic: *watching TV*

Winter: *sings Stand Proud*

Artic: *giggles* Whatcha doin?

Winter: Nothing~

Artic: You invited someone did you?

Winter: Yes

Artic: Who?


Jotaro and his gang are here

Old Joseph: I head a special someone needs cheering up

Artic: You invited Jotaro?

Winter: Neehee

Jouske: We've heard about the break up

Okuyasu: We want to beat some ass

Winter: No!

Artic: I'll allow it

Winter: Eh?!

Jotaro: I like her already

Winter: I mean if we see him anywhere else

Joseph: We want to beat some ass now

Jonathan slapped Joseph on the head

Johnathan: Not in front of the lady!

Yua: Anyway we're going to the arcade!

Artic: Really?

Winter: Yep!

Arakan: Let's go!

The Jojo gang went to the arcade

Yua: Finally! Time to go play some games

Artic: Imma go get some food

Winter: Have a little fun. Eating before playing gets you sick

Artic: Ok fine

They all went to play some games

Artic: *walks around to see what to play*

Winter: *plays Street Fighter V*

Artic: *giggles then sees Dance Dance Revolution* Oh cool!

Artic ran to the game and started the game and played Death Till Glamour

Artic: That was fun

Winter: Woah

Artic: Yipes!

Yua: I never knew you were that good!

Girino: Never knew you actually dance

Artic: runs in the family

Winter: I wanna try

Artic: Ok

Winter got on it and started to play Megalovania

Winter: I couldn't kill Sans. He's too funny

Artic: I get ya

Arakan: Punny guy

Yua: Hehe

Artic: Hey isn't that laser tag?


Arakan: I'll get the other jojos

Arakan got the other Jojos to do laser tag

Artic: I'm excited

Winter: Neehee

Yua: I'm gonna win

Arakan: Haha I'm also gonna win

Jouske: Not with my stand

The gang got ready to do laser tag and then when the game started everyone split up

Artic: *hides on top of the stairs and starts sniping*

Winter: *starts dashing getting some hits*

Everyone had fun in the laser tag game with Artic secretly winning the match

Jouske: That was fun!

Yua: You bet!

Winter: Let's see the results!

Arakan: Ok!

Everyone saw the results with the jojo gang on the top 50 but with Yua in 4th place, Arakan in 3rd place, Winter in 2nd place, and Artic in 1st place

Yua: 4th??

Arakan: 3rd ok

Winter: Artic won?!

Artic: Have I told you I'm actually a sniper?

Yua and Arakan: What?!

Artic: Yeah

Jotaro: Hm she got some fight in her

Artic: Well let's get something to eat

Winter: I'm hungry

The gang went over to the food stand to get food

Artic: So what does everyone want to eat?

Arakan: Pizza!

Yua: Spaghetti!

Winter: Ice Cream!

Everyone said their orders

Artic: I'm going broke tonight.

Old Man Joseph: Don't sweat it! You'll get used to it

Artic: *giggles*

Everyone went to the table for their orders to get ready

Artic: I just hope I don't have to deal with Blizzard again.

Winter: if we do, we can just beat him again and again until he knows that you're too powerful!

Artic: Winter, I think you might need to hit the books again about the wolf tribes.

Winter: What? Why? I heard that we, the godly tribes, are the most powerful.

Artic: You got the kiddie version of the tribes. I think it's time I told you the truth.

Yua: I also want to hear!

Arakan: me to! Knowing about someone's history is very important

Jonathan: I to want to hear also

Everyone else wanted to hear it

Artic: ok, I guess I can tell the story

Winter: yay!

Artic: So basically, the hierarchy of tribe wolves remains as it is. The lowest is the plain wolves who are very skilled in hand-to-hand combat, but they're very weak when it comes to power ranking battles and are very smart.

Joseph: So basically they're battle smart

Artic: Yeah. Then you have the low power rankings which are the Psychic wolves, Water Wolves, Wood Wolves,  and Nature Wolves. They are powerful but they're not really up to par. But here's the thing, they're very resourceful as they have most equipment ready for battle.

Yua: So they use the equipment to their advantage.

Artic: Exactly. They're actually nice overall if you don't piss them off.

Jonathan: Wow I'd love to meet them someday.

Artic: The mid-power ranking wolves include most wolves.

Winter: Which are?

Artic: Fire Wolves, Thunder Wolves, Metal Wolves, Wind Wolves, Earth Wolves, Magic Wolves, Poison Wolves, and Ghost Wolves. They're either average or above average, but they can put up their own fight. Sadly, they're hot-headed since they only care about brawn over brains.

Winter: Wait I thought those Poison wolves and Ghost Wolves were stealthy!

Artic: Winter, have I ever told you that they're very good at stealth but don't know much about defense and tactile planning?

Winter: No wonder I was able to sense my friend!

Arakan: Do they also fight each other?

Artic: Yes. The mid-rankers will always fight each other to see who's the strongest but they all know that the high-rankers will defeat them no matter what.

Jotaro: Speaking of which, what are the high rankers?

Artic: Ah, now that's where I get to the best part. The high-rankers consist of Light wolves, Ice Wolves, and Dark Wolves. But the thing is...The Godly Tribe has never seen any Dark Wolves for some reason.

Jouske: Wait so does that mean you're-

Artic: Yes, I and Winter are part of the Godly Wolf Tribe.

Polnareff: But I don't get it. How come the Ice Wolves never met the Dark Wolves?

Artic: It's because everyone thinks the high rankers have a good life but in reality, it's very corrupted. See, the light wolves are very delusional in rankings thinking they're superior to both the Ice and Dark tribe, but in reality, they're just the 3rd strongest. 

Yua: So let me guess this straight, The light wolves think they're good people but in reality, they're just weak in the high ranking.

Artic: Something among the lines. But one thing is for sure, it's unknown which tribe is the strongest out of all. So we The Ice wolf tribe believe that we're just on equal power levels.

Winter: I never even knew all this.

Artic: You're just young sis. Besides, we're all trained assassins that just need guidance on what we need to do to make things right. Also, I'm still trying to figure out why the light wolves are trying to keep the dark wolves away from us. Sure we have very advanced technology and give it out to everyone...but what else do they want.

The host came to the table with the food

Host: Enjoy your food!

Artic: Finally!

Arakan: Yes! Food!

Everyone started to eat their food

Winter: The food was so delicious!

Yua: I'm too full.

Old Joseph: That filled me up real good.

Artic: Anyway I'll pay the tab

Blizzard: Broke

*Artic slammed the desk hard*

Artic: Speak of the fucking devil

Winter: Can you stop ruining our fun?!

Blizzard: First off, Dark Wolves are the 3rd strongest while the Light and Ice are in a stalemate!

Artic: Are you that dumb?! Every tribe knows that the Light wolves are 3rd strongest while the Dark and Ice are in a stalemate! Is that why you broke up with me?! Because you fell for her lies?!

Summer: Technically yeah, but I also pretended to be friends with you because of Blizzard.

Jolyne: Ah so you're the bitch that hurt our friend.

Artic: Look let's just get out of here and not start shit

Winter: Hell! No! Since he wants to show he's high and mighty, then let's settle this!

Summer: Fine brat!

Artic: *grabs her ear* Don't say that to my sister ever gain. How about a dance contest to see whose better *let's go of her ear*

Summer: ow ow ow. Fine! May the best wolf win.

Everyone gathered to the dance floor watching to see who'll win

Host: Welcome to the dance contest where we got two ladies battling out their differences! Who will win? Who will lose? Let's see whose the best dancer!

Summer: I'll go first! DJ PLAY MY JAM!

The DJ played her song Bon Bon Chocolat

Host: That was amazing! What will Artic Do about that?!

Artic: That was a good one but let me show you how it's done. DJ! PLAY MY FAVORITE SONG

The DJ played her song BURNING

Everyone cheered for Artic

Artic: How's that?

Host: Splendid! But I think there should be one more round to discuss the true winner.

Summer: How about we do this with someone we love?

Artic: Eh?!

Summer: Hit it!

The DJ played the song Where Have You Been by Rihanna

Artic: Geh!

Everyone cheered for Blizzard and Summer

Blizzard: Guess we call ourselves winners

Host: I think this could be a winner folks but what will Artic do to change that

Artic: 'Damn! They got me! What will I do?!'

Yua: Artic! *jumps onto the floor with Arakan*

Summer: Wait! I said someone you love!

Artic: Friends also count because we love Artic as our creator and friend!

Artic: That's right! Dj! Hit it one more time!

The DJ played Gokuradu Jodu for the gang

Everyone cheered for Artic more and chanted her name

Host: I think we have a winner folks!

Blizzard: Wait! How about all of us dance?

Artic: Does it it include fighting?

Summer: Hehe Yes.

Jouske: I'm in!

Host: Folks this is gonna be a big finale as we find out whose victorious!

The DJ played one last song USSEEWA

Everyone danced as some of the jojo gang had their stands out while Artic and Winter had their weapons out as everyone fought sneakily then the song was over

Artic: So...who won?

Host: Let's see the votes!

The crowd cheered for Artic and the jojo gang more

Host: It seems like Artic wins!

Artic: Awesome!!!!

Winter: Yay we won!

Summer: No fair! *charges at her*

Winter threw a banana peel onto the ground while Yua made a portal beneath Blizzard to make him fall

Yua: Mess with me or my friends, I'll fuck you up *looks at them sinisterly*

Everyone laughed at them as Artic and the gang went back home

Artic: I had fun today!

Winter: Me to!

Yua: That was the most fun shit I've ever had with the JoJo gang

Jolyne: Hope we made you feel better!

Artic: You guys did! Thank you very much!

The gang went on their way while Artic and Winter came into the house

Ichika: how'd it go?

Winter: It went well! We got to kick Blizzard's ass!

Artic: *giggles but goes neutral*

Winter: Is something wrong?

Artic: oh! No sis just thinking about something

Ichika: It's getting pretty late 

Artic: Maybe i'll get some rest for tomorrow

Winter: Yeah! Because Tomorrow someone else is coming

Artic: Again?!

Ichika: Yes! Now go get rest!

The girls went to bed

Artic: What were the light wolves planning that they're preventing Ice wolves from seeing each other.

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