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noun ~ a state of extreme physical or mental fatigue

I eventually fell back asleep last night, in the warm embrace of Phoenix as he stroked my hair. I was always a sucker for head massages, and it lulled me right back to sleep knowing I was safe and it was over. But when I woke the next morning, I wanted to go home. I felt out of place and wanted nothing more than the comfort of my own things.

I didn't have a lot to pack, neither did Phoenix, so it was fairly simple. We were meant to stay until tomorrow but Phoenix had simply explained that I was not feeling well and blamed it on the attack. I did catch the way the King's nostrils flared ever so slightly, and despite being the King, I gave him my best cross-armed glare. He soon turned sheepish and wished us well before leaving us be.

As of right now, we were heading out of our bedroom, the three of us dressed in casual clothing for the journey. Charlie smirked at us when he approached, noticing the three of us all wore black shirts, but otherwise said nothing as we made our way down the hall to where the King was waiting to bid us goodbye officially.

When we approached the hallway, I noticed the King easily but a glimmer of movement from the right caught my attention. Just before she disappeared, I saw the swish of material and the Queen's braided hair dart around the corner. I frowned, wondering why she had disappeared; it just added to my suspicions.

"Ah, there you are. I was wondering if you had already left without saying goodbye." Alexandar smiled, turning to us as we entered the hallway.

"We couldn't be so lucky." Phoenix teased.

Alexandar's eyes lightened with laughter as they shook hands. "Well, despite the circumstances it has been nice to see you again cousin."

"You too, Alexandar." Phoenix nodded, releasing his hand.

"And you Nova, nice to see you again. Thank you, sincerely, for rounding the men up yesterday, I don't know how you did it." He chuckled.

Please, Cel scoffed. He could've just commanded them.

True there. I hummed.

"No need to thank me, they were just..." I began, frowning.

"Irritating?" He mused.

I nodded slightly and he laughed again.

"Male bravado, it's no wonder we don't schedule meetings like that so often anymore. That's why the Kingdom has the three packs beneath it; to check on the others so we don't have to go back to the annual meetings." He chimed before turning back to my mate. "Anyway, you have a long journey ahead. I will personally contact you if anything else comes up about the infiltration."

"Same goes here." Phoenix nodded, glancing at Charlie.

"Yes. We will see what we can dig up." Charlie added.

The King nodded his head with gratitude as he shook his hand. "Thank you. I hope to see you again, in better circumstances. And Phoenix, once again, thank you for what you have done."

"We need change." He shrugged before settling his gaze back on his cousin. "Make it happen."

Alexandar swallowed at the slight threat, still clearly intimidated by him. "I will... See you guys one day soon."

The three of us bowed before Phoenix took my hand and lead me outside. I decided I wanted to sit in the back, despite Charlie's call of shotgun, so I could lay down. I was feeling exhausted, the lack of energy to even bother with conversation was too consuming. I think the fight, the injury, the late nights and the dreamy vision... all caught up to me.

"You okay back there, Nova?" Phoenix wondered, turning the engine on.

I smiled at him, my legs across the seats and my head on a small pillow in the corner. "I'm okay, just tired."

He smiled gently at me. "Okay, I will drive careful. Get some rest, my love."

"Yeah, my love, get some rest." Charlie teased.

Phoenix grumbled and punched him in the arm causing him to shout. "Ignore the buffoon. I will wake you when we arrive."

I smiled gratefully at him and as he put the car into first, I closed my eyes. Sleep didn't find me quickly, however, and I found my mind too busy focusing on the sounds of the car, the radio or the garbage Charlie was spitting about meatball subs.

"It's been weird having three of us go to this kind of thing." He mumbled, thinking I could not hear.

"It has?" Phoenix replied.

I could picture Charlie scowling in thought already. "I've been so used to it just being me and you on these kinds of adventures, or even in everyday pack life. Having Nova around is..."

I found myself holding my breath, my heart aching at the thought of him not liking me here. Did he think I was intruding? Getting involved in the pack, and royal matters? Oh gosh, I was, wasn't I?

"It's been nice." He continued, the sound of his shirt moving against his seat.

I felt rather than saw eyes on me and knew they were Phoenix's by the way my arms prickled with goosebumps. I kept my breathing even but I'm pretty sure he knew I was awake; he was Phoenix after all.

Charlie chuckled. "She's got fire beneath her, and I'm glad it's finally showing. How often is she going to come on these trips? Traditionally, Luna's look after the pack whilst the Alpha and Beta are gone, not the Gamma..."

"Nova is settling into her role every day. When the time comes, it is up to her to choose." Phoenix inhaled deeply, slowly taking a sharp corner.

I felt myself smile despite pretending to be asleep, a warmth settling in my chest. I felt so wanted, so respected in my choices. It was something I never had, and for it to all be given to me like this, made me feel full and welcoming of it.

"...way, did you bring any food?"

I had tuned back into the sound of Phoenix grumbling at Charlie's never-ending hunger, making me almost laugh at his childish behaviour.

Snuggling deeper into the pillow, I wrapped my arms around my torso as my mind began to settle. The faint humming of the two men fell to the background as my mind focused on the gentle vibrations of the car. It didn't take me long for sleep to come now; my mind felt at ease.


The gentle coaxing of voices woke me from my slumber but I rolled away from it, snuggling further into the comfort of my sleep. It had barely felt like five minutes since I closed my eyes in the first place! Whoever was waking me from this wonderful blank state was going to pay if they continued...

"...nightmare last night." The deep voice mumbled before a pause as the other spoke incoherently. "I don't know...she was so shaken up..."

I grumbled as I felt movement, rolling until I was against something warm and familiar. My knees were closer to my chest now so I curled myself into the warmth tighter. I felt a cool blanket wrap around me which I clutched onto out of comfort. I hummed, allowing myself to fall back asleep to the sudden warming comfort...

Who knew car seats could be so comfy?

Through the haze of my dreams, I rolled over and pulled the blanket higher at a sudden cold chill. The breeze continued and I frowned, not happy with being disturbed. Who opened a window?

I groaned and pulled myself to sit, rubbing my eye as I looked around the room. Wait, room?

I looked around again, realising I was back in my bedroom and not the car. Phoenix must've brought me here, despite his words of waking me. Maybe he did and I just didn't wake? I was a heavy sleeper when I was tired.

I noticed the window was shut but a sudden movement beside my en-suite caught my eye. I froze, raising my gaze as the shadow moved closer. I felt my hazy sleepy mind become wildly alert as I tried to make out the figure. Long dark hair, deep-set dark eyes and long drapey sleeves and jeans.

"Raven?" I mumbled.

She came to a stop beside my bed, about four feet away. She looked the same as she did the last time I saw her; withdrawn and tired.

"Nova..." She greeted.

"How did you get in here?"

"I teleported." She shrugged.

My eyes widened. "I thought the packhouse prevented that kind of magic?"

She smirked. "It does."

"So..." I scanned her face but realised she wasn't going to tell me anytime soon.

Something to bring up to Phoenix.

"Why are you here?" I wondered, looking at the clock to see it was mid-afternoon.

I had slept all morning and through lunch? Damn.

"You called out to me."

"I did?"

She nodded. "Not consciously. Something at the back of your mind did."


My mind whirled with thoughts, first of all, wondering how I had slept so long, but then how she got in here and why. Also, where was Phoenix?

"Your mate is debriefing his Gamma." She hummed, coming to sit at the bottom of my bed. "You called upon me in your sleep last night."

I swallowed sharply. "I see..."

"Anything happen last night?" She wondered.

"How can you tell I was connecting with you?" I asked, changing the topic.

During my calmer state of mind, I have concluded that I cannot trust anyone. Gaia and Raven, although nice, had not told me the true events of how our Mother died. Why would they lie and keep that from me and Pollux?

"Your subconscious mind must've been full of emotion, and something happened that triggered you to think of me. I felt the connection as soon as you woke up; it's like a trigger that just tells me your name." She explained. "I'm assuming you had a nightmare."

I nodded warily. "I did."

"What was it about?" She wondered. "For it to call me here, must be a big emotion."

I licked my lips nervously and decided to keep the worse half of the dream a secret. "I saw my Mother die and you were there... at the end. I suppose seeing something like that, scared me. I'm sorry if I woke you."

"I hardly sleep anyway." She forced a smile. "Did you see everything on how she died?"

I shook my head. "There was a fight, my father was injured and she left him. Then we ran to the forest and she collapsed and then the forest caught on fire... A tree fell and crushed her, but you and Gaia were there and took Pollux but I had fallen into the flames."

She smiled, a slight wince to her features. "Yes. She had been called there... My mother had a vision when the vampires arranged their attack, but Fate would not let her get involved. Her punishment would be too great as it would interfere with the greater plans."

© 2021 XDeafening_SilenceX on W a t t p a d

"Fate?" I wondered.

She laughed. "You have the Moon Goddess, the God who created you and created mates. There is also Fate, a kind of God, that us Witches have to abide by if we do not want to go to the dark side of magic."

"Are there others?" I asked.

"A few. Some we do not get involved with." She frowned. "For example, there is God of the underworld and death. Rare few get to meet the Moon Goddess before they die, most go to him. There is also God of war, God of Knowledge, God of intelligence... There all...minions I suppose. Fate, Death and in your case the Moon Goddess rule."

"Why in my case?"

"Each species have their own distinct 'God'. You have the Moon Goddess, we have the Queen Witch..." She shrugged. "Anyway, enough of that. I'm sorry you had to see your mother die, I just came because it was so...powerful."

"I'm sorry you had to be disturbed." I smiled.

She shook her head, a strange expression covering her features. "Not at all. See you again soon, Nova."

She vanished before I could speak further and when the room fell into silence, I let out a heavy breath. Something was strange.

Phoenix? I called.

Nova? You're awake. He replied after a moment of hesitation.

I am... I replied, noticing he was on the training grounds.

What's wrong, my love?

Raven just teleported into my room. I replied.

She did? He growled. Whilst you were asleep?

Yes...But she says I called to her in my dream state. I didn't tell her the full dream, I need to speak to you about it first.

If you are ready, I will listen. He nodded before a wolf approached him. I will have to leave you for a moment, Nova, I shall be with you in about twenty minutes.

Okay. I breathed, before cutting the connection.

Time to get ready to tell Phoenix all about how my mother really died...


Heyyyy everybody todays update was a little later in the day but my eldest has been off sick so it's just been crazy past few days 👻

wc : 2217

Question of the Day:
What are your plans for this weekend?
I'm house bound with two sick kids so need all the home play time ideas possible 😂 coming for ya Pinterest

Finding Luna © 2021 XDeafening_SilenceX on W a t t p a d

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