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noun ~ a sequence of actions regularly followed

I winced when I remembered that day. I had got out of it lucky, no hard damage. Phoenix was furious and had placed me on bed rest. I mean, I understand I couldn't see or stand straight but I felt fine. It was nice to have Phoenix caring for me though and laying on the bed made me realise how much I relied on myself to get through in the past. Phoenix was always so eager to take on my burdens, and I tried my hardest to do the same in return.

So that is why today, I was back in the office, helping him with the paperwork. It was raining outside, the September weather slowly coming into effect. I couldn't wait for autumn; the amazing colours always had me itching to create.

Phoenix suddenly sighed and I snapped my head up to glance at him. He leaned back in his chair, cracking his fingers above his head. I licked my lips, drinking in the tightness of his chest. He smirked knowingly at me, a playful look in his eye.

"No," I warned, pointing my pen at him. "Last time you gave me that look, none of this work got done and that is why we have so much today."

He laughed, shaking his head. "I was going to suggest we go and get lunch."

I eyed the clock by his door and was startled to see it was creeping up to two o'clock. "Yeah, sure. Let's go."

He smiled and together we rose from our chairs and left the office. Ever the gentleman, Phoenix held the door before grabbing my hand. We made our way down the halls to approach the kitchen. Surprisingly, Sean and Charlie were still in the kitchen, both with chicken wings in their hands. I frowned at the grease that coated their skin, knowing they would leave sticky marks over everything they touched.

They turned to us when we entered and Charlie's eyes widened in surprise. I eyed him, suspicious of his sudden shock. He cleared his throat, placing his bowl down on the kitchen side.

"Hey, there's the wonderful Alpha pair." He smiled.

When his eyes glanced at me, I narrowed mine in return. He swallowed, looking away from me. Definitely hiding something.

"What have you guys been up to?" I asked.

Sean shrugged and I turned to him, "Just finishing lunch and discussing mate stuff. Have you guys eaten yet? The leftovers are in the fridge."

Phoenix released my hand and thanked him, making his way towards the fridge. I slid myself into the bar stools beneath the breakfast table, not missing how Charlie inhaled sharply as I did so.

"What's going on with your mates anyway?" I wondered.

Sean smiled down at me, leaning his elbows on the countertop to come to my level. He had grown his hair out in the weeks since finding his mate, his pale grey eyes now complemented by light brown hair. It was weird to see him with hair after months of him having a buzz cut, but I quite liked it. I ran my fingers through the short length and he chuckled at me.

"Rose shifted for the first time since she was taken."

My eyes widened. "That's amazing, how did it go?"

His smile faltered slightly. "She was terrified. Her wolf ended up taking control for a moment but I found her wolf took more comfort in me than she does. It was spontaneous; her wolf got too strong after so long of being suppressed. It was inevitable but she wouldn't shift willingly in fear of losing control."

"But she did anyway." I sighed, "Is she okay now?"

He nodded, grinning. "She actually wants to shift tonight, willingly."

"That's great!" I squealed. "She's getting so comfortable with you Sean Bear."

He frowned at the nickname. "Between you, Rose and Molly, I fear I will never get away from these dreaded nicknames."

I laughed at him as he leaned off the counter to glance at silent Charlie. I turned to see him frowning, and I felt the sudden guilt that his mate was nowhere near that stage yet. The whole trio of us had complicated mate-ships.

Sean chuckled. "He's just grumpy because something he wants hasn't happened yet."

I pouted, taking Charlie's hand to rub circles into it. "It's okay, she'll come around eventually."

He cast a narrowed glare to Sean before looking at me with wary eyes. "Thank you, Nova."

"She left her room the other day didn't she?" I wondered.

Sean laughed, "Yeah. To chase him down and shove the flowers down his shirt."

My eyes widened and a small laugh escaped my lips as Charlie frowned. "She did?"

"Yes," Charlie grumbled. "They were roses too."

I laughed harder, just as Phoenix set down a plate of food and some water in front of me. He kissed my cheek as I eyed the plate, and I thanked him quietly. He had warmed up chicken wings, some kind of rice and peppers with a curry style dip. I dug in eagerly, not realising how hungry I had become. I was unaware of the silence in the room until I looked up to find three pairs of eyes all watching me. I swallowed awkwardly, slowing my movements as I stared back at them.


Phoenix shook his head when Charlie looked at him and I frowned, but Sean was the one who spoke.

"Nothing," He smiled. "Just impressed at how you're eating. I remember when you would live off of fruit or croissants."

I scoffed. "I would have more than that."

He chuckled. "Have you seen Kate since? I know you're not exercising as much, and with all these meals I'm sure she'll be pleased with how much progress you have made."

I blushed, "Thanks. I guess I have...Phoenix makes sure I always eat."

Which was true. He was always the one to initiate mealtimes and make sure I was provided for. I always had the image in my mind that female mates were the one's to provide for the male counterpart; to be a housewife. But Phoenix had knocked away every single prejudice I had about mates and it surprised me every day how much he cared for me. He claims it's to make up for his wrong-doings and to communicate better with me, but it came naturally to him.

Phoenix hummed, finishing his mouthful before he spoke. "That's true. We can go visit her later, I'm sure she can squeeze you in for a quick nutrition check. When was the last time you had one?"

I frowned, thinking it over. "I'm not sure. When I got back from being...taken, she checked me over every day."

He nodded. "That confirms it then, I'll mind link her now and she can squeeze you in."

I fretted nervously as he linked her. I had grown accustomed to Kate and her doctor ways, even Imani had been hovering around the pack hospital but the deep routed fear always sat at the back of my mind. I knew how the nutrition checks went since I had them almost weekly when I first arrived.

"She can see you in half an hour." Phoenix chimed. "Good suggestion Sean, it'll be nice for Nova to see how well she was doing."

I saw Sean shrug from the corner of my eye and even though they think I didn't notice, I saw the way Charlie's eyes glazed over in a mind-link the same time Phoenix's did. I would find out what they were up to; Charlie would let it out eventually. He was rubbish at keeping secrets from me; just like my brother Leo.

The two of them excused themselves and went their separate ways. I listened as Sean went up the stairs, no doubt to his mate, and Charlie went into his office. Phoenix and I ate in comfortable silence and the last few moments were passed with me trying to think about why Charlie was giving us weird looks. I didn't get too deep into my head before Phoenix was taking our dishes to the sink.

I begrudgingly took his hand as he lead me to the familiarity of the pack hospital. The stench of chemicals invaded my nose and as normal, I found myself taking smaller breaths to accustom myself to it. We were told to go straight in by Imani at the desk, and I gave her a pleasant smile as I was lead to my doom.

Before entering, Phoenix turned to smile down at me. His fingers pried mine open from where I had been digging my nails into my palms. He rubbed soothing circles over the moon-shaped marks and I exhaled deeply to try and calm down. It was only a little panic; it had just been a while since I had last been here. I thrived from routine.

"I'm okay." I nodded before turning back to the door.


Happy humpday everyone 🙈
Hope you enjoyed chapter 2 🤪

word count: 1505

Question of the Day:
What would YOU like to see from Finding Luna?
I mean I obviously already have the plot sorted, and ur gonna go on a journey, but what do you think is gonna happen or what do you want to happen?

Don't forget- read ahead on my Patreon!
Chapter 5 is already up.
I update Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday on there and you get monthly access including bonus chapters!

Link in bio or searching deafeningsilence

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 2021 © XDeafening_SilenceX on W a t t p a d

This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of the author. Any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, or infringement of this copyright is punishable by law.

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