Chapter 1

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I walk into my living room after working outside in the hot sun for 5 hours. I have three things on my mind take a shower, get some water, and call May may. I get into the kitchen to see my mom making some chicken and potato casserole with some green beans on the side. I open the fridge and grab a water bottle and twist the plastic cap off. I take a few gulps then stop and check to see had my fill of water. Then I put it back in the fridge.
"Lea you better take a shower your as hot as this steamed green bean." I look at the green bean in mom's hand.
"Yes I know mom I was just thirsty."
"Good now get to it before Rosie gets in the shower." Mom puts her bright red hair behind her ear.
I walk to my room. I take my light brown hair and make it a bun. Then I take off my clothes and throw them in my Landry basket which was overloaded I get my towel and rap it around me. Then I walk into the bathroom. I turn the warm water on and hop in. The water feels really good after a hot day of work.

(after shower)

After I get dressed I walk to the living room were three angry faces looking at me.
"You took forever!" Rosie looked like she was melting on the couch next to the fan.
"You know your not the only one in this house right?" Nathan yelled as he walked to the bathroom.
My father just sat there quietly drinking a coke but I could tell he was hotter than the rest of us.
"Dinners ready!" Mama puts the casserole on the table.
"Can't you see we are waiting to take a shower?!" Rosie rudely says
"Rosie don't speak like that to your mother!"
"Whatever." She flips her dark brown , black hair.
I go to my room to wait for dinner. I take out my sketchbook and my pencil and start to finish my drawing of my family at Christmas a few years ago. It was my favorite Christmas.

(Few years ago , 5 days before Christmas)

I waked to my room. Threw my backpack on the floor and looked at my mirror, tears about to shower down my face.
I looked at my forehead. They were right it was huge. I look for a hat, bandana, headwear, anything to cover my forehead for the rest of my life. Then I stop. No one can wear a hat in fourth grade and other head wear will not cover my forehead. This is useless I will always be teased for having red hair and a big forehead. I am so glad I am 9 and not 11 like Rosie because she told me about puberty and how it makes you very moody. Wait that's it Rosie has bangs that's how I will cover my forehead! I rummage my desk for some scissors. Bingo! I comb my front hair to the front on my face. I hold them together and snip away. There some nice bangs to keep my big fore head from showing. I run to Rosie's room.
"Rosie, Rosie, open, open!"
"Go away I have my friends over today!"
"Please I want to show you my bangs!"
"I did not know you got a hair cut today?"
"I cut my own hair!"
She opens the door. Then starts laughing.
"Let me see!" Lacy, Rosie's friend from kindergarten comes at the door and laughs even harder.
"Come here Nick." Rosie tells Nick to come at the door.
He walks over drinking a glass of milk then he starts to laugh so hard milk starts coming from his nose.
I leave to show Nathan. I knocked on the door. One knock up two down and five in the middle. Our secret knock to tell him it is me.
"Are you here to play tag with master of disguise?" He says in his deep voice which makes me laugh.
"Yes but first look at my hair." I say in my deep voice too.
He opens the door. Then freezes.
"Um it's different."
"Ok now I am going to show mama."
"Mama, mama I cut my hair!"
"Oh go-" she pauses for a minute "you did what Lea!"
"I cut some bangs like Rosie."
"Oh um they look nice but can I fix them just a little."
"Oh!" I follow mama to the play room also the library and hair cutting room.
She brushed my hair then took out the scissors and fixed my bangs to make them even.
"There much better."
I look into the mirror and see shorter and more even bangs.
"Ok not bad but I liked mine better."
"Now will you play with me queen Amber Rose?"
"Yes pirate Mithor." We laugh and run out side to play.

(Present day)

"Lea wake up!" I open my eyes to Rosie shaking the hell out of me.
"I am awake." I get off my sketch book.
"Come on we are eating dinner."
I go into the kitchen. I sit down and start to eat some casserole.
"Hey Rosie!" Nathan is wearing a monster mask from Halloween last year and is trying to scare Rosie like he did to me yesterday but I never get scared of his stupid mask.
"Aaaaaaaaaaaa!" Rosie screams then she slaps Nathan in his stomach and makes him fall on the floor. "Stop that before I tell Macy that you kissed Tammy wile you were dating her!"
"Okay sorry are you on your period?"
"What did you say little boy because I can fly you from here to California so fast-"
"Rosie that's enough."
Why do we fight over dinner? No one knows but mom always interrupts before it gets real. I take a string bean and start to chew because this is going to be a long night.

(After dinner)

I sit at the couch. I look at what everyone at the living room is doing. Dad is watching soccer wile sipping on one of those beers in a soda can. Mom is checking out Facebook to see if anyone liked or commented on the pictures of Rosie's sweet sixteen party last month. Rosie was texting on her phone with Eric. I knew it was him because that is the only person she texts other then Lacy or Nick which is only on a rare occasion. Then Nathan is looking at the soccer game too but is wishing that they would change it to basketball or baseball. You see this is about the nightly routine of the house. I walk outside to the porch. I sit on the chair and watch the wind blow against the green trees in early fall, the wild cats meow to each other and the cars driving (which only happens once in a blue moon). Then I get a text from my friend May-may. "Come over tomorrow we need to talk about something" I text her back. "Sorry but I have plans tomorrow."
I can see her rolling her eyes " okay but I will text you. " "okay"

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