Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

       For years, the school had been doing a field trip where all the juniors and seniors go to the beach for the day. When Dad signed the permission slips for me and Zayden, he warned us that there was also going to be an assignment attached. It happened to both Mom and Dad, and Grandma and Grandpa when they went there.

       We took a school bus together and once we got off, Zayden grabbed my arm and pulled me slightly away from everyone. We didn't sit beside each other on the way here since he sat with Eleanor, so I guessed he had been waiting to tell me something.

       "Guess what?" Zayden asked. "Both Mom and Dad, and Grandma and Grandpa had their first kiss here. On a field trip. From this school."

       "So?" I asked.

       "So, the tradition has to continue," Zayden said. "And it can't be you me since I already have a girlfriend, so it has to be you."

       "Do you really have to keep bringing up my crush every chance you get?" I asked. "I thought Dad talked to you about it."

       "Oh, he did," Zayden asked. "At least, I think he did. His mouth was moving, but I have a song stuck in my head that I was listening to instead."

       "Well, then can you please stop bringing it up?" I asked. "I'm really getting annoyed from everyone talking about it and bugging me about it."

       Zayden said. "Fine, fine."

       Kingsley suddenly threw his arms around my and Zayden's shoulders. "So, what are you two talking about and can I be included?" he asked.

       "Apparently not," Zayden said. "He doesn't like being bugged about Echo."

       "What?" Kingsley asked. "How can you not like being bugged?"

       I raised an eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure no one likes being bugged."

       "That's lame," Kingsley said. "If I can't bug you, then what else can I do? My dad barely let me come here, so I need to make the best of it."

       "You can't do that by doing anything else?" I asked. "Like going in the water, getting ice cream, anything?"

       "Ew, water," Kingsley said. "Gross, I don't do swimming. Although, that is a great excuse to go shirtless for the ladies...."

       I rolled my eyes as the principal told everyone to gather around so he could give instructions for the day. I didn't really pay attention to what he was saying, mainly because I saw Echo and I couldn't help to notice that she didn't look like herself. Most of the time, she seemed very happy and uplifting.

       But now? She looked kind of upset.

       People started moving away from the group and I looked over at Kingsley. "What did he say?"

       "You weren't listening?" Kingsley asked. I shook my head. "He was just telling us that at ten o'clock, we had to meet back here for an assignment. Kind of lame. I came here to relax after being grounded for so long and not being able to go out anywhere. Isn't the point of the field trip to, you know, not learn?"

       "Knowing you, you're not going to do the assignment anyway," I said.

       "Yeah, you're right there," Kingsley said. "It's too much work."

       "Anything is too much work for you," I said. "You once told me that sleeping is too much work for you."

       "What, it is," Kingsley said. "I have to close my eyes and keep them close. So much work. So, best friend, want to go do something?"

       "Uh, later," I said. "I have to do something first."

       "You have to do something that's more important than hanging out with me, your best friend and favourite cousin?" Kingsley asked. "I'm high-key offended."

       "Come on, I hang out with you all the time," I said. 

       "Fine, ditch me," Kingsley said. "See if I care. Just for that, I'm not going to be talking to you for the rest of the day."

       "Whatever you say," I said before walking off in hope to find Echo. If something was bothering her, she might need someone to talk to about it.

       It took me a while to find her, but I finally did. She was sitting on one of the benches, just looking out into the ocean. I hesitated for a bit before walking over and sitting down beside her. "Hey," I said.

       Echo looked over and gave me a smile, though it seemed a bit forced. "Hey," she said.

       "You okay?" I asked.

       Echo furrowed her eyebrows. "Why wouldn't I be okay?"

       "You just seem a bit off," I said.

       Echo sighed. "Sorry, I've just been a bit stressed with everything lately. School, dance, the state competition."

       Part of me didn't believe her, but I wasn't going to push her into tell me when she clearly didn't want to. Besides, she might as well be telling the truth. Just because I thought she wasn't doesn't mean she actually wasn't.

       "But anyway, how are you liking being on the team?" she asked.

       "I like it," I said. "Aside from getting exhausted all the time, but my dad told me I'd get used to it. Eventually."

       "You will," Echo assured. "I remembered the first time I was on D.A.N.C.E. I mean, I've been training for years before that, but being part of the team was a lot more brutal on my energy because we were actually going to be competing. You nervous for the competition?"

       "Kind of," I said. "I've never actually been part of a competition before."

       "What about the duet qualifier?" she asked.

       "Well, yeah, but I wasn't really on the team then," I said. "That was just me standing in for my brother because he was being an idiot."

       "You danced as yourself, though," Echo pointed out.

       "Yeah, I guess," I said. "I'm still worried about being on the team, to be honest. I love dancing and I'm happy I joined but....That will only give people yet another reason to compare me to Zayden, and I hate it. I'm my own person, but most people just see me as his quiet twin brother."

       "Well, if it's any consolation, I don't see you as Zayden's quiet twin brother," Echo said. "If anything, I see Zayden as your more annoying twin brother."

        I smiled and chuckled softly at that. "Thanks for the consolation."

       "Rhys, you shouldn't care if people compare you and Zayden," Echo said. "Their opinions don't matter, and they're only comparing you two because they don't personally know you, which is a shame because you're a really great guy. I don't think I've ever met someone as nice as you."

       "Thank you," I said. "Really, it means a lot to actually hear that from someone."

       "No problem," Echo said. "I am serious, though. I don't talk to many people, but if I ever had to open up to someone, I'd turned to you."

        "Yeah, I don't talk to many people either," I said. "In fact, I find it really hard to talk to someone outside of my family. When I was five and going into kindergarten, the school had to put both Zayden and Kingsley in my class, and my dad had to be my teacher."

       "Really?" Echo asked.

       I nodded. "Really. I don't know, I've always had attachment issues when I was a baby. Literally no one could hold me except for my dad, and occasionally my mom."

       "Why your dad and not your mom?" Echo asked.

       I shrugged. "I don't know really, but my parents told me that when they went to the final ultrasound before Zayden and I were born, they couldn't find a second heartbeat, which was mine. After we were born and my parents thought I wasn't alive, my dad was just holding my hand and when he pulled away to hold Zayden was when I started crying."

       "Wow, that's honestly a bit cute," Echo said. "Sad, but cute."

       "Yeah, my dad was really devastated," I said. "He really loves kids, so when he thought that they lost one, it was hard on him."

       "I could see that," Echo said. "Him really loving kids, that is. How many siblings did you say he has again? Eight?"

       "Nine," I said. "He's the oldest, by the way. Gray is the youngest. Well, Gray and Magnolia, but Gray since he's the younger twin."

       "I can't even imagine having nine siblings," Echo said. "I only have an older sister. How many cousins do you have, then?"

       "Not a lot," I said. "Just eight. My dad's siblings don't have many kids themselves. The most is Kingsley's dad with four kids. You have any cousins?"

       "Just one, but she's a lot older than me," Echo said. "Well, not too older, but she is in her mid-twenties. I don't get to see her a lot because she's too busy travelling the world."

       "Oh, I want to travel the world," I said.

       "Me too," Echo said. "There's so many different things to see and do and try."

       "Yeah," I said. "Of course, I'll have to travel with someone I know because I don't handle well being on my own, but I'd still love to travel."

       "Is it hard?" Echo asked. "Feeling like you always have to have someone there for me?"

       "At times, yeah," I said. "And it sucks because even when I have someone there for me, I still feel alone. Like, I can trust Kingsley with anything, but it's not enough. Well, mostly anything. He's not the best at keeping secrets."

       "I know how you feel," Echo said. "Well, not fully, but there are times I feel alone."

       "What about your sister?" I asked, but Echo just shrugged in reply. "You know, if you ever feel alone, you can always come to me. I'll always be here for you because I know how it feels not to have someone."

       Echo looked at me and when she smiled, I knew right then that maybe I could be fully comfortable with her. I had no problem talking to her about things I didn't normally tell people. And she definitely wasn't going to judge me.

       Echo and I didn't say anything. We just stared at each other, then we both leaned in and our lips pressed against each other.

       And then Kingsley just had to be, well, Kingsley.

       "Yeah, that's my cousin!" I heard him call, which made me pull away from Echo to glare at him. "You get 'em!"

       "Is that necessary?" I asked.

       "Yes, because I'm bored," he whined. "Pay attention to me."

       I gave him a look that told him to leave, and he did with a sigh, all while Echo laughed slightly. "There's never a dull moment with him around."

       I sighed. "I'm sorry about him."

       "Don't be," Echo said, still smiling. "So, I have a confession?"

       "Don't tell me that you don't like me and want to forget about the kiss."

       "What? No. I was going to tell you that I like you. A lot. And that kiss was probably the best thing that has ever happened to me in a long time."

        I smiled. "Okay, good, because I really like you too."

       "Ask her out!" I heard Kingsley called. Didn't he just leave?

       I looked over at him. "Go bug Zayden. You'll get more of a reaction from him."

       "Oh, true," Kingsley said before walking off.

       "So...." I said slowly.

       "Yes," Echo said. "I would love you go out with you."


RECHO FOR THE WINNNNNNN. And Kingsley for the win because Kingsley is everything. <3 He's like a mix of Jerome and Nolan and I love it because he's not their biological son.

Woo and let's post a gif of Echo because me and my gifs. (there's not enough ozzy in tns for me to make rhys gifs yet :/)

I have another gif for her that I will use in the future. >:D

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