Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

       The state competition was coming closer and closer, which was making D.A.N.C.E rehearse even harder. That was getting really difficult for me because I was not used to training this hard, but I was still keeping up and if I was having a hard time, Zayden or Echo always helped me out during a break.

       Zayden and I got to the studio quite early on Saturday since we left shortly after Dad did, and he was the one who had the keys to the studio. Besides, I was struggling only a tiny bit with part of the choreo, so Zayden was going to help me before rehearsal started so that I would be caught up by then.

       While we were working on it, Kingsley was the next to show up and he walked over. "Sorry, Zayden, but I need to talk to my favourite cousin," he said.

       "Me?" Zayden asked.

       Kingsley snorted. "You wish. Seriously, I need to talk to Rhys."

       "Well, I'm helping him with the choreo," Zayden said.

       "I think I got it now," I said. "Thanks."

       "Alright then," Zayden said before Kingsley grabbed my arm and pulled me to the bench furthest away from the entrance.

       "So....You know how yesterday at lunch, I accidentally let it slip that I'm seeing someone?" Kingsley asked. "And how I was only going to tell you because you're basically the only person I could trust?" I nodded. "Well, I did tell my dads about it, because they're trustworthy too. I just didn't want to tell my sisters because they're annoying. Well, Cerise isn't, but like me, she's not the best at keeping someone else's secrets."

       "Are you trying to stall?" I asked. "Because you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

       "No, I will," Kingsley said. "So it's not really seeing someone, I guess. More of a fling and random hook ups from time to time."

       "So, who is it?" I asked.

       Kingsley hesitated for a bit before answering. "You know Everett?"



       "His sister or someone?"

       Kingsley shook his head. "No....Him."

       That....Honestly shocked me a whole lot. Kingsley was always going on and on about how he was straight and the only one in his family attracted to girls, but now, he was hooking up with a guy.

       "Huh," I said. I didn't really know what to say about it. I mean, he was still going to be my annoying cousin-slash-best friend no matter who he liked. It was just shocking.

       "Like I said, I talked to my dads about it because I was very confused about it myself," Kingsley said. "I'm still straight. One-hundred percent. I'm not attracted to him or anything, it just....sort of happened when I sneaked to a college party and he was there. Long story. Anyway, my dads said I'm probably just bi-curious.

       "Now that makes a lot more sense," I said. "So....No feelings attached."

       "No feelings," Kingsley confirmed. "It's just....I don't know. An experiment, I guess."

       "Are you going to tell anyone else?" I asked.

       "Probably not," Kingsley said. "Well, maybe Zayden. I can trust him too. I want to tell Cerise because she's my favourite sister, but she slips up as much as I do, and I really don't want anyone else finding out otherwise they're all going to assume I'm gay. There's nothing wrong with it, but it just gets annoying when everyone already assumes I am because I have two dads, like how it gets annoying for gay people when they're assumed to be straight."

       "I get when you mean," I said.

       "Like when people assume you're Zayden when you're not?"

       "What? No," I said. "I don't know how you feel, but I understand why you don't want to tell anyone. And of course, your secret is safe with me."

       "Thank you," Kingsley said. "You do not know how relieved I feel telling someone about it."

       "Well, you can always trust me with anything," I said. "I can't really say the same for you though."

       "Yeah, I'm a blabbermouth," Kingsley said. "Oops." He then looked at Zayden, who was currently stretching. "Hey, Rhys 2.0!"

       Zayden looked over. "Hey, if anyone is the 2.0, it's Rhys! I was born first!"

       "Yeah, whatever! Just come here!"

       Zayden walked over. "What do you want?"

       "You want to know who I'm seeing?"

       Zayden immediately sat down on the other side of Kingsley. "Ooh, yes. Are you deeming me trustworthy?"

       "Yes, so you really can't tell anyone," Kingsley said. "And once I tell you who it is, you'll understand why I really can't have anyone know."

       "Yeah, whatever, spill."

       Kingsley sighed. "I'm already regretting this. You know Everett?"

       "Bennett? Is it his sister? Does he even have a sister?"

       "I don't know," Kingsley said. "It's him."

       "Oh, okay. I didn't know you were....whatever you are."

       "I'm straight."

       "And I'm confused."

       "I'm," Kingsley said. "And I'm not really seeing him. It's more of a fling."

       "Does anyone else know?" Zayden asked.

       "Just you two and my dads," Kingsley said. "I was honestly really confused about it since I don't have feelings for Everett and I'm not attracted to him at all, so my dads were the best people to talk to about it. They both agreed that I'm most likely just bi-curious."

       "So, what are you talking about and can I join?" Echo suddenly asked as she sat down beside me.

       "No, you can't," Kingsley said.

       "Aww," Echo said. "Is it about the person you're seeing?"


       "Oh, okay."

       "It's Everett," Zayden said.

       "Dude!" Kingsley said. "I trusted you!"

       "Yeah? And that's what you get for telling my secrets all the time," Zayden said. "Don't worry, Echo was the only person I'm telling, because Rhys would end up telling her anyway and I'd thought I'd save his butt after he saved mine all the time."

       "Uh, I actually wouldn't tell her because unlike you, I can keep a secret," I said.

       "Yeah, and I wouldn't expect Rhys to tell me something that has nothing to do with me," Echo said.

       "And to think, I was going to consider you my second favourite cousin, Zayden," Kingsley said. "Now Willow is."

       "Well, that's just rude."

       "Good," Kingsley said before looking at Echo. "Long story short, I'm bi-curious and please don't tell anyone."

       "Don't worry, I won't," Echo said. "I can keep a secret."

       "It's true, she can," I said.

       "Ugh, barf, couples," Zayden said. "Now I'm walking away because I'm a single Pringle." 


Shout out to the group chat for creating Everett. cx It was more of a joke, but I had to add him in anyway lol.

So, to clarify (even though Kingsley said it a lot lol) Kingsley is just curious. He will end up with a girl, so don't go shipping Kingsley and Everett. Well, you can, but they won't end up together.

And now I'm going to get Subway because I'M HUNGRYYYYY.

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