Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

       Today was the Halloween party that Gray and Magnolia was throwing, and I was honestly not looking forward to it. I wasn't really a party person because I hated being in large crowds of people, but the only way they would have been allowed to throw the party was if I went.

       And one of my many flaws was that I didn't know how to say no to people.

       At least Echo was actually able to come here. Well, she had to think of another excuse to sneak out since there was no way her parents would have let her come to a Halloween party. That was what she told me at least.

       This time, she told her parents that she booked some training time with my mom since she was an extremely good and well known dancer in this area.

       Echo came to my house first so she could get changed into her costume. We were as a medieval prince and princess since my last name was Prince. Not really. We just went to the costume shop together and it was one of the cheaper costumes.

       I was waiting for her downstairs and when she was walking down in her costume, I couldn't help but smile. "You look beautiful," I said.

       Echo smiled back. "Thank you."

       "Ugh, couples," Zayden said. "Makes me want to barf."

       "Do you always have to ruin the moment?" I asked.

       "Yes, because couples suck," Zayden said. "Now let's get going. The party already started."

       Zayden was the one who was going to drive all three of us there. I just hoped he wasn't going to want to stay there for a long time, because there was no way I wanted to stay any longer than two hours.

       Though I knew the party was going to run past two hours, and Zayden sure loved parties.

       As soon as we got to Gray and Magnolia's house, it was already crowded. I really wasn't going to like this, but at least I had Echo with me, and she knew how uncomfortable I got with huge crowds.

       The first thing Echo and I did when we got inside was head to the kitchen for something to drink. The were plenty of two litre bottles of soda, so we each filled up a cup before heading out of the kitchen.

       I soon spotted Kingsley just standing by the side, looking at something. There were way too many people to tell exactly what he was looking at.

       I gestured for Echo to follow me, so we walked over to Kingsley, but I didn't think he even noticed us standing there. I even waved my hand in his face, but that didn't faze him.

       "Hey, Kingsley," Echo said, and that was able to get him to finally look over.

       "Oh, hi," he said before going back to looking at whatever it was.

       "Are you okay?" I asked. "You seem distracted."

       "Honestly, I have no idea," Kingsley said.

       "You have no idea if you're okay?" I asked. "What's going on?"

       "Again, I have no idea," Kingsley said. "I'm confusing myself."


       "I hate feelings," Kingsley continued. "They're too confusing and annoying."

       "Yeah, I'm even more confused," I said.

       "Exactly how I'm feeling," Kingsley said. "I don't have feelings for Everett at all and I'm one-hundred percent straight. Well, maybe ninety-nine percent....Anyway, I see him flirting with another guy and I just get....jealous."

       I was finally able to follow Kingsley's gaze to see Everett talking with another guy. But not just any other guy.

       He was talking to William.

       "Why would you be jealous?" Echo asked.

       "That's the thing," Kingsley said. "I have no idea. I don't have feelings for him and I'm straight, yet I see him talking to someone else and it makes me jealous. It doesn't help that he looks extremely good."

       "Are you sure you're just straight?" I asked. "You could be bi."

       "Or pan," Echo said.

       "I'm not," Kingsley said. "When I think about the future, I see myself ending up with a girl and getting married to her. I'm attracted to girls, not guys. I just don't know why I am feeling this way about Everett."

       "Maybe you just hate that he's giving attention to someone else," Echo suggested.

       "Yeah, maybe," Kingsley said. "Can you do me a favour and distract Uncle William for me so I can go talk to Everett?"

       "Uh, I'm not good at distracting people," I said. 

       "Well, I need someone to do it and you two are the only one who knows about me and Everett," Kingsley said. "Well, and Zayden, but I no longer trust him."

       "What about Uncle Gray?" I asked, mainly because I saw him walking by.

       "Ooh, him I can trust," Kingsley said before grabbing Gray's arm and pulling him over. "I need help, but I also need you to keep a secret."

       "Oh, a secret," Gray said.

       "I'm serious," Kingsley said. "I really can't have anyone else knowing."

       "Don't worry, I'm good at keeping secret," Gray said. "So what is it and what do you need help with?"

       "I need you to distract your brother for me," Kingsley said.

       "Uh, I have four brothers," Gray pointed out.

       "Yeah? And which is the only one here at the party?" 

       "William," Gray said. "I knew that." Gray looked over at William. "Why do you need me to distract him? He's talking to some guy. Let him."

       "Uh, not when that guy is the guy I'm currently hooking up with," Kingsley said.

       Gray looked back at Kingsley with furrowed eyebrows. "Are you gay?"

       "No," Kingsley said. "I'm just curious."

       "He's one percent gay," I said. Kingsley just glared at me, and I shrugged before taking a sip out of the soda.

       "So....You need me to distract William so you could talk to the guy you're hooking up with even though you're not gay?" Gray asked.

       "Yes," Kingsley said.

       "Alright," Gray said. "I swear, this family is always up to the weirdest things." He then walked away so he could distract William, then Kingsley went to go talk to Everett.

       "I just love your family," Echo said. "They're so entertaining."

       "That's what I get from having a huge family," I said. "So....Are you ready for the state competition?"

       "Kind of," Echo said. "My parents will actually be going there to watch it, so that's going to put a lot of pressure on me since I'm going to have to try really hard to impress them. You?"

       I sighed. "I'm really nervous for it. It will be my first huge competition where I'm actually part of the team."

       "True, but you did really well during the other competitions you're in," Echo said. "You'll do great. We'll do great."

       "Yeah, I hope," I said. "I just feel a lot of pressure because D.A.N.C.E hasn't gone to Nationals for years. I want that to change, but I'm afraid I'll be the one to mess it up since I'm not used to competing, let alone performing."

       "You won't be the one to mess things up," Echo said. "The only dances you're in are the duet and the final. You'll be dancing with other people. You'll be dancing with me."

       I smiled softly. "Yeah, you're right. That makes me feel a tiny bit better." 

       "A tiny bit?" Echo asked. "What will make you feel a lot better?"

       "Hearing that D.A.N.C.E is going to Nationals," I said.

       "You and me both," Echo said. "My parents want me to be on another team because they don't feel like D.A.N.C.E has the chance to win, but I'm not all about winning. I'm on D.A.N.C.E because they accept all styles and they're choosing passion for dance over anything else."

       "Not everything is about winning," I said.

       "Exactly," Echo said. "Too bad my parents don't see it that way. I just hope D.A.N.C.E at least makes it to the finals, because that will mean we're the top four. It won't be as good as winning, but it will be better enough to calm my parents down."


Wifi, I'd appreciate it if you weren't a snake, thank you very much.

Aww, a year ago today, my brother and I were house-sitting my grandparents' house while they were on vacation, and we normally stayed up until six in the morning either playing a game, or me writing and him watching movies. cx And I remember working on Sebastian vs. Grayson at that time. cx

Now imma post this before my wifi shuts down again. :/

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