Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

       I really wasn't liking having Yvonne on the team. Not only was she trying to undermine Echo with everything, she was also quite full of herself. All of the dances for the rounds had been decided, and she kept trying to convince Zayden to put her in at least one of the dances because she was, and I quote, "The best dancer."

       Of course, that didn't fly by my twin brother because he had such a huge ego, so he really put her in her place.

       Unfortunately, it didn't last and she yet back to undermining Echo and constantly trying to replace someone in one of the dances. That was only when it was us dancers around. When Dad was around, she would act like the most respectful member of the team.

       Dad was in the office finishing up some paperwork for Internationals, and he told all of us to perform our dances for Zayden, and all the other dancers but mainly our dance captain, to give an opinion.

       Yvonne thought she was able to give her opinions during the dances, which was messing everyone up a whole lot, especially me and Echo when we were doing our duet. She wouldn't stop saying things like, "That should have been a lift," or "That's no place for a lift," or "You're not even in sync."

       Everyone else was getting annoyed, and Kingsley did tell her to shut up a few times, but she wouldn't.

       "Wow," Yvonne said once Echo and I finished our duet. "That was a complete mess. If you want to win Internationals, you have a lot of work to do. You'll probably even have to find another duet."

       "Are you kidding me?" Kingsley asked. "It was a mess because you wouldn't shut up. Never talk while someone is dancing, because they can't focus on the music."

       "A good dancer should be able to focus on the music no matter what," Yvonne said.

       "Not when you're shouting out things you think they should change about the dance," Zayden said. "Here in this studio, we give our feedback after the dance, not during because it throws them off. And by the way, everything you said about Rhys and Echo's duet is false. Their choreography is amazing, and they don't have to change anything."

       Yvonne snorted and crossed her arms over her chest. "You're only saying that because it's your twin brother."

       "Are you kidding me?" Zayden asked. "I'm saying that because I'm the dance captain, and I know what a good dance is when I see one. If anything, I'm a lot more strict on Rhys because he's my brother. I want him to do well, so if something's not working I tell him."

       "You may say that, but I'm only seeing the opposite," Yvonne said.

       "You know what? Everyone take a ten minute break," Zayden said. "Afterwards, we'll start cleaning the semi-finals dance."

       "And trust me, it needs a lot of cleaning," Yvonne said before walking out of the studio to do whatever during the break.

       "Who does she think she is?" Calliope asked.

       "Can she, like, leave?" Kingsley asked. "Forever?"

       "I'll deal with it," Zayden said before grabbing my arm and pulling me towards Dad's office.

       "Why am I coming with you?" I asked.

       "Back up," Zayden said. "That, and Dad tends to go easy on you, so if you tell him Yvonne is stressing you out, he'll kick her out of the studio."

       "Uh, I doubt he will," I said.

       "Trust me, he will if we tell him everything she's been doing," Zayden said. "Everyone on D.A.N.C.E has to be a team player and if they're not, they get the boot. It has happened before."

       I still didn't know if Dad would because he had only seen Yvonne as being extremely respectful. He didn't see her being completely conceited, and coming from a Prince, the family filled with arrogant people, that said something.

       Zayden didn't even knock on the door before walking in, so I followed him. "Dad, we have a problem," he said.

       "What is it?" Dad asked, looking up from his paperwork.

       "Yvonne," Zayden said. "She's unbearable."

       "Really?" Dad asked. "She seems like a good asset to the team. She has been picking up the dances fast and she's a team player."

       "Yeah, when you're around," Zayden said. "When you're not, she's horrible. She keeps trying to replace one of us in one of the dances, she's always undermining everyone especially Echo, and just now when we were showing each other our dances, she was critiquing them during the dances. She kept shouting out things like, 'That should be a turn, not a lift'. So, can you kick her out?"

       "I'm not kicking her out, Zayden," Dad said.

       "But she's stressing Rhys out," Zayden said. "She's mostly undermining the duet, and she even said we should find another duet. You know how low Rhys thinks of himself."

       I glared at Zayden. "Thanks."

       Zayden ignored me and continued talking to Dad. "Rhys is only going to do a lot worse with Yvonne around."

       "I'll talk to her about it," Dad said.

       "So you're not kicking her out?" Zayden asked.

       "Not when she doesn't know she's doing anything wrong," Dad said. 

       "Excuse you, Father, but she does know," Zayden said. "She acts completely different when you're around. She knows what she's doing. She's evil, I'm telling you.

       "Zayden, stop..." Dad began but Zayden cut him off.


       "I'll talk to her about it," Dad said again. "But if she does keep acting like that, then I will kick her off the team."

       "Save the time and do it now," Zayden said. "It's going to happen eventually. Might as well do it now."

       "Bye, Zayden," Dad said.

       Zayden decided to be immature and stick his tongue out at Dad before leaving his office.

       Dad looked at me. "Is Yvonne really as bad as Zayden made her out to be."

       "Yeah, basically," I said. "She's been like that the day she showed up."

       "Okay, well, I will talk to her about it," Dad said.

       Honestly, I just hoped Yvonne was kicked out of the studio. I didn't think I can handle her anymore.



But alas, it's not happening. :( I'LL NEVER STOP SHIPPING THEM.

And I'll insert a gif while I wait for Pozzy to happen:

Get it, my children. Lol you can also see Ryder, Mae, and Calliope. I get a lot of my cast from TNS oops.

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