Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

       I still didn't know if I was going to join to be joining D.A.N.C.E. I told Dad I was still thinking about it, but I was going to the rehearsal with Zayden like I normally did. Maybe being there would help me think if I wanted to join or now.

       Zayden seemed a bit different after school when he was driving to the dance studio. He just looked really upset for some reason. I wanted to ask him what was going on, but I had a feeling her would tell me nothing because of the competition, he was a lot more mad at me.

       When we got to the studio, Zayden said he was going to head to the change room, so I just made my way to the main studio while he did that. On the way, I walked by one of the smaller studios, but I stopped when I heard music coming from there. I looked inside to see Echo dancing a solo. I wondered if it was the solo she told me about; the one she danced to whenever she needed to escape.

       I stood by, watching her dance. She was such a beautiful dancer, and I could see the emotion on her face.

       But watching her dance was causing so much pain to me. I really liked her, but I had no idea what to do about it.

       I silently sighed and continued walking to the main studio. Most people were there, warming up. I just sat down on the bench, and Kingsley walked over. "So, made a decision yet?" he asked.

       "No, not yet," I said. "I'm just going to wait a few more days."

       "Well, you have to decide soon," Kingsley said. "Because your dad has to send in the names for the state competition."

       "I know," I said. "Just....give me time."

       "Okay," Kingsley said. "But, please, for once, do what's best for you and not anyone else. You always put other people first and you need to put yourself first at times."

       Exactly what Echo told me.

       Kingsley got up and went back to warming up. When everyone showed up, they started working on their routine for the state competition. I was watching it the whole time and Zayden, and he was still looking really distracted. Something was up and I wasn't liking it.

       Dad noticed, of course, since he was watching the run-through, and he told Zayden to go for a walk. Zayden sighed and left the main studio, and I got up to follow him. He was just sitting down against the wall, so I sat down beside him. "You want to talk?" I asked. "Or do you want to tell me I'm imagining things?" 

       Zayden sighed and rested his head against the wall. "I'm sorry about that," he said. "I guessed I should have talked to you instead of acting like a jerk."

       "You think?" I asked. "Echo told me why you were mad. You seriously don't realize that I get compared to you all the time, do you? People telling me I should talk more like you or dress more like you or even that you're the better looking twin."

       "Uh, I am the better looking twin," Zayden said.

       "Right, which is why when I take off my glasses, everyone thinks it's you," I said.

       Zayden just shrugged. "Eleanor broke up with me."

       "Oh," I said slowly. "I'm sorry."

       "No, you're not," Zayden said. "You know part of me started dating her just to spite you."

       "Yeah, part of you," I said. "I knew you wouldn't use a girl like that, so you must have had some feelings for her."

       "Yeah, I did," Zayden said. "Still do, but....I don't know, I guess she thought I wasn't working. She said I was too arrogant and that I probably don't even like her."

       "Then prove it to her," I said.

       Zayden looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. " don't mind if I go out with her?"

       "Nope," I said. "She made you happy, and I kind of got over it. I didn't even know why I liked her, to be honest. She was nice to me, but she was nice to everyone. I'd rather like someone who, I don't know, sees me as my own person and not just your twin brother."

       "I didn't even know you felt that way," Zayden said. "Overwhelmed, that is. People really compare you to me all the time?"

       "Uh, yeah," I said. "Seriously, I haven't gone a single week without being compared to you. I don't know why you even got mad at Echo. That was one time."

       "Sorry for wanting to be my own person," Zayden said. "But yeah, I overreacted. I shouldn't have been mad at you for what she said. I was just....Worried, I guess. When you danced in my place at the solos, it was amazing. I didn't know how you could just make that on the spot."

       I laughed a bit. "I didn't. I made that solo a whole ago that I danced to whenever I felt stressed or something. You were so lucky your solo song was the one I always danced to."

       Zayden released a deep breath. "Oh, good. You're not better than me."

       I rolled my eyes. "Still so much arrogance."

       "It's the Prince arrogance," he said. "I'm surprised you didn't get it."

       "Uh, not all Princes got it," I said. "Uncle Nolan didn't. And....Yeah, he was the only one who didn't get it."

       "True," Zayden said. "So, I hear you're thinking about joining the team."

       "I don't know...."

       "You should if you love dancing so much," Zayden said. "Besides, what you did for the team yesterday when I was being a huge jerk showed that you'd think about the team and not just for yourself. You willingly learned the duet and took time to rehearse with Echo. If that doesn't say part of the team, then I don't know what does."

       "I still don't know...."

       "Well, what's stopping you?"

       One person was. Echo. Having to be around her even more would cause me to like her even more, and I couldn't hurt Zayden, even if he liked Eleanor now. 

       So I didn't reply.


Two updates woo.

Yay, Zayden is no longer a butt. Well for now. You never now. cx

I almost forgot that the video attached is of Echo's solo. (i almost wrote piper's solo lol)(well it is piper's, but echo for this book)

Omg, I need to post a picture of Rhys/Zayden and Echo since I did it on my group chat. cx 


So if you don't know, I have a group chat for me and my lovely readers. It's on the app Kik and we can have 50 members, and we only have 12 right now. If you want to be added to it, add me, laetithewriter, and send me a message and I'll add you. :) 

Warning: We don't shut up. cx

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