Chapter 25: Assigning Roommates

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Xiao Zhao finally put down the brush. Holding up the paper full of characters, he couldn't help but feel proud of himself. When the test question had first appeared, he had panicked. All the books he had read could not have prepared him for that question. He had stared at the blank piece of paper for hours and yet no idea came to him. Indeed, he even started questioning his own ability. It was deep into the night when an insight struck him.

He was resting his head on his arm as he watched the flame of the candle burn. Its soft glow gave him a sense of peace. He thought back to all the people in his life. If they knew he was going to take this exam, would they be proud of him? He thought of his Grandfather, then Madam Ming. He glanced to his left and saw Han Jun studiously writing. His side profile glowed in the soft light. His brow was furrowed in concentration.

He looked past Han Jun to Li Qing who was asleep. The soft glow reflected off of Li Qing's metallic dark mask.

As he looked at his friends, he couldn't help but feel jealous. Han Jun was a prince and had people who would take care of him, even if he was never loved. He could command respect and protect those he loved because of his status. Li Qing on the other hand, was very skilled at martial arts and could fend enemies off. Xiao Zhao looked at himself. What can I do? All I do is let other people protect me. I am so useless. Was my Grandfather really right about me?

Chen Ming's face appeared in Xiao Zhao's mind. He said, "You know, you are different from all the Yan I've met before...You don't jump to conclusions easily or condemn us Jing people. You really give me hope for the future."

What does that have to do with anything? To Xiao Zhao's surprise, Wang Jing Ling's face also appeared. Or, should he say, the Master version of Wang Jing Ling. In his mind, Xiao Zhao heard Jing Ling say, "That's courage: to do what is necessary even when you already know the results."

To do what is necessary even when I already know the results...To do what is necessary even when I already know the results. How can that apply to serving the country? Let me see, the officials of the country are supposed to serve the people. If I become an official and I see someone in a higher position abusing their power, but I know they have the power to ruin my career, will I do anything just so the truth can be made known? If I do nothing and watch idly, I am a coward, but a man of noble character would step into danger and do whatever it takes...

Xiao Zhao's eyes lit up. That's it! That's the answer! Excitedly, he grabbed his ink brush and started to write. He had written furiously for a day and a half and had just finished. Gently placing the piece of paper on the table, he thought to himself, Now I can get some sleep. He rested his head on his hands and closed his eyes.

When he opened them again, he saw people walking past his desk. Wiping the drool from his mouth with his sleeve, he sat up and he turned to Han Jun.

"Han Jun," he called.

Han Jun was distracted by something and didn't reply.

"Han Jun," Xiao Zhao called a bit louder.

"Huh?" Han Jun finally heard him. "What's up?"

"What is everyone doing?"

"They are submitting their test."

"Oh, why aren't you submitting yours?"

"Because I am not done yet." Han Jun picked up his brush and quickly wrote a couple of characters. Placing the brush on a brush holder, he held up his paper. "Now I'm done." He stood up and started to follow the crowd.

Xiao Zhao quickly picked his paper up and followed closely behind Han Jun. They fell into line.

He nudged Han Jun. "Where is Li Qing? Why don't I see him here?"

"Him? He finished yesterday and already submitted his exam. I think he must be relaxing in the courtyard," Han Jun answered.

It was soon their turn to put the test paper in a pile in front of the proctor.

After they were done, Xiao Zhao turned to Han Jun and asked, "Now what?"

"We can relax in the exam hall or in the courtyard outside."

"Can't we leave the building complex?"

Han Jun shook his head.


"They wanted to make it easy for people to know their results. Instead of having to summon everyone, they decided to keep everyone here until they announce the results. By then, everyone who was accepted can just move into their rooms and everyone else could just leave."

Xiao Zhao nodded. "Makes sense. What are we going to do now?"

"Find Li Qing."

Han Jun led Xiao Zhao into a wide courtyard. The courtyard was filled with many groups of people. Some sat around and ate food they had brought with them as they fellowshipped with each other. Others picked an isolated part of the courtyard to read, and still others sat in total silence by themselves and zoned out.

Han Jun scanned the crowd for Li Qing. He saw a faint glint of metal not far and picked up his step. He wove between people with expertise.

"Han Jun! Wait for me!" He heard Xiao Zhao call. Han Jun didn't even slow down but quickened his steps.

In no time, he reached a figure standing alone in the sun, his arms crossed as he held his scabbard to his chest. The mask glinted in the sun's light.

"Li Qing, it's so hot out here! Why don't you take off that mask?" Han Jun asked.

"Don't want to," Li Qing replied. His steely gaze shone through the mask.

"Come on. Take it off!" Han Jun shot his hand toward Li Qing's face. Li Qing quickly brought his arm up and blocked Han Jun's hand. Han Jun didn't stop though. He tried again but Li Qing whirled away. He tried to grab Han Jun's arm but he was too slow. Han Jun spun around quickly and threw Li Qing's arm the opposite way. Both grabbed each other's clothing simultaneously. They glared at each other.

"You want to hit me?" Li Qing asked cooly.

His coolness just angered Han Jun, who moved his fist to hit Li Qing.

"Fighting again?" a voice said sternly. Han Jun looked for the voice. It was the proctor's. At present, he stood on the steps and observed them. He shook his head in disapproval. "Let go."

Han Jun glared at Li Qing before releasing his collar. Li Qing did the same. Han Jun immediately straightened his clothing.

"If you two fight again, you will not be allowed to enter the school. This is your last warning," the proctor told them sternly. The proctor turned away swiftly and left.

Han Jun doubled over to catch his breath. "T-that..." he panted. "Was a good workout." He glanced at Li Qing who stood tall and didn't seem tired at all.

"Are you not tired?"

Li Qing didn't reply but instead directed his attention elsewhere. "Childish," he muttered as he started to walk away.

"Wait," Han Jun grabbed Li Qing's arm to stop him.

Even through the mask, Han Jun could feel Li Qing's blank expression. Li Qing glanced down at the hand that held him. Han Jun followed his gaze. "Oh," he reluctantly released Li Qing's arm.

"A-hem," Li Qing cleared his throat. "Now that we have arrived, I have no obligation to protect you." He moved to walk away but Han Jun grabbed his arm again.

"No. You can't leave me," he said determinedly.

"Let go," Li Qing ordered.

"No. I won't until you promise we can still be friends," Han Jun replied.

"Friends?" Li Qing asked softly.

Han Jun looked into Li Qing's eyes. He saw softness and humanity in Li Qing's eyes, but it was only for a moment. The softness and humanity suddenly disappeared and resumed its usual cold blankness. Li Qing ripped his arm away and gritted his teeth. "I don't have friends nor do I need any. I have always been a loner and I plan to keep it that way." He strode away angrily. Han Jun watched him go.

Mo Ran hurried away. On the outside he may seem as if he were untouched and unmoved, but in reality, he felt so much confusion. Impossible! How could I have thought of accepting him as my friend? What are these feelings I am having? Do you remember the last time you had a friend, Mo Ran? How you had to end it because you hurt him? Everyone you come in contact with, you end up hurting. Even Rui Ming. You like to think you are protecting her, but it was with you that she is suffering the most. You can't heal her and you barely have enough money to let her get medicine.

Mo Ran stopped under the shade of a tall tree and leaned against its trunk. This was one of the only trees in the courtyard and seemed rather out of place. Mo Ran surveyed his surroundings. While the courtyard was filled with mostly grass and stone structured-holes, there was only one tree, and this tree was a rather scrawny tree that barely gave shade to Mo Ran. He saw Han Jun and Xiao Zhao standing side by side while their lips moved. Out of nowhere, Mo Ran felt jealous. What is this feeling? How can I, the deadliest assassin in Jiang Hu, feel jealous? Mo Ran scoffed at himself. How preposterous! He turned his attention away from them and instead glanced at the other students.

One person in particular caught his attention. The young man had a short bun at the top of his head and wore short, brown, rough looking clothes that reached his knees. The man was just bending over his basket which was full of goods. Suddenly, he dropped something. It glinted in the sun.The man snatched it up and stuffed it under his clothing. It was but a glimpse, yet in that one glimpse, Mo Ran felt he knew what it was. The quarter piece of curved teal jade with pink flowers trapped in it made it obvious. The Yan Gu? Why is the Yan Gu here? I thought we had it.

Mo Ran thought back to a time when he was younger. He had just come under Yi Fu's wings. Yi Fu was just leading him to another room when one of Yi Fu's guards lunged at him. Yi Fu quickly fended the man off and in no time, the man was disarmed. During his fight, Mo Ran chanced to see the curved piece of teal jade hanging off Yi Fu's wrist. He normally could not see it because long sleeves concealed it. The jade made a big impression on Mo Ran because it was so pretty.

After the fight, Mo Ran had asked Yi Fu if he could have it, but Yi Fu merely laughed, telling Mo Ran that the glass was nothing special.

Now as Mo Ran saw the Gu Yan again, he felt unsettled. How did that man get the Yan Gu? Could it be that he stole it?

Before Mo Ran could think more, the proctor came out and proclaimed, "The tests have been reviewed by our judges. Now it is time to reveal who passed."

Everyone quieted as they eagerly waited for the results.

The proctor opened a scroll and started to read, "The first place of the Jia Rank goes to Li Qing. The second place in the Jia Rank goes to Cao Xin. The third place in the Jia Rank goes to Wen Shu..." As the proctor read name by name, Mo Ran tuned his voice out. When he tuned back in again, the proctor read, "The third place of the Ping Rank goes to Fang Han Jun and the fourth place of the Ping Rank goes to Luo Xiao Zhao."

Mo Ran sneaked a glance toward Han Jun's and Xiao Zhao's direction. Han Jun's face beamed and Xiao Zhao was smiling widely from ear to ear.

They had all made it. Though Mo Ran would never admit it to them. He was secretly very grateful that they passed.

After the proctor had finished announcing the names, he closed the scroll and announced, "For those who have passed, please follow me and for those who have not, please make your way to the gates."

Slowly, everyone went their separate ways. The lucky few followed the proctor inside the building once again. Mo Ran was just ascending the stairs when was suddenly cut off by a young man. It was the young man whom Mo Ran had noticed earlier. Mo Ran shook his head in disapproval. When he finds out how the man got the Yan Gu, the man will be in for it.

The proctor led them through the building and into a big open space that was paved with stones. Mo Ran knew this place would be where they would be trained physically. In the middle of the wide open space sat a man with white long hair and a small bun on top of his head. He wore a white robe and had a white goatee. At present, he crossed his legs and leaned back in his chair. In front of him was a table. On the table sat a wooden container in the shape of a cylinder that was filled with flat pieces of wood.

"This is Bing Shi Fu. He teaches martial arts and he will be deciding your roommates this year," the proctor announced.

Together with the rest of his classmates, they all showed their respect by bowing and saying, "Greetings, Bing Shi Fu."

"Alright, get up everyone," he said casually.

All the students straightened.

"This year, I am going to pick your names by lots," pointing to the wooden container he said, "In the container are wooden sticks with your names on it. Each room will have two people. I will pick two sticks randomly and whoever's name is on them will be roommates for this year."

"This man is interesting," a student nearby mumbled.

"Yeah, you don't say," another answered him.

"Now we will start. I will pick my first pair now," Bing Shi Fu proclaimed as he picked one wooden stick and looked at it. Aloud he read, "Cao Xin." He put his hand in the other container and picked another. "Li Qing."

"The first pair will be Cao Xin and Li Qing. Students who are named Cao Xin and Li Qing, where are you?"

"I am here," Mo Ran turned to see the young man in the brown, rough clothing. His head spun. It must be a coincidence, right?

"Where is Li Qing?" Bing Shi Fu inquired. Mo Ran raised his hand reluctantly.

"You two are roommates," Bing Shi Fu proclaimed.

Mo Ran merely nodded. Cao Xin approached Mo Ran and said nervously, "H-Hi, m-my n-name i-is, Cao X-xin. Nice to meet you" He quickly grabbed Mo Ran's hand and shook it hard. Mo Ran just glared at Cao Xin. I can't believe I got stuck with this man. He pulled his hand away and walked away without saying a word. The fun was just beginning...

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