23. A beautiful evening

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The next evening:

"Maa, let it be na. I am just going to a have dinner with him. That's all. I will wear one of my anarkali suit na? What's the problem?" Swara said in whinned tone.

"Oh god, what should I do with my daughter?" Shomi shook her head unbelievably.

"Swara, you are going on a dinner date for with him. It's first time and you should look different. Just wear this, you will look perfect. It's was you only na who thought to wear this, then why are you saying no, now?" Shomi said in convincing tone.

"Maa but.. won't it look a bit over? I mean what if it makes the situation awkward and uncomfortable. Maa, you know na he is still trying to accept things and I don't want to rush anything on him." Swara said in not so sure tone.

"Swara, it's just a saree. You are talking like I am advising you to wear a short dress." Shomi said with chuckle.

"Maa, don't tease me please." Swara said making face and sat on the bed.

Shomi smiled and sat beside her. She cupped her face gently.

"I understand everything dear. But if he will get uncomfortable with such  a small thing then how will accept the future with you? I am happy that slowly things are getting better. Make it normal Swara. Just like any couple who are leading to start a new life together. Your and Sanskar's lives are not different. Keep things normal between yourselves. There shouldn't be any space of awkwardness between you two. Share what you feel and do what you want." Shomi said.

Swara looked at her.

"Are you sure maa? Saree on dinner date? Actually the very first date of my life." Swara asked nervously.

"I am pretty sure. My daughter will look like an angel. So, don't think much and wear this. I will help you." Shomi said.

Swara thought a bit. Yeah, she thought to wear saree after spending last two days in confusion of what she should wear? She wanted to look different, not dressed up in anarkali suits like their casual meets or site visit day. Finally, she decided to go with saree but then she immediately jerk the idea thinking what if it look over? What if he didn't like it?

"Ok Maa. I will get ready." Swara said giving a smile but small nervousness is still shown on her face about his reaction.

Shomi noticed it but she didn't said anything.

"Hmm. Anyways, when is Sanskar coming to pick? Did you ask him?" Shomi asked.

"Yeah, he messaged me that he will be here around 7:30 pm." Swara said and suddenly her eyes caught the wall clock and she said.

"Oh no!! It's 7:07 p.m. already. What should I do?" Swara said in anxious tone.

"You can't change Swara. You always rush in last minutes. Go and get ready fast." Shomi said unbelievably at her daughter's habit.

After sometime,
Sanskar came to Gadodia mansion. He had already met Shekhar and Shomi and  they blessed him. He knew Swara must have already told them, still he asked for their consent to take their daughter out like a gentleman. Shekhar smiled and said that he trusts him with his daughter. Sanskar gave him a small nod when he got a call. He excused himself. Due to network issue, he came out of the entrance door and talked tot he person.

After a quick conversation, he disconnected the call and turned around only to get awestruck to find a most beautiful girl in front of him. She was wearing a plain wine color saree with black border line and black sleeveless blouse. Her pallu was elegantly pinned and dropped from one side of shoulder, and her hair was left open. A beautiful pair of earrings was enhancing her beauty. Her face was glowing with minimal touch up. She looked so graceful and enchanting.

"H...hi Sanskar," Swara said giving a nervous smile.

She felt a bit self conscious due to his gaze, the way you are looking at her. His spell was broken by her voice and he mentally scold himself for acting so stupid rather a pervert. But what was his fault, she is looking so divine like a goddess of beauty and she is going to his.

"Hey," Sanskar said with small smile.

Taking a couple of slow steps toward her, his eyes met her hazel pair.

"You look... different." Sanskar said not finding a perfect word to describe her at that moment. The words won't be enough to express to praise her.

Hearing this, Swara bits her lower lips thinking she was right. She shouldn't have wore this saree.

"Um.. I, I just thought... diff.. different. I mean, I.. I denied but mom pressurized that I should wear this. I.." Swara was saying when she was interrupted.

"I meant you are looking so beautiful, Swara." Sanskar interupted her and her breath stuck in her throat and she was looking into his eyes surprisingly. Her mind flashes the first time he complemented her, the night they met for the first time.

But the eyelock didn't rested a couple of seconds as she quickly blinked and looked down muttering a small thankyou. She pushed her hairlock behind her ear and smiled. It is getting usual for him now. One moment she looks at him without any hesitation but another moment she would shyly look down avoiding his eyes. But he likes it.

"Shall we?" Sanskar asked extending his left hand in front of her.

Swara looked at his hand and her lips curved into beautiful smile. Without any second thoughts, she put her hand in his which he held gently. Then they walked to the car. The driver opened the door for them. Making Swara sit, Sanskar went to the other side and sat inside the car.

"This is your table Sir and ma'am. Please enjoy the evening." The assistant manager of the restuarant guide them to their table.

"Thank you." Sanskar said and Swara also nodded at him.

Swara took seat and Sanskar sat in front of her. The best part of them was that the situation never last with uncomfortable silence for so long. They have talked to each other about their day and family, in their way to restaurant.

"It's so beautiful." Swara said looking at the view outside from the wall size glass window. The Howrah bridge was looking magnificent with light in the dark sky of this evening.

"Not more than you." Sanskar found himself voicing out his heart once again.

Her eyes immediately met his as she heard him and she blinks couple of time trying so hard to control her blush. But she was quite sure that her cheeks has turned pink and he noticed it.

"I mean, yeah it's beautiful. Didn't you visit here till now?" Sanskar asked immediately diverting his gaze away from her.

"No, not yet. I went to see howrah bridge but the view from here is really amazing." Swara said with smile.

Sanskar nodded at her. Then they were casually talking when a waiter came to them for taking orders.

"Swara, you order what you would like to have." Sanskar said politely sliding the menu card toward her but she slide it back to him.

"I would like if you order for both of us." Swara said with smile looking at him without blinking.

Sanskar looked at her surprisingly when Swara blinks biting her lips yet again. Her fingers curled with her saree.

"I.. I mean, I came here for the first time. So, I don't know much about the menu and speciality of this restaurant." Swara reasoned which sounded lie covered with truth as it was right she didn't knew anything about this place. But at the same time, she wished to have dinner with his choice. Also, she is not fussy about food to like or dislike any particular thing.

Sanskar looked at her for a couple of seconds like he read that expression on her face. His lips curved into smile before he looked at the waiter who was waiting for them and ordered few things.

Waiter noted everything and then he left to get their orders.

"What if you didn't like the food I ordered?"

"I am not fussy about food. I mostly like to eat everything. Oviously vegetarian." Swara said with chuckle.

"Well, same here. But only one thing that I can't handle too much spicy food." Sanskar said.

"Copy that." Swara muttered to herself which was unheard by him.

"What?" Sanskar asked.

"Nothing, you were saying about food." Swara said.

"Yeah." Sanskar said and he continued.

They got busy in casually talking about Family, friends, her life in New York and his life, the topic seems to be endless with their smiles, laughs and chuckles knowing more stories about each other. But the best part was, it was only them at that moment.

Sanskar was just himself at that moment. He forgot about anything else, except the girl who was sitting right in front of him and his smile was never leaving his face this evening. While Swara was also enjoying his presence. Her mom was right. Sometimes, keeping the things normal works a lot rather than making it complex or special. A beautiful evening and a couple normally sharing the highlighted stories of their lives and knowing more about each other. It's already quite special to have each other's company.

After sometime, the order came and they started having dinner.

That's when a announcement was done. A couple was their to celebrate their fifth year anniversary. Everyone clapped for them as they cut the cake and feed each other. Swara and Sanskar looked at them with smile. The girl hugged the guy and then he picked her up in his arm and twirled her before putting her down laughingly.

"They are looking so adorable. How happy they are. May god bless them with lots of happiness and togetherness like this for life." Swara said.

"Yeah, they are. Perfect for each other." Sanskar said lost in his thought.

Swara felt indifference in his tone but as she looked at him, he just gave a small smile and looked down focussing on dinner. Still, she said.

"You are right Sanskar, they are perfect together." She emphasized the word together indirectly correcting his sentence.

Listening to it, he lifted his eyes to meet her eyes yet again. Her eyes hold concern more than confusion.

"What happened to him suddenly?" She thought as he was fine just a couple of minutes back.

While Sanskar was noticing the unasked question in her eyes. How the hell he lost control always? Why does he let her affect him so much Once again, he lost himself in her. He thought, he will try to put some distance from her and control himself but no!! Yet again, her one look and he had forgotten everything. He was mesmerized the moment he saw the angel this evening.
But the spell didn't last long. It broken just a couple of minutes back when he noticed how she was looking at the couple adorably with a smile. Ofcourse, She would also like to have a life she must have dreamt. She deserves to live her dreams. But... Is he capable to stand by her to her expectations. Expectations? Well, she never expressed anything much from him. And, as much as he know she will never ask for anything but a husband would like to take care of his responsibilities and give his wife the happiness she deserves. But... Will he able to do that?

"Sanskar?" Swara said slowly bringing him out of his thoughts.

"Hmm, yeah." He blinks and looked away from her.

"Are you okay Sanskar?" Swara asked.

"I am fine Swara. Why are you asking?"Sanskar said pretending to have a casual smile.

"I asked because I am feeling something is troubling you." Swara said trying to read his eyes.

"No, I..." Sanskar was about to say when he felt her soft hand placed on his and it send a shiver to his spine. The touch, that feeling was indescribable. A touch filled with assurance, care and affection.

He looked at their hands. Only if he would have listened to his heart then he would have hold it and expressed his inner turmoil. But he choose to be silent at that moment. 

While Swara who unknowingly put her hand on his realised it. For a second, she thought to pull back her hand but she did exactly opposite. She can't back off, she thought. There's nothing wrong in it. Then why? Suddenly, the evening that started with a genuine smile is turning into a fake or sad smile. Why?

If there is something troubling him then he should trust her enough to share, and she need to give him assurance that he can trust her.

"What happened Sanskar?" She asked assuringly and lightly squeezing his hand.

Sanskar looked at her. Her eyes held so many emotions for him. That did something to his heart yet again. Like she is a cure to his wound. But.. no! This is wrong. Why he is giving her too much hopes if he knows their relationship is still having a question mark to him?

Thinking this, he abruptly pulled his hand from her and tried to give a normal smile which was obviously a fake one.

"There's nothing Swara. Don't think much about it." Sanskar said trying to be casual like nothing is wrong.

"Then there's definitely something. It's okay if you don't want to share now. Like always, I will for it Sanskar." Swara said with small smile although she felt somewhat hurt with sudden loss of contact when he pulled back his hand but she hide it.

"Swara I.." He was about to say something but then only they heard a glass breaking and then someone's voice.

"I am really sorry sir." The waiter apologized to a guy who was standing just a couple of meters away from their table.

"It's ok, Chill buddy." The guy said in cool tone patting waiter's shoulder. Waiter smiled before apologizing once again before leaving from there to clean the mess.

Sanskar saw the guy and thought  what is he doing here?

"Arav?" Sanskar said.

Arav heard him and looked in his direction.

"Hey Sanskar, what are you doing?" Arav came toward him excitedly with smile. He didn't see Swara as she was facing her back to him.

Sanskar got up and hugged Arav who came to him.
"Leave about me. What about you? You here?" Sanskar asked.

"Yeah, actually I had meeting with dad's old client. He is going to London tomorrow. So, I had to wrap up that. But you... " He was blabbering everything when suddenly he noticed a girl who was sitting confusingly looking at them.

"Wohoo, you and that too with a girl? I thought ladies department is mine to handle." Arav whispered to Sanskar teasingly.

"Arav" Sanskar said in serious tone.

"Don't get angry tiger. What about my bhabhijaan huh? Firstly you didn't met me with her till now and here you are enjoying your dinner with some other girl?" Arav yelled at him in whisper but this time Swara heard him and she couldn't hold her smile.

"Will you please keep your mouth shut Mr. Jaisingh?" Sanskar said unbelievably.

Arav opened his mouth again to say something but before that Sanskar said.

"Swara, this is my best friend Arav Jaisingh and Arav, this is Swara My...." Sanskar introduced them to each other but stopped in middle.

Arav was surprised that she is Swara but when Sanskar stopped at my, he teasingly raised his eyebrows at him.

"Your what, hmm?" Arav asked.

Swara tried to avoid the blush that almost appeared on her face.

"You already know what Arav. You wanted to meet her. Here is she." Sanskar said avoiding his teasing glance.

Arav let out a chuckle and then looked at Swara.

"Hello." Swara greeted Arav with a smile.

"Your smile is so captivating as much as you are looking gorgeous." Arav said dreamingly placing his hand on his chest.

"Huh?? Sorry?" Swara was amused.

"Uh, don't be sorry for being beautiful, Sweetheart. God will feel so bad if no one will praise his most wonderful creation." Arav said in his flirting tone.

Sanskar felt a pang of jealousy hearing her flirting tone with Swara, although he knew Arav was just faking it.

"Arav?" Sanskar gave him a side look.

"What? Don't be serious buddy. I know I am too late and my attempt is futile in this case. But seriously, bhabhijaan, you are quite beautiful." Arav said.

"Thank you."Swara couldn't hold her laugh listening to Arav's talk.

To be continued...

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