52. A Relieving happiness

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It was night already. All rituals were done. Bride and groom were taken to their room after a long tiring day. Guests and relatives also retired back to their place and few stayed back. They went to sleep.
After getting fake yet stern scolding from Sujata, Swara also proceed to her room as she was so busy with taking care of everything as it was her brother in law's wedding. Sujatha was going to her room when she saw her instructing few servants to keep gifts and few other things to particular room. But Sujatha came and strictly told her to go and get rest. They will do remaining work next morning. Swara tried to deny but Sujatha gave her not listening to her look and Swara agreed.

She entered her room only to find her husband standing near window lost in his thoughts. Hearing the door sound, he looked behind to find her and gave her a genuine smile. She smiled back to him.

"If you will pass me this smile, I won't believe that you weren't lost in something deep." She said in challenging way taking steps toward him.

"That's the drawback of having a understanding wife. I can't lie or hide anything from her." He said chuckling at her words and came toward her.

He forward his hand to her. She held his hand and he pulled her to himself.

"So, What took you so long? You said you are coming half an hour ago?" Sanskar asked raising his eyebrow.

"Just few things remaining to settle. I was doing it with servants but mom came and you know the rest." Swara said.

"Yeah, I know the rest and she did right." Sanskar said.

"Sanskar, please you don't start now. Mom is enough for today." Swara said literally pouting.

Sanskar smiled.

"Ok, but I am not taking it next time Swara." Sanskar said.

"Okay as you say my dear husband. Now let's go to sleep." She said and was about to move toward dressing table when she felt tug and with a swift turn she was into his arm yet again.

She looked at him surprisingly but he gave her a smile before taking a step back holding her waist and fell back on the bed with her on top of him. Swara get shocked but suddenly she heard him wincing.

"Ahh!!" Sanskar let out a painful gasp and squeezed his eyes.

"Sanskar? What happened? " Swara immediately look up to painful expression on his face and got scared.

"Sanskar? Sanskar? Tell me what happened? You okay? Did you get hurt somewhere?" Swara was looking at him worriedly and trying to see if he has hurt himself.

Sanskar looked at her restlessness and then laughed a bit. Swara sees it and gave him like seriously look.

"You are really unbelievable sometimes, Sanskar." Swara said giving unbelievable look

"Hey Swara, I am fine. I was just kidding." Sanskar said chuckling a bit.

"You think it's a joke?" Swara said in fake angry tone.

"So what did you think, I will get hurt with your negligible weight?" Sanskar said raising his eyebrows.

"Sanskar!!" Swara said.

"Okay." Sanskar gave up.

"Why did you do like this? If you get hurt then? And tell me seriously, you aren't lying right? You are not hurt na?" Swara asked still not believing him as the way he winced in pain.

Listening to her, Sanskar twirled taking her in his arm, pining her to the bed beneath himself. Suddenly her breathe stuck as his face was too close to her.

"If you are not believing your husband is not hurt then trust me, your husband have other way to make you believe that he is really not." He said in intense way looking into her eyes and smiling at her.

"No, I.. I believe you. But can you tell me something?" Swara asked trying to calm her breathe

"Hmm." He nodded to continue.

"Sometime, I feel your name shouldn't be Sanskar. Don't you think so?" She asked raising her eyebrows at him.

He heard her and laughed at her questions leading her also to chuckle. He rubbed his nose against hers and then say.

"Trust me, I do feel the same sometime and the reason is you." He said and kissed her forehead.

She smiled looking at him. His smiling and calm face always makes her feel light.

"What? What is this look for?" Sanskar asked.

She lift her hand and cup his face lovingly.

"You are really happy today for Laksh and Ragini, right?" Swara asked him.

"Yes, I am. Being the reason of someone's smile is always a happiness but when someone's happiness is on stake just because of you, that feeling is so suffocating." Sanskar said.

"Sanskar, it's nothing like that. Laksh always think about you that's why he did that." Swara said gently caressing his cheek.

"I know that and I am so lucky to have a brother like him. But his oath was like a burden to my heart. And today, I am relieved, free and most happy to see Laksh and Ragini happy. And thanks to you for making the things easy to me." He said.

"Why are you thanking me?" Swara asked confusingly.

"Thank you for making Laksh understand. He act so matured sometimes but next moment he is no less than a kiss " he said with chuckle.

"He is our family and we are always there for each other, right. He was just nervous, nothing much." Swara said.

"Hmm" Sanskar said sliding beside her resting himself on bed.

"I love you." He confessed looking at her and kissed her hair.

"Love you too." She said slowly closing her eyes.

He gently caress her face and sees her heavy eyes.

"You are tired. Sleep now." He muttered to her slowly.

"Like this?" Swara opened her eyes and asked chuckling, pointing toward her heavy dupatta and jewellery.

She sat up on the bed and was about to get up when he held her hand. She looked behind him eyeing him that she is coming but he said nothing. He also sat beside her.

Lifting his hand to her hair, he removed a couple of pins from her hair and her hair was fallen till her waist. She smiled at him and started taking out her bangles placing them on side table. That's when she felt his cold finger sliding her hair to right shoulder and his breathe fell near her nape. Holding the chain of her necklace in his lips, he unhook the necklace and placed a soft kiss there. The necklace slide down in her lap. She shivered a bit and turned her face to him and he extend his hand in front of her eyeing at her. Her lips curved into knowing smile and she lift her hands to remove her earings and taking them off she placed in his hand. He takes it with smile and put them on side table.

Looking back at her, he lift his hand to her face and put her hairlock aside. She was looking at him but as slow as his fingers traces along her face and jawline toward her neck, her eyes slowly closed and she snuggle closer to him. She was tired after a long day and last few days of wedding functions. With that one touch, her body already started melting like all she need was him. That's when she felt his fingers slowly sliding her heavy chunni from her shoulder and she heard him whisper in husky voice.

"What about this? Now I guess there's no issue for my wife's peaceful sleep." His lips touched her ears whispering those words with smile.

"Umm hmm.. Just need your embrace. Rest is fine." She whispered back to him.

He chuckled at cute demand of his wife and said.

"All yours." He said huskily before letting her dupatta slide down the bed and encircling his arm around her waist and leading her to lean back with her arms around his back.

The lights turned off and she let herself lose in his embrace to feel solace. She felt a blissful kiss on her forehead.

The car stopped in front of Saxena mansion. Riya's parents had already came back few hours back. Arav told them that he will drop Riya later. And here they are.

Arav stopped the car and looked sideways only to find her sleeping peacefully on his shoulder. Her hair lock was disturbing his view. He smiled at her.

"Riya?" He called her slowly to wake her up but no answer.
He cupes her face and put her hairlock aside calling her for couple of times more and she woke up and realise they had reached her home.

"Bye,. Good night Arav." She said with smile and moved back to get out of the car when she felt a tug on her hand only to realise he was still holding her hand which she held it before falling to sleep. She smiled but didn't turn around.

"You don't have any idea Ms. Saxena what you are inviting for your future by trying my patience each time." He teased her to which she blushed and with a soft pull she was fallen back to his chest.

"This poor guy is already blown by your spell. Atleast pay some mercy to his heart that hold no control if you will be like this. Trust me, I am already married to you in my dream." Arav said.

Riya shook her head unbelievably at her fiance, who was at his best for which he was known for other than business skills.

"Once a flirt, always a flirt!! Can't you stop it? We are already engaged Mr. Jaisingh." She said smiling at him and showing the ring in her finger.

"That's called healthy and safe flirting as I m flirting with my soon to be wife. And what to do, few habits are for...." Arav was saying only to be interrupted by Riya.

"Lifetime!! I know that." She completed him and laughs.

Arav chuckled nodding at her. When suddenly his laughs fade away slowly into soft smile looking at her face as she was laughing at him.  She noticed it and stopped laughing.

"What is it?" She asked raising her eyebrows at him.

He shook his head and said nothing.

"Definitely something Mr. Flirty. Tell me." Riya said and cuped his face.

Arav looked at her who eyes him to say. He cups her face and his thumb gently caress her cheek.

"Would you promise me something Riya?" Arav asked in sincere tone.

"What?" She asked him being confused.

"Never change for anyone. Just be like this always. The way you laugh freely, share everything you want, prank with me, the way you call me Mr. Flirty, the way you understand me and hear me whatever I say, and scold me for skipping my meals due to office works, everything. Sometimes irritating me even for your one glimpse for a day to sometimes embracing me with that tint of blush on your face. Just... Just don't ever change anything about yourself. Because even these small things makes me feel like I am on top of world as I have you. And just be with me forever. Promise me, Riya." Arav said pushing her hair lock behind.

Riya smiled listening to his words and she leaned toward him resting her forehead against his. Their eyes slowly closed.

"I promise you Mr. Arav Jaisingh that Nothing will ever change Your Riya. You will find each and everything of Riya Saxena in your wife Mrs. Riya Arav Jaisingh. (His heart flutter listening her pointing herself as his and he smiles bright). I know you love me for what I am and you will never like me to change for anyone. So, just stop being so sweet and cute sometimes because I am fallen enough for you." She said.

She said with light chuckle and slowly just move an inch away to look at him but she was pulled back. And within a second she felt his lips on hers kissing her tenderly. Her hand moved to his hair and slowly reciprocated the kiss. His right hand fingers curled into her hair and left hand rested on her waist.

After a couple of minutes, they broke the kiss and she opened her eyes first to see him. He also looked at her. She lifted her hand to his lips and clean the traces of her lipstick leading to him to smile.

"Good night." She whispered to him and turning around she opened her side door.

He also got down the car and came toward her. He held her hand again and hugged her to whisper "Good night."

"Mom,. Dad will come. I should go. Bye." Riya said with chuckle and pushed him lightly.

"Bye,.." he said and broke the hug. Riya wne toward the entrance. When Arav turned around and sees her anklets in his car.

"Riya wait!" He said.

Riya turned around confusingly and then look at him taking out something from car.

"You are forgetting something with me, Dear." He said showing her a pair of anklets to her.

She realised she opened it when she was in car. It's was stucked with her heals and scratched a bit. So, she took them off.

"Keep that safe in your room till it's ours. I might wear that when I come, Mr. Jaisingh. And I hope you won't lose it as I heard men are not very good with handling things." Riya said with teasing smile and winked at him.

"Challenge accepted Ms. Riya." Arav said with chuckle.

Then Riya ran inside waving a final bye to him. Arav sees the anklets and keep that in his pocket with smile. Then he also drove back to his home.

To be continued...

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