62. A Regret

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Swara to squeeze her eyes shut. Sanskar gripped her hand with hard expression on his face.

Everyone were numb. They looked at Swara and Sanskar. Ragini looked at Swara and now she understood those emotions when she used to look at Rakshit. She felt so bad for her and wanted to console her. She was about to go to her but Laksh stopped her holding her hand. She was confused but he assured her through eyes that not now as Sanskar need to handle it right now. Ragini nodded.

"What happened? You didn't know right? This girl can't conceive!! (Then looked at everyone and point at Swara) Yes, everyone that's her truth. She knew that already but didn't tell anyone keeping us in a illusion." Gayatri said.

"I knew that and I don't care!! I don't care if she can conceive or not. It's between me and my wife. That's None of your business!!" Sanskar said angrily.

"No Sanskar!! It's not only about you. It's about Maheshwari family. You are accusing Sujatha but tell me what was her mistake? She was thinking about her son's happiness. She was thinking about having grandchildren. Then what's wrong? And this girl can't give you happiness of being a father!!" Gayatri said sternly.

"And I don't care about that!! Can't you understand the simple thing, Bua ji?" Sanskar shouted at the top of his voice because he had enough of this nonsense.

"And I need answers from my mom. I hope you don't have any problem with that!!" Sanskar said angrily glaring at Gayatri.

Gayatri got furious to see Sanskar talking like this but she kept mum. Everyone was so shocked to see Sanskar so angry but now somewhere they also know the reason and Sanskar was right at his place.

Sanskar walked to Sujatha along with Swara and say.

"Tell me mom. Is this reason enough to break mine and Swara's relationship? Does having a child can only give happiness? Even by breaking two hearts? Or you will be so happy to see one child even though it will destroy two lives?" Sanskar asked in anger but more in hurt tone.

Sujatha didn't say a word but looked at him in shock.

"Not this time mom, your silence has already hurt her enough. She wasn't hurt when bua ji talked about my divorce or when people asked her about conceiving a baby after three years of marriage. But she was hurt when you were silent. When you didn't support her. When you agreed to what bua ji said. (Pointing towards Gayatri) She doesn't know what Swara means to me but you knew that mom. You always knew that. Mom, she is the girl who married your son without any conditions when he was disabled. When whole world was looking at me with pity, she stood by me with her love. I would've never married if it wasn't Swara. You know that and still you want to seperate her from me just because she can't conceive." Sanskar asked her.

Then he told everyone what Swara has been going through when people accused her for not having a baby. What she felt when Sujatha ignored or behave rude with her. How Gayatri has planned everything about divorcing and meeting him to some girl and Sujatha agreed to it.

Sujatha started feeling guilty now as everything started roaming in front of her eyes. How Swara has only given happiness to their life since the day she came and then how suddenly she changed everything. She realised what she has been doing since a while with Swara was wrong. Even though she was rude, Swara never questioned her. She stayed patient with her.

"Really Sujatha, it's unbelievable. How can you do that? She always kept us together as a family. You accepted her as a daughter na. Is it a way a mother treat her daughter?" Annapurna said unbelievably.

Ram and Durgaprasad also gave disappointed look to her. Laksh was angry. So, was Ragini. How can they do this to Swara.

"Mom, I know you are not like this. You love Swara more than me. Then why all of the sudden you did this? My happiness lies with her and you became selfish to snatch that away from me." Sanskar asked.

Sujatha eyes filled with guilt. She looked at Sanskar and nodded no. She regretted everything she has done.

"Even now, She didn't want me to discuss this with you as it may create rift between us and she doesn't want to break this family mom. And you only want to rip her apart from this family. You want me to divorce Swara and get married to someone else just for a grandchild. But just think mom, if I was still not fine then would you have thought like this? If It would have been me in place of Swara then would you have thought like this? Or let Swara's parents to re-marry her to someone else?" Sanskar asked.

"Sanskar, no I m sor.." Sujatha was saying with guilt when Gayatri started clapping.

"Wow! One should definitely learn from Swara on how to control not only your husband but also whole Family. Just look at him, he is taking his wife side like his life depends on her. She..." Gayatri was saying when Sanskar lashed out. He didn't like another intervention of Gayatri when he was talking to Sujatha.

"Yes, She is my life!! Do you have any problem with that?" Sanskar spat.

It was really unbelievable for everyone to see this side of Sanskar. He was the one who always stayed calm and speak politely to elders. Even if he doesn't like something, he would deny politely. He would keep his point and do what he thinks is right. He didn't compromised with his decision. But he was never disrespectful towards them.
But none of them said a word to him because they knew Sanskar was right. If something made him angry to this extent then it wasn't something small to let it go just like that.

"Problem? Huh?? Problems you will face!! After several years when you will face humiliations because of this girl. And not only you but this whole maheshwari family will face it. When they will ask why the elder son of maheshwari doesn't have any child?" Gayatri said in poisonous tone.

"I don't give a fuck to anyone talking bullshit about me. I had faced enough as you already know due to my hand injury. So, I can take care of myself and Swara. Also, You don't have to be worried about Maheshwari's family and the heir of this family. Laksh has a son na. Rakshit is equally our child. and if having a kid is so important then we can adopt but that's totally our family matter. I will be grateful if you keep yourself away from this. No one from outside will come and suggest me what I should and what not!! And definitely not marrying again leaving my wife." Sanskar lashed out.

"Outsider? Sujatha (look at her). Look at the way he is talking to his elders. It's all happening because of this girl. I am sure she must knew about her infertility before marriage and Even her parents knew about it otherwise, why will someone agree to marry a disabled guy just like that? They were selfish people and tied their daughter to Sanskar as they thought why will anyone doubt them." Gayatri said.

Swara who was listening all this suddenly felt angry listening her talking about her parents like that. They never knew anything and she also came to know about it just one and half month back. How can she accuse her parents? She was about to say something as she can't hear a word about her parents but before that she heard her husband.

"You don't have any right to talk anything against Swara or her parents. Maa and dad (Shomi and Shekhar) are as important to me as bade papa and Badi maa and my parents. They are our family and I already told you don't care about anything else, Who knew, who didn't. Because I know what's the truth. It's enough for me. I am repeating again I DON'T CARE. JUST HAVING A KID DOESN'T DECIDE MINE & SWARA'S FUTURE!!" Sanskar said Sternly.

"Sanskar, you are doing mistake. This girl..." Gayatri started only to cut off by Sanskar in middle.

"Not a word more against my wife!!" He said in dangerous tone pointing finger at her.

"Why? Is it difficult to hear the truth and..." Gayatri tried to answer back but Sujatha interrupted angrily.

"Enough Gayatri Jiji!! Enough. I have heard enough. Not a word more." Sujatha said angrily with tears now.

"Sujatha, you also.." Gayatri was shocked to see Sujatha was going against her.

"Yes, me. I should have done that long back then it might not be happening today. I had lost my mind when I hear you. When I started hearing people accusing Swara for heir of maheshwari but now I understood what's their happiness. I became too selfish to even see what's wrong and what's right. You have said enough and I have heard enough. I don't know, how I just came into your talks and ignored everything what she had done for this family and my son. But now enough!!! I can't hear anything against her." Sujatha said feeling guilty.

She looked at Swara and Sanskar both and said.

"Swara beta, I am sorry. Please forgive your mom. Sanskar, I m sorry. I don't know why couldn't I think straight and how I only saw negative things around me. I should have been there with you. Knowing that you were already suffering, I added more pain to you. I didn't console you. I m really sorry beta. You can give any punishment to your mom but please forgive me." Sujatha said with tears. She held Swara's hand and cried asking forgiveness.

Sanskar looked away. She looked at him. She knew that Sujata was genuinely guilty. Sujatha fold her hand in front of them.

"Mom, please. Don't do that. It's ok." Swara held her hand immediately. Sanskar looked at her being shocked. How can she just forgive his mother like that. She nodded at him. Sujatha was actually regretting. She was never bad at heart.

"I am so sorry Swara. I regret what I have done. Please forgive me. Even though, I knew how pure and pious soul you are. I choose to hurt you. Forgive me please." Sujatha apologize to her.

"Mom, it's ok. Please. I don't have any complaints from you. I was just missing your love." Swara said with tears.

Sujatha held her hand and cried.

"Mom, please calm down. You might affect your health." Swara said feeling bad to see her and it out Sujatha more in guilt that she was still thinking about her health even though she has done wrong to her.

Swara looked at Sanskar to do something. Sanskar sighed to calm down a bit. He knew his mother. She might have done wrong but now she is regretting. He hugged her and console her saying it's ok. A couple of minutes later, she broke the hug and she hugged Swara and kissed her forehead saying she doesn't need anything from her as she has a very precious daughter whom she can't loose. Swara's eyes filled with happy tears and says she forgives her.

"You all are getting so emotionally attached to this girl right? But after couple of years you will understand what I was saying is right. Sujatha, you will regret this. This girl has subjugated you under her spell Sanskar. One day, she will make you all dance around her fingers and take control of this whole property too." Gayatri said in warning tone.

Sujata was about to say something but before that Sanskar turned around and looked at her.

"Seems like you are not really happy with my family's happiness, bua ji. Just look around and tell me one person in this whole family who support your opinion. (Gayatri look at everyone but yes, no one was in her side. They all are somewhere angry with her. Laksh and Ragini anger were evident on their faces) I used to think you a part of this family and now I am sorry to say this but you can only be our relative. So, never try to interfere in my family matter.ans Lastly, I m sorry if said anything wrong." sanskar said in serious tone.

No one said anything to Sanskar as they knew sanskar was right. Bua ji has done wrong.

"Ram, see what your son is saying. He forgot that I m elder to him." Gayatri said to Ram.

"He said what is right Jiji." Ram said angrily this time.

Durga Prasad also nodded at him. That he said right.

Gayatri fumes in anger and threaten that if this is her place in this family then she will leave right now.

"We have no problems with it. If you want to leave then you can." Ram said.

Laksh who was silent all the time and didn't have any affectionate feeling toward her even smirked.

"Bua ji, I think you are right. You should leave. And most importantly, one should not stay at a relative's house for so long. It affects your reputation. Even more when they start disliking your presence." Laksh said without any sign of hesitation.

Ragini also glared at her. She thought her as a good lady as she always behaved sweet in front of her. Only she would have known that she has been hurting Swara, she might have given good answer to her.

"And yeah, It's ok if bhai is under spell of Bhabhijaan, bua ji. We are ok with it as now I have seen my brother more lively and happy than he was. At the same time, as per your saying even if bhabhijaan will take control of this mansion and property or will make us servant here then also, I am fine. Because she treats everyone as human. So don't worry about us." Laksh Said with not so happy smile.

Gayatri angrily marched from there and says she will leave now only. Within a couple of minutes, she came out with her luggage.

"Laksh, ask driver to drop her." Durgaprasad said.

"That's not needed. I will go myself. It's enough!! I will never put my feet inside this house again." Gayatri said angrily.

"Thank God." Laksh muttered under his breathe only to be heard by Ragini but she also nodded at him.

Gayatri made her way out of mansion.

To be continued....

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