8. A rejection to face

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Next morning:
Swara came out of washroom in white anarkali suit. Sitting in front of her dressing table, she dried her wet hair with hair drier. A pleasant smile was playing on her lips. Once again her mind and heart was clouded with his thoughts. What has changed in just couple of days? A stranger, whom she met in a party and he left an effect on her heart with his simplicity and calmness. And... Now he is going to be her husband. Why does she hold so much trust in him that she didn't even thought much when her father revealed that he has selected him as her life partner? The answers are only known by heart and she trusts her heart that it will lead what is best for her. She doesn't know what future planned for them but she trusts him. But there was something disturbing her even though she tried a lot to ignore negative thoughts.

'What will be his answer?' She had said yes for the marriage but what about him. She was quite nervous. What if he didn't like her? What if he....? No, just be positive and hope for the best. She jerk those thoughts yet again.

Thinking all these, She combed her hair and then went downstairs. She joined for morning aarti with her mother and then they went to prepare breakfast.

"Maa, where is dad?" Swara asked making coffee.

"He is in study, working on some important meeting presentation. He will come in sometime for breakfast." Shomi said.

"Ohkk." Swara nodded with smile.
They prepared breakfast together then only Shekhar came out. Swara saw him and wished him morning.

"Good morning Dad." Swara said in cheerful tone.

"Good Morning princess." Shekhar said with smile and he sat on his chair.

"Dad, you know office work is not allowed at home na?" Swara raised her eyebrow at him.

"Yeah, sorry Swara but it was really urgent. It won't happen next time." Shekhar said.

Shomi smiled at them.

"Okay, forgiven." Swara said with Chuckle.

After arranging everything on table, Swara also sat for breakfast along with Shomi.

Breakfast was served and they were having it. When Swara noticed Shekhar's face expression. He was looking stressed about something. She knows her parents well.

"What happened Dad? You seems to be tensed about something. Are You okay?"Swara asked.

"Yeah princess, I m okay." Shekhar said with small smile.

"No Shekhar, Swara is saying right. I m also noticing you. What happened?" Shomi asked.

"Yeah Dad, you never looked worried about any meetings before. So, it can't be related to work. Right?" Swara asked.

Shekhar looked at them then nodded. He can't hide anything from his family. He needs to tell them. The sooner will be the better. He sighed before saying.

"Dp ji just called me an hour back." Shekhar said.

"Really? What did they say?" Shomi asked excitedly with smile while Swara who heard this felt her heart skip as it's related to him but suddenly those feelings which she was trying to avoid since morning hold her stronger. And the face expression on Shekhar's face was doing no help.

Shekhar looked at Swara for once then he said looking at Shomi.

"Shomi, they were really very happy to accept Swara and wanted her as their Daughter in law. Actually to accept her more than like a daughter but... (He shakes his head and then say) Sanskar is not ready for this marriage. So, they apologized to us." Shekhar said.

"What? But why?" Shomi asked as all of the sudden her face hell.

"He doesn't want to get married right now." Shekhar said calmly.

Swara heard this and felt her heart tugged with a sudden pain which she never felt before. Shomi looked at Swara, who looked down. She could easily understand what she must be thinking. What she must be feeling.

"What? But Shekhar, If he is not ready for marriage right now then one can atleast do engagement and then wait na? People take two-three years gap." Shomi said still trying to hold something positively as she was not able to see Swara like that.

"No Shomi, it's not that. He isn't ready means...." Shekhar was saying when they heard Swara.

"Means...He rejected me." Swara completed her father in low voice looking down.

"Swara beta?" Shomi said.

Swara looked up with small smile. But couldn't able to hide that sadness which engulfed her with his rejection. Just couple of days, in just these two days, she is feeling everything what she never felt. That heartwarming happiness, to this cold splashes of reality and sadness.

"It's ok Maa. And Dad, you were stressing yourself about this? Relax, it's okay." Swara said.

"I m really sorry princess. It was me who wanted you to get married to Sanskar and..." Shekhar tried to say but Swara interupted.

"And you didn't think wrong Dad. Every father wants a nice guy for his daughter and you selected more than best for me. So, you are not wrong. Don't be sorry. Neither Sanskar is wrong. It's his choice if he doesn't want to marry me. And Maa, you only told me na that Marriage or relationship is a two way thing. Then his consent also matters na?" Swara said with small smile.

Shomi nodded but she knows her daughter very well. Even Shekhar knew Swara. They knew their daughter handle everything so maturely but they had seen that blushing smile and happiness on her face yesterday which replaced with her sad smile. Shekhar looked at Shomi with helpless look while She was looking at Swara. She could read her daughter's eyes. She blinked and then tried to say.

"You are right Swara. And I m so proud of you that you always think so maturely but we know how you must be feeling." Shomi said.

"Maa, I m fine. And why it should affect us thinking about the relationship which had never even joined?" Swara said.

Shekhar and shomi nodded and they gave small smile.

"You are right princess. Don't worry. We will find someone best for you." Shekhar said trying to avoid the discussion on Sanskar.

"You already found the best match for me Dad. And there is no better than the best. It's just that he didn't find me better enough for him. It's all about choices." Swara said.

"Why are you thinking about his rejection Swara?" Shomi asked.

"I m not thinking about his rejection. I m thinking about the reason Maa. I know it's his life, his priorities, his decision but... I don't know it's somewhere arising questions inside my mind right now. What must be his reason?" Swara said more like question to herself thinking about him.

What she saw, what she felt around him. Their eye lock, their conversation. What's hidden behind those eyes that she want to read.

"Swara, Shekhar said na that he doesn't want to marry right now. May be that's why. Don't think much about it." Shomi said.

"May be or may be not. I don't know why but my heart is not able to accept this excuse. I.. I just... (Swara sighed) Please give me sometime Dad, Maa." Swara said closing her eyes and then opened it to look at them.

Shekhar came to her. He pats her hair lovingly.
"I trust you Swara. Give yourself sometime. Being stuck between questions only disturb us what you are going through right now. So, relax. And you know that your Dad and Mom are always with you." Shekhar said with smile.

Swara smiled a bit and nodded at him. Shomi also gave her soft smile caressing her face.


Swara was in her room. Her mind was replaying everything in front of her eyes. He was appearing in front of her eyes. No, she wasn't crying. She was never weak. Yes, she was hurt with his rejection and that's why she couldn't stop her eyes to get wet but she blinked it away.
She was thinking about the moments when she saw him for the first time to all the party incident. How can someone decide to be someone's life partner in just one meeting? She did but as she trusted her heart but may be that's was not preferred by him. It's too difficult when you are told that you going to marry someone and you agreed to it happily. But suddenly, you are told it's not possible. That you are rejected. What was her mistake? She just accepted her parents decision with trust and also choosen her happiness. Yeah, her happiness that she felt in her heart when she was around him. Diverting her eyes away from the window she let out a chuckle at her heart which unknowingly hold expectations.

Then she looked at her phone and thought something. Her face expression changed which showed a glint of determination. She is Swara Gadodia. Rejection is not what she felt ever in her life for anything. It's not her ego or pride but talking to him can atleast give her answers. Did what her felt was nothing? Did what her eyes find in his when he looked at her when she turned around leaving mm was nothing? She just can't able to accept that he doesn't want to get married right now that's why he denied. She saw something more behind his calm face? May be that could be the reason. But what's that?

Maheshwari industries:

Sanskar came into his cabin after attending the meeting. He was so lost today. Actually since last night. He wasn't able to get his mind out off her thoughts. Everything was fine before two days in his life. This wasn't the first marriage proposal that came for him and this wasn't the first time he denied to marry. But this time he felt he lost something precious. That party night, he tried to reasoned himself that it's just attraction what he felt for her as he can't let himself think anything more. But suddenly everything changed with this proposal, Swara as his wife? Well, who won't like to have a girl like her in his life. She is epitome of perfection. Her beauty, her behaviour, her voice, her smile. Everything is just perfect. But she can't be his.
He looked at his right hand that was in his pocket and shut his eyes tightly in pain. For the first time in his life, he regrets for being imperfect. For the first time, he was thinking he could undo his accident but it wasn't possible.
He leaned back on his chair with closed eyes thinking about her. He don't know if she agreed to this proposal by herself, if she was forced by her parents, or she accepted if due to pity but the reality is that She can't be his. He can't ruin her life.

He was lost in his thoughts when his phone rings bringing out of his thoughts. He opened his eyes and sees the phone on the glass table. It was some unknown no. He just swipes right to ignore the call as he generally doesn't take unknown numbers. And secondly, he was disturbed with his own thoughts.
Then take a deep breathe leaning back on chair. But the phone rings yet again. He sees it and then thought to take it. Swiping toward the green button, he picked up the call.

"Hello."She heard his deep yet authoritive voice and her lips curved into smile.

For a couple of seconds, she didn't say anything. Even her breathe stuck. When she heard him.

"Hello, who's this? Is anyone there?" Sanskar said and looked at the phone confusingly to check if the person is on-line.

"He..hello Sanskar." He heard from other side and felt his heart skipped a beat. His eyes lifted up in surprise, shock. He felt numb. Was it her voice or the way she called his name,he doesn't know but she did affected him right that moment.

Screen splits on Swara face with a kind of nervousness and Sanskar with surprised face.

To be continued...

So guys, finally posting the story. Please response with ur comments and votes.

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