Chapter 13

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Sprinkling Colors

"You sure harry, you won't take anything?"

Qasim's voice brought back Haaris to his surroundings and he looked around him to see his friends' faces marked with confusion and surprise.

"Yes, I am fine."

He answered after a thought. His friends got back to their banters except Yawar whose curious gaze was still stuck on him.


"Taking the rehab program seriously, huh?"

Haaris didn't bother to answer him and got again busy on his cell phone. It all was the same, but didn't know why he was feeling some sort of uneasiness, suffocation. It was not the drinks or drugs that were making him feel so, it was as if due to the company of his friends, his long life friends.

"It's not beneficial, you know. Nothing helps you forget your past better than this."

Yawar slurred showing him his glass which was full of dark red drink. Haaris disgustedly looked at him, why he was still friends with him? They were met through Qasim when he was in twelfth grade and he liked his company because he used to show him new things and Yawar was the one who had brought drugs into his life. But, something had changed, maybe earlier he used to be so drunk that he couldn't decipher which company he was keeping.

"Thinking about your doct.."

Yawar again slurred and fell on the sofa, slipping into slumber quickly. Haaris was thankful for Yawars's drunk state which didn't give him a chance to complete his sentence. He didn't want to listen to Ghazal's name from Yawar's mouth, as if it would make her name impure.

Without telling anybody, he left Qasim's house. His head was banging badly, maybe due to the smell of alcohol which was tempting him but he refused to do so. Today, Haaris's heart was begging him to see Ghazal, once and only once. But going to his Nanna's house was more than difficult for him, as it held his mother's memories.

A whole month had passed since the last time Haaris had seen Ghazal and Adam. Though, there were quite a few times when he had heard her voice on the call during his panic attacks. The last time was still fresh in his mind, he smiled closing his eyes and resting his head on the back of the front seat.

"Mr. Haaris. Are you alright? Talk to me."

Ghazal's voice was echoing in his room and Haaris tightly held his hair in order to calm down his mind.

"Doctor, these thoughts are haunting me,th-they will kill me. Divert m-my m-mind." He pleaded with tears in his eyes.

"Mr. Haaris, Mr. Haaris. Do you want to talk to Adam?"

Haaris looked at his mobile with surprise, really Ghazal was offering him talk to Adam. He knew she didn't like when he used to converse with Adam, it could be read on her face.

"Can I?"


He heard some shuffling and then an innocent voice welcomed him.

"Haarish. Ashlamalikum." Haaris chuckled at his childish greeting and replied with a smile.

"Walekumassalam. Where did you learn this?"

"Ma taught me. You know I made sho many drawingsh. I show you."

Haaris chortled, this kid was surely different. He was like a medicine to his broken heart, seeing and talking to him felt like he was being with his own childhood.

"How will I see champ, through the phone? " In return, he got a giggle from Adam.

"I am sho shilly."

That night Ghazal let him talk to Adam as much he wanted to and it helped him, a lot. His mind was surely diverted just because of the two new additions to his life.

Ghazal and Adam.


"I have prescribed you some medicines, have them and come after ten days."

Ghazal told the lady with a professional smile. She was going through depression and being a psychiatrist, Ghazal knew it was all in her mind and medicines were just for her assurance, nothing else.

Keeping her notebook in ber bag, she left her cabin locking it on her way. Adam was at home, she had dropped him after school. Batool khala had assured her to take care of her son and advised her to keep her focus on work.

"Hey, Ghaz." Ghazal looked behind when her name was being called and it was no one else but Neha.

"Where have you vanished for so many days?"

The question was directed towards Ghazal and she gave a sardonic smile.

"Really! If you are not coming for three days, I am going to vanish from your life."

Neha giggled, she was looking way more than excited. A smile was glued to her lips and her eyes seemed to be dreamy.

"What's the reason behind this smile?"

"You tell me, you are a psychiatrist," Ghazal noted her expressions for a minute then a telltale smile made its way to her lips.

"You are getting married."

Neha squealed hearing her reply and Ghazal held both her hands to calm down her friend. They both were giggling like schoolgirls, coming to the parking area.

"I can't tell you how happy I am. Samar proposed to me the day before yesterday in front of our family and oh my god..." Neha was jumping with a giddy smile on her face. " I am so happy for you."

Ghazal said genuinely, nothing held any more happiness than your friend smiling in front of you. She quickly made a prayer for Neha and her future life, she deserved all the happiness in the world and much more.

"That's not the way to wish me. You have to attend every function of my wedding like a best friend would."

Neha's sentence wiped out the smile from Ghazal's face in an instant. Maybe Neha was too innocent to realize it or it was just a slip of tongue. But, she couldn't attend an auspicious ceremony, Ghazal knew she was considered as a bad omen because a tag was attached to her.


"I-I can't Neha. You kn-"

"Just don't give me that excuse 'I am a bad omen'. That's just rubbish, you know it."

In order to stop the building tears in her eyes, Ghazal looked towards the orange sky which was showing the temporary farewell of the sun from the earth.

"That's my day, ok. You have to come or else you can forget that you had a friend named Neha." Ghazal scoffed and hugged Neha sideways, earning an amused glare from her.

"So when's the wedding? "

"Two days after Diwali. We have to go shopping too and buy a new dress for you."

"I have enough dresses Neha. "

Neha slapped her arm, "and what about the dinner Dr. Sharma is throwing for Diwali?"

She had totally forgotten about it. Diwali was just around the corner thus their senior doctor was having a get-together dinner for the staff at someplace. Ghazal hated these types of gathering from her heart, they made her uncomfortable, to say the least.

Only you can save me, Allah.


Haaris boringly glanced at himself in the mirror and took a long sigh. He hated that type of function. But, his father hadn't left any options for him. Moving a tired hand in his tangled locks, he picked up his jacket from the bed and left his room only to be met by his father in the corridor.

"Hey, handsome young man."

Papa smilingly patted his shoulder and in return, Haaris could only give him a fake, tight-lipped smile. He took the driver's seat, his shivering hands tightly gripping the steering wheel, turning his knuckles white in return.

"I can drive, Haaris."

"No, I want to Papa."

Haaris answered in a fixed tone, focusing on the road. This shivering was becoming his routine but he wanted to ignore it, he didn't want to think about the thing which was able to cure his weakness.

"By the way, you are not looking too much excited about this party."

Papa said in a teasing tone and Haaris gave him a slight smile knowing his father's tactic, pretty well.

"I am too much happy to show it."

Haaris gave a sarcastic reply bringing forth Papa's heartful laugh. They reached their destination, Panché Plaza. A glass embellished building was standing in front of him, the glowing bulbs had made it look like gold. Papa patted his shoulder and left the car quickly giving him an extra minute with himself. Haaris put his head on the steering wheel closing his eyes, instantly his mind flashed someone's face in front of him.


It was from one of his paintings, now he had painted her hair jet black, which was enhancing Ghazal's pinkish complexion. Her lower lip was between her teeth as if she was trying to stop herself from smiling. Haaris felt his lips tilting in a smile at her mere image.

Quickly opening the door, he left his car and was welcomed by the cold whiff of November winter. Raking his hand in his already messed up hair, he entered the main door only to be stopped by the presence in front of him.

A whole month was standing between them but Haaris felt like he used to meet her somewhere in between, maybe in his thoughts, in his paintings, in his imaginations.

Ghazal was busily making a huge Rangoli at the door for the welcome of guests. She was adorning a white long dress with a scarf properly wrapped around her head. Her hands were swiftly moving on the ground, making intricate designs forcing Haaris to smile at her hard work. He slowly came forward and rested his shoulder on the nearby wall, folding his arms on his chest.

Haaris's heart was adamant to stay there, looking at the lady who was unknown to his presence around her. He too was unknown of his surroundings, like he was all alone with Ghazal and just Ghazal. His heart felt some kind of calmness seeing her like Haaris was trying to find her or the peace of his heart for a long time.

On the cue, Ghazal looked up and shuddered at her place looking at the intruder. Their eyes clashed and Haaris came out of the trance which was surrounding him and saw her hand moving to the other, as she lowered the sleeve which had gone up due to her work. A stubborn smile came on his lips seeing her confused state, she was surely unable to recognize him, he could see it on her dazed features and narrowed eyes which were glaring at him with full force.


"My god lady, I have no words for the beauty in front of me."

Neha teased looking at Ghazal who was fixing Adam's bowtie. Adam was playing with small beads on her shoulder which were a part of her white long dress. She had just reached the venue and met with Neha at the entrance. Ghazal gave tight-lipped smile shaking her head at her friend's tactics.

"Aapi, how am I looking? "

"The most handsome man ever."

Neha said pinching both his cheeks. Adam slowly rubbed his cheeks as he blushed cutely at her compliment. Ghazal giggled and kissed his cheek.

"You are embarrassing my boy, Neha."

Ghazal chided and patted Adam's back to move him ahead to play. Today was the day of that get-together party and she was bored, no scratch that she was getting tired thinking of the time ahead when she had to meet with everyone during the celebration.

Ahh, Allah.

"There's no sign for the welcome at the door," Ghazal told Neha to move her mind away from the anxious thoughts.

"What can be?"

"Some type of decoration, Rangoli or some kind of lights to give that- that festive vibes."

Neha nodded in understanding and after taking permission from Dr. Sharma who wholeheartedly gave it to them, the duo got busy in their preparations. Guests were still scarce as being staff members, Ghazal and Neha had to present at the venue one hour prior. Decorating the corners with clay lamps, Ghazal started making Rangoli at the entrance.

As she was about to finish the Rangoli by pouring pink color in one of the flowers, Ghazal felt caged in someone's gaze. She looked up and found a man with black apparel staring shamelessly at her. Her hand instantly moved to her long sleeve to fix it properly which had moved slightly up during her preparations.

That man was surely shameless as hell, he didn't bother to move his gaze away from her even when Ghazal was glaring at him.


An amused voice of Adam made Ghazal alert and she looked at his way who quickly ran to that stranger and hugged his legs. How he could be Haaris? Adam must have mistaken him for Haaris, that man was looking different, his hair was trimmed, the face was shaven and thin frame specs were perfectly placed on his nose.

By that time, the man had taken Adam in his arms and ruffled his cheek.

"How are you, champ?"

That voice was sure of Haaris, but now it had some serenity rather than the rudeness which used to be a part of his speech.

"I am fine. I mished you."

Adam said and hugged Haaris tightly, bringing forth a chuckle from him as he returned his innocent embrace. How could Adam recognize him so easily every time, Ghazal was unable to decipher. Haaris was now looking at her with an amused smile and she moved her gaze away from him, embarrassed with herself.

This night will be too long to handle...

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