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"Jungkook, get off your phone and help us get cleaned up." Yoongi scolded."You don't get paid to text."

"Sorry, Hyung." Jungkook slipped his phone into his pocket and grabbed the broom he had left leaned against the wall nearby."Is it okay if Chaeyoung comes by while we're cleaning? She's on her way already."

Yoongi rolled his eyes as he was wiping off a table."If she's already on her way, what's the point in asking?" He grumbled quietly, not being in a good mood at all right now. He had been extra cranky all day."Just don't let her get in the way."

"Okay." Jungkook got busy with sweeping, glancing over to Taehyung and Jimin, who were both cleaning behind the counter.

Jimin was wiping off the counter with one hand, his other hand down below the counter to not be seen. He had his phone in his hand, sending out a text. He gave a subtle wink to Jungkook then peeked at Taehyung.

Taehyung gave Jimin a sneaky thumbs-up. They all knew Yoongi was going through a tough time, but they had a plan to make his day much better. Well, actually, this would just make his night better because it was getting rather late. Hence why they were cleaning up the place.

To everyone's knowledge, today was a special day, and they didn't want Yoongi to feel down for the entirety of it. Soon, their attention was grabbed when two people entered the building."Jeez, it's so quiet in here."

"They're working, Jackson. Of course it's quiet." Jin had been coming by to check on Yoongi quite often lately. He wanted to make sure his best friend was doing alright. To his dismay, Yoongi wasn't alright. He was hoping that their plans would make things at least a little better.

Yoongi lifted his gaze from the table he was cleaning just long enough to glance at Jin and Jackson. He huffed then returned his attention to the table. He didn't want to see Jin right now. As much as he normally enjoyed being around his best friend, he was tired of being asked if he was alright. He was tired of the sympathy. He was so sick of the concerned gazes.

Jackson stepped over to the counter and showed Jimin a black bag he was holding."Got the stuff." he said with a grin."This is going to be great."

Taehyung placed both of his hands onto the counter and leaned close to speak quietly to Jackson."Are things going well for you and Jin-hyung?" he asked curiously. He had never expected Jackson and Jin to start dating, so he wasn't really sure if he thought they were a good couple or not.

Jimin leaned in curiously too."Tell us. How's it going?"

"Well, things are a little awkward but okay." Jackson set his bag down onto the counter then rubbed the back of his neck."We go on dates, but it feels just like hanging out with a friend, nothing more."

"Maybe you two need to step it up." Jimin suggested.

Jackson shifted his gaze to the side, looking unsure."I don't think that's going to work."

"Why not?" Taehyung glanced over at Jin and saw him seat himself at one of the tables, eyeing Yoongi.

"I tried to take us to the next step, and it didn't work." Jackson felt quite embarrassed about this."On our last date, I asked to kiss him." He swiped his hand in front of his throat to make a slicing motion."Denied."

"Oh, bummer." Jimin turned his gaze to Jin, sighing softly."I wonder how Jin-hyung feels about it."

Taehyung rolled his eyes."Jimin, you're stupid."

Jackson watched with amusement as Jimin smacked Taehyung's arm, inquiring how he was stupid. It was easy for Jackson to see. He figured Taehyung had also noticed it. Maybe Jimin was the only one who didn't know. He had seen the way Jin would find chances to look at Jimin. It was obvious.

Jungkook stepped over to the table where Jin was sitting and lightly tapped his shoulder."Chaeyoung's on her way. She should be here any minute."

"Good. I really hope this puts Yoongi in a better mood." Jin was really worried about Yoongi. The crankiness was much worse than before, and he knew it was just a safety mechanism to keep himself from breaking down. Hell, maybe Yoongi was already broken. Jin couldn't tell if Yoongi could get through this."What if he never smiles again, Jungkook?"

"He will, Hyung." Jungkook wanted to believe that Yoongi was going to be okay. He couldn't even imagine how it must feel to go through such a devastating breakup.

Yoongi wanted to go home. He wanted to be alone. He didn't know why Jin and Jackson were here. He didn't know what was in Jackson's bag. He didn't know why Chaeyoung was coming. He didn't care. He just wanted to be left alone. He was out of luck though. A few minutes went by of Yoongi trying to ignore the fact that everyone was chatting. He was soon annoyed by the sound of someone coming inside, clearly Chaeyoung.

"Jungkook-oppa, I'm here." Chaeyoung said with such a cheery tone as she stepped over to Jungkook with a white box in her hands, holding it very carefully."Is it all ready?"

"It is now that you're here." Jungkook smiled fondly at his girlfriend and watched her set the white box down onto the table where Jin was sitting."Yoongi-hyung, can you come here please? It's important."

Yoongi sighed and slumped his shoulders. He tossed down the rag he had been using to wipe off a table. Peeling off his thin latex gloves, he tossed them down as well."What?" As he stepped over to the table, he noticed that everyone else was gathering as well. What was happening?

Jackson brought his bag over to the table and pulled out a pack of paper plates, as well as a pack of napkins."This is just for you, Yoongi-hyung. Relax."

Taehyung was full of anticipation, as was Jimin. They were both hoping that this would make Yoongi feel better, cheer him up. It should, right? Why wouldn't he want to be with friends like this? Taehyung reached into the back pocket of his pants and pulled out a small box of candles and a lighter.

Jin watched as Chaeyoung opened the white box to reveal a bunch of sweet-looking cupcakes. There was blue icing that spelled out three words."Happy birthday, Yoongi."

This was why everyone was gathering here? Yoongi stared at the cupcakes for a moment before glancing at each person who surrounded the table. This was sweet of them. However, Yoongi didn't know how to respond. He had been so wrapped up in his sad thoughts that he had forgotten about his own birthday.

Taehyung opened the box of candles and started sticking some into the cupcakes. After sticking in a fair amount, he grabbed the lighter and lit them. Once the candles were lit, he set down the lighter and eyed everyone."Ready?"

Yoongi wished he could drown out the sound as everyone started singing. The happy birthday song didn't sound cheery to him. It sounded like a shackle, like his friends were all trying to push happiness on to him. He appreciated it. Really, he did. He also just wished they would all shut up and leave.

"Blow out the candles, Hyung." Jimin said as he gave Yoongi's shoulder a pat."Make a wish."

Yoongi's gaze shifted around to each face, each set of eyes that was watching him. Then, he looked down at the cupcakes. A wish. He only wanted one thing. He only had one wish. Hoseok... Leaning down, Yoongi blew out the candles, knowing his wish wasn't going to come true.

Everyone clapped as the candles were blown out. Then, Chaeyoung smiled sweetly."You get to take the first cupcake, Yoongi-oppa."

Not even giving any thought to it, Yoongi took the cupcake that contained the Y at the beginning of his name. Now that he had a cupcake, everyone else grabbed cupcakes as well. A few of them placed a couple cupcakes onto plates to refrain from making messes on the freshly-cleaned tables.

Taehyung gave Yoongi's arm a small nudge with his elbow."Happy birthday, Hyung."

"Thanks, I guess." Yoongi was still far from happy. Though, it was nice to know that his friends cared.

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