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Jimin couldn't help but feel very nervous as he stood in the line that lead to the counter. He could see Jin behind the counter, currently helping a customer. He didn't see Jackson though. Was Jackson not here today? Had Jimin come on a wrong day? Well, if this was a wrong day, Namjoon could still talk to Jin at the very least. Jimin was so nervous that he nearly forgot that Namjoon was standing right beside him until his best friend spoke.

"This is going to be awkward." Namjoon was definitely not looking forward to this. He thought that he and Jin could just never speak to each other again and be fine with that. He didn't really see why Jimin thought he should apologize for one bad date.

"Just chill." Jimin needed to take that advice himself."We'll order drinks, ask if Jackson-hyung is here, and see when Jin-hyung is available to take his break to talk to you. It'll be fine."

Namjoon looked down at Jimin and perked an eyebrow with a knowing gaze."You sound more like you're trying to convince yourself."

Shifting his gaze to the side, Jimin heaved a sigh."Maybe. You know, I actually tried to avoid this today. I know it needs to be done, but I'm uneasy about it. I don't know what to say to Jackson-hyung."

Namjoon simply shrugged his shoulders."It shouldn't be too hard. Though, I know it won't be as simple as just saying 'Yo, sorry about fucking your boyfriend' or something like that."

Taking a step forward as the short line progressed, Jimin frowned only a little."I mean, it's not like any of us wanted things to be this way. Things didn't become messed up on purpose. Well, maybe there was some purpose in it, but I don't think it's fully my fault that I am the way I am."

"You mean like situational influences and environmental stimulus?" Namjoon thought that made a lot of sense."We are the way we are because of our surroundings. The way we grow up, our environments, the people we encounter. It all influences us and makes us choose the choices that move our lives."

"Not quite what I was going for, but you're not wrong." Jimin had something else in mind that influenced his decisions, but he knew Namjoon wouldn't understand. Not everyone understands, but I know someone has to. Jimin had his own views of his life and choices, but he didn't dare to share that with anyone.

When they reached the counter after about five more minutes of waiting in line, Namjoon's gaze rested on the handsome man behind the counter. He really did think Jin was very good-looking. However, he was also certain that there would never be a spark or connection between them, so there was no point in wasting their time by trying.

Jin seemed to get a little annoyed when he saw Jimin and Namjoon. After all, he and Jimin had agreed to leave each other alone, and he definitely didn't want to see Namjoon after that awful date."Please tell me you're both just here for coffee."

"Is that any way to speak to customers?" Namjoon teased. Then, he smiled to ease the tension that would surely grow."Yeah, we'll get drinks." He glanced up at the overhead menu for just a second before stating what he wanted."I would like a tall* double white mocha iced coffee with an extra shot of espresso."

"Cream?" Jin asked, giving a small hum when Namjoon simply nodded."And you, Jimin?"

Jimin was glad that this wasn't too bad at the moment, though that probably had to do with the fact that Jin had to be nice to customers."I want a venti* strawberry frappuccino with heavy cream."

Jin put in their orders on the register."That'll be 10200₩."**

Just as Jimin reached for his wallet, Namjoon pat his shoulder once."I got it." He pulled out his wallet and handed a card to Jin."Will you be having a break soon?" he asked the handsome barista.

"Why do you ask?" Jin was a little suspicious of where this was going, but he would play along until he knew it was fine. He handed back Namjoon's card after processing the payment. Turning to start preparing their drinks, he still kept enough attention on Namjoon.

"I would like to speak to you." Namjoon knew that he shouldn't just blurt the matter right here at the counter. That wouldn't be good to distract Jin too much while he was working.

Jin made a small hum as he wondered if he should spend his next break talking with the man who had come off as a major douche during their little blind date. After a short moment of silence, he gave an answer."Alright. We can talk." Then, he glanced over at Jimin before resuming to make the drinks."I'm assuming you want to talk to Jackson. Am I right?"

"Uh, yeah." Jimin knew there wasn't really a way of hiding that. Of course Jin would know."Is he here today?"

"He's in the back." Jin turned to face them with their drinks in his hands."I'll call him out here."

"Thanks." Jimin grabbed his strawberry frappuccino and eyed it for a second before stepping to the side with Namjoon. They couldn't just block other customers from getting to the counter."I hope this goes well."

Namjoon just simply shrugged his shoulders while taking a sip of his iced coffee. Then, he shifted his gaze around a little."It'll be fine. Anyway, I'm going to sit somewhere while you talk to that Jackson guy."

"Sounds good. Just wait patiently for Jin-hyung to let you know when he goes on his break." Jimin sipped at his frappuccino as he watched Namjoon walk away to find a vacant table. He swirled his straw around in his cup a bit as he waited for only a couple minutes.

"You want to speak to me, Jimin?" Jackson asked from behind the counter. He was making his way around to speak to Jimin properly.

Jimin turned to face Jackson, though he also glanced to the side to see that Jin had returned to keep serving customers."Yeah, if you have a minute to spare."

Jackson gave a small nod."Well, Jin-hyung is my supervisor and gave me permission to speak with you for a moment. So what do you need to talk about?" He had an idea but didn't want to assume. He was confirmed as right though when he heard the next words to come out of Jimin's mouth.

"About that night when we went to the bar with Yoongi-hyung." Despite being nervous, Jimin knew that he needed to say this."I just want to, well, apologize." He lowered his gaze to peer at the frappuccino in his hand. This felt like his own little personal version of stage fright."Jin-hyung is your boyfriend. I never should have slept with him. I know being drunk isn't a good excuse for my behavior. I'm really sorry."

"Was." Jackson corrected."Jin-hyung was my boyfriend. Don't worry, Jimin. I forgive you. Jin-hyung and I spoke about it, and I forgave him as well. What you two did...It hurt me." Even as he said this, there was a soft smile on his lips."I just couldn't bring myself to fault either of you though. I was hurt even before it happened. I liked Jin-hyung, but I think I never should have asked him out. It was a mistake."

Jimin lifted his gaze and could see that there was just a small hint of sadness--but also relief--in Jackson's expression."What do you mean?"

Jackson let out a sigh through his nose before continuing."Jin-hyung isn't into me. He only agreed to date me because I was the first person to ask him out after that blind date you had set up for him and your friend. I thought I was okay with that. I thought I could handle the fact that he was dating me while also seeing the way he looked at you. He denied it when I asked him, but it was obvious."

"You knew about his feelings for me, but you dated him anyway?" That didn't make sense to Jimin."Why would you do that?"

"I knew it was stupid, but inside, I hoped it would work out." Jackson peered over at Jin and seemed to smile just a little more."I mean, just look at him. He's handsome, caring, smart. Sure, he has a short fuse, and we sometimes lock horns, but Jin-hyung is the type of man who would make an excellent boyfriend. I thought I could win his feelings by being good to him, but feelings don't work that way. I think our attempt at dating disillusioned my feelings for him." He returned his gaze to Jimin."What you two did only made the inevitable breakup come sooner rather than later."

"So you two are doing okay?" Jimin didn't think he would be able to forgive himself if that drunk night made things bad between Jin and Jackson indefinitely.

"We're okay. We talked it out." Jackson was actually fine with the way things had turned out."Besides, Jin-hyung and I have actually become a little closer as friends because of that. It hurt us both, caused some awkwardness, but we fixed things by having a nice heart-to-heart chat."

That brought a smile to Jimin's lips."I'm really happy that things are okay between you two."

"Thanks." Jackson gave Jimin's shoulder a friendly pat."I have to get back to work, but I'm glad we had this talk."

Jimin watched Jackson make his way around to get behind the counter. Then, he made his way over to the small table where Namjoon was seated, sitting across from him."Now we just need to wait for Jin-hyung to have a break and speak with you."

"Yup." Namjoon leaned back a little in his chair."Let's hope this goes well because he did not look happy to see me."

*Tall = 12oz / Venti = 20oz

**10200₩ is about 9USD / 11CND / 161MXN / 8€ / 7£ / 13AUD / 947¥

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