Chapter 12: The Acceptance

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Chelsea's POV

Monday goes by rapidly after the encounter with Terry and the time in the cafeteria, Tuesday is here and the day is almost over as I seat at my spot, Uche and Rose beside me as the literature teacher drones on about Shakespeare.

"Can I go home already?" Rose groans out in query from my right, her cheek placed in her palm.

"I'm so done with today," I add, resting my head on the desk and face right to see Uche in the same position gazing at me as she's turned to her left, Rose in between us.

I use my arm that's covered in an orange sweater to cushion my head, causing the wool material to ride up, displaying a little belly skin above the black high waisted pants on my lower body parts, my feet bare thus I've freed it from the confines of my orange slides.

Rose is donning a pink halter top and ripped boyfriend jeans that match with the black boots she seems to love. Uche herself is in a fitting knee-length jean skirt and a red off-the-shoulder blouse.

We are not bothering about getting caught because we are tucked at the back of the class, our positions shielding us from the view of the teacher. Thankfully the teacher doesn't walk around and instead remains in her stance at the front.

From Terry's posture in the second row at the right end of the class, I can see his expression void of its usual confident smirk. His blue eyes stare ahead, his body reclining in the chair.

He appears uninterested in the conversation flowing around him as Victor and Elvis are discussing something. Instead, his black leather jacket-clad arms are folded on his chest covered by the white t-shirt he's donning. His legs in corresponding black jeans and white Adidas trainers are stretched forward.

I note how his eyebrows furrow from this angle and his jaw stiff, almost as if he is trying to pay attention to what is being taught though that is highly unlikely of his personality.

Elvis who is clad in a blue vest and ripped jeans the same shade as his vest pokes Terry in the arm to call his focus to them. Terry rewards him with a glare and I unconsciously lift a brow at this.

Getting the message, Elvis lets him be and shuts up, Victor is the only one presently talking in their group. It appears his voice gets on Terry's nerves that he veers to him and grumbles what I believe to be "shut the fuck up."

The face of the eighteen-year-old caramel beauty crumbles at this as he is silenced instantly, adjusting the collar of the crisp longsleeved red shirt he's wearing above black slacks. Yeah, Victor has a nice dress sense at times.

I hold in my laugh so my grumbling friends won't give me a look that doubts my sanity, and settle for a snort that makes them shift their gaze to me for a moment, Rose offering me a well-deserved scoff and Uche giving me the finger.

"Homework, take note," the teacher announces in a loud tone jeering all our sights and hearing to her. She shakes her head at this, knowing most of us weren't paying attention to her teachings, and continues. "Read chapter 6, summarize it, and give me a short essay about what you understood from the chapter,"

The whole class groans, partly in happiness that the lesson has come to an end and partly in irritation at the amount of work given on a course we barely understand. The teacher ignores our reactions and packs her equipment just as the bell rings.

Sighing in relief at the close of another school day, I think of how I can't wait to graduate from this hellhole, the thought bringing to mind once again about the fact that Terry might not graduate with earned good grades.

I'm certain if I hadn't come across his diary I'll be envious and angry about how he's manipulating his parents to do this for him, but now that I know, I can't help but feel pity towards the guy. This again people, is why I appreciate ignorance because if I didn't know, I'll be happy with my hating game of him no matter how ruggedly handsome he may be.

"Let's leave here Chels," Uche speaks and I nod in acknowledgment, rising with her as Rose is already erect and grab my bag from my feet and put my hands into the loops provided by the Gucci schoolbag.

"I don't know about you guys but I want to be out of here in a minute tops," Rose murmurs as we walk out of the currently empty classroom.

Together we saunter out of the room and I close the door hence I'm the last to exit and waddle beside them to the school front doors. At a corner, Terry appears in our line of vision halting our tracks.

"Chelsea, can I speak with you for a minute?" He asks, gazing atop Uche's head and pointedly at me.

Uche swerves to offer me a questioning gape and I shrug in retort.

"Rose? Uche? Please let me speak with her, I promise it won't take long," he pleads and I'm surprised he even knows Uche's name, rather what shocks me more is the fact he knows Rose already.

"You can wait for me outside," I say to them and Uche appears perplexed as she gives us space, Rose granting me choking signs that cause me to shudder as I wonder what goes on in that girl's head.

After some seconds we are abandoned in the almost vacant hallway, I cross my arms on my chest and cock my head to the side, having no inkling where my confidence is from as I command "Speak."

He chuckles lightly at this and takes a step near, leaving only an inch between our bodies, his fingers going to brush strands of hair away from my face, inciting me to close my eyes involuntarily for a moment.

"Tomorrow at my house, by 6 pm, not a minute late," he bends to whisper in my now exposed ear, provoking a quiver in my lady parts that has me cursing my body in my head for not having restraint.

He retreats, blows me a kiss, and walks away, inducing me to gather my thoughts, again.


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