Chapter 28: The Epilogue

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Chelsea's POV

"The message I have today is not for we the graduates," I say, rounding off the speech, my eyes directed at my audience. "But for every teenager still in high school or about to join."

"And that message is, life doesn't end here," I convey, adjusting the huge purple valedictorian cap that doesn't seem to stay still. "Your popularity doesn't matter after high school, that student you make fun off might end up being your saving grace tomorrow."

I pause awaiting their reactions. When I see them all listening attentively including the bitchy Diana, I continue. "That might sound weird but it's the truth. To the oppressor and the oppressed, the message is simple, life doesn't end here, rather your time here will come to an end."

"In all things you do here and beyond, find happiness, not fake it. Thank you." I release a breath. There's silence for a moment or two before someone claps, followed by another, then another, and soon, everyone is clapping.

I distinctly see mum wipe a tear as dad gives a standing ovation. "That's our best friend right there!" Rose screams, joining Dad in standing while Uche nudges her, probably to counter her use of 'our'

A laugh breaks out from my lips as Terry mouths an "I love you" and Victor and Elvis holler words that are not fit for a 9-year-old like Adie to hear.

In the past month, we've all gotten close as friends and I never could be happier. To your silent question, yep, I attended the graduation. I was appointed as Valedictorian and so after persuasions, I concluded I've got nothing to lose by taking up the offer.

I nod at the principal as I'm handed my diploma before any other person and slowly catwalk to the steps at the edge of the stage in my 6inch silver strapped heels and an off-the-shoulder red dress that reaches my ankle but has a slit as high up as my thigh.

"Terry Drake Williams," the bald man in a suit calls, possibly ditching the style of alphabetical name-calling. I'm met halfway by Terry who blocks the path to my seat with a smile as wide as the ocean.

"You were amazing." He beams, hooking his index finger below my jaw and looking dashing in a black button-up tucked into blue slacks that are the same color as the gown on his shoulders. "Also I want to kiss you, I don't care who's watching."

"You've already gathered enough attention," I blush, peeking behind him to see all eyes trained on us, especially Dad's glare. "So do it now before my Dad decides it's time to murder you."

"I'll make it quick then, while I wait for the real deal later." He winks and descends his lips on mine. Fireworks crack in my hide as I sigh in ecstasy.

If there's anything these past months have taught me, it's that sometimes, staying in the dark is not all that good.

Ignorance can be sometimes bliss but most times it keeps you from experiencing life to its fullest. If I hadn't stumbled upon Terry's diary I wouldn't have made new friends, most significantly I wouldn't have known what an amazing person Terry is behind all the hard exterior.

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