Chapter 4: The Absence

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Chelsea's POV

Acting fast, I snatch the book from her hold and shove it into my already open bag. I jerk the lunch package, dipping my fingers into it and handing her share to her as I proceed to take a bite of mine, pretending to be merely eating.

The bearer of the voices and footsteps materialize, causing the lasagna to go down the wrong path of my throat, such that I end up choking.

"Fuck me," Uche mutters as she recognizes our new company. She acts on instinct and rubs her palm along the small of my back in a bid to calm my coughs thus we made the mistake of coming out here without a drop of water or fruit juice.

My eyes watery and throat dry, I shift my vision to the two boys standing a few feet opposite us and identify it's non-other than Terry's best friends, cigarettes hanging in between their fingers and eyes bloodshot.

"What are you two losers doing here?" The one on the left inquires as they walk over with a grim look.

"And who are you?" I bite back, lifting a brow as I study his outfit of a loose-fitting black vest, leather pants, and brown timberlands.

Just like Terry, he is beautiful with olive skin, full lips, a slightly crooked nose, thick brows divided at the corners with two clipper lines, and green eyes brought out by the eye pencil lining his lids. His sharp jaw, brown hair, and taut cheekbones add to his charm, his tongue piercing giving off a strange accent as he speaks.

"Seems you've got some sass when Terry isn't present," the other with caramel skin, curly hair, and dark brown eyes scoff as he stands beside his friend. His trimmed brows squeezed in a frown at our presence, sharp jaw set, pointed nose breathing hard.

From the angle Uche and I are positioned, they come off as intimidating in their muscled structure and tall height though none of them are up to Terry's length, they come a close second.

"We, we're j-j-just having lunch, Elvis," Uche stammers in response to the Olive skinned one and I take note of his name, hoping I don't forget it anytime soon.

"You sure darling?" The one I'm now sure to be Victor bends a little and smirks down at her. I clamp in a gasp as I detect a blush on her cheeks and instead settle for a puzzled look.

Don't tell me she's crushing on him, the voice in my head suggests and I shrug, having a slight worry for my friend if that is true. I won't hesitate to support her though if things go her way, the same way I won't hesitate to call her out on her bullshit if Victor is just playing with her.

"What do you two want with us?" I query, surprised to heed my voice come off as shaky with fear.

"Do you want to know what we want?" Elvis asks in a menacing voice, rather his eyes tell a different story as they dance in amusement. At Uche's frantic nod he continues. "We want you two, out of our sight, so we don't end up doing what we'll regret."

"Which we will if Terry finds out we lay a finger on you without his permission," Victor finishes.

We don't stay to find out if they are bluffing, rather we grab our things, haul ourselves up and take fast steps that lead us away from them. Taking a corner, Uche stops me in my tracks by dragging my arm.

I offer her the what look which she responds with a hand to her lips, implying I keep quiet. I do her bid and stay still, complying as she suggests we lean forward. Obeying, I discover Elvis and Victor now leaning on the wall, some meters distance from us.

"Why isn't Terry here anyway?" Victor implores, staring upwards as he puffs smoke from his lips. "Coach is gonna flip if he isn't here for practice."

"I called him after the first period, and he said he can't make it to school today, that I should plead coach on his behalf," Elvis answers, rubbing his nose.

"Did he say why?" Victor interrogates, putting his hand without the cigarette into his left pocket.

"Yeah, he said he was searching for something valuable, and that it might take his whole day," Elvis informs, and this induces Uche to lend me an inquisitive gaze.

"I told you so," I mouth and reverse as the guys do the same. Uche and I hold hands and walk to the school garden, laughter emitting from our lips at the situation.

We take a seat under a tree and continue our lunch in silence, letting out giggles now and then anytime our eyes meet. Realization of Terry's absence dawns on me as I now understand why I hadn't come across him, or worse he crosses my face with that scowl of his.

It comes to my understanding that this must be of real value for him to miss a whole day of school and soccer practice just to search for it. Terry is your regular badboy in every way but he values school activities like it's of importance to him.

The words he wrote come to mind, significantly the part of him living a fake happy life in a fake happy family. Can it be that what he's saying might be true? Can it be that what my mind is implying might be correct that there is more to Terry than meets the eye?

"Don't you think we should use this as a payback scheme for all he has done to you?" Uche quizzes, bringing me out of my consuming thoughts as I gawk unseeingly at the girls sitting opposite us, probably discussing the latest Prada bag or Gucci shoe.

"Yeah, but I feel that's too much of a payback," I sigh, discarding the paperbag and leaning my head on the rim of the metal seat, facing upwards.

"Are you crazy?" Uche argues, shaking my arm, and I shift my focus to her.

"I'm not," I exhale. "I just think it's brutal to expose such personal information. I know you might not believe me but I've got a conscience."

"Wait, you are serious?" She asks, gazing at me pointedly.

"I don't know," I admit confusion, and sit upright to smile at her. "But I promise to give it a thought because you are right, Terry deserves my revenge for all he's done."


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