Chapter 4

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Jacks POV

I woke up in pain and see blood on the sheets and I hear a knock on the door and I started to fake sleeping but it was just Scar. I hid my leg under the covers so she wouldn't see it.

"Get up Jack we're going to see Rupunzel so she can heal your leg" Scar said

"How did you...... Never mind" I said

"Jack I woke up before you and I saw your leg" she answered

"Ok how are we gonna get to Rupunzel's place" I asked her

"I yeahhhh I forgot to tell you Dad gave me more powers and I have teleportation and can control heat but I didn't make that heat ring thing last night" she explained
I was shocked more powers I'm barely getting to know my powers I need to keep telepathy so I can ask more questions secretly.

"Oh" was all I said

"We'll get up and wrap this cloth around your leg to stop the bleeding"

"Ok gotcha" I said wrapping the cloth

She walked out of the room.
I wonder who's house was this

Scarlett POV

I walked out of the room to go get Alexa. I don't really want her to go because I can't see her get hurt again.

"Alexa let's go we're going to Rupunzel" I told her

"What why" she asked

"Because Jacks hurt and I need her to heal him" I answered

"Wait THE Jack Frost guardian of fun and bringer of snow is here plus he's your boyfriend I need to make sure he's good enough for you?" She said so fast and she's using her super speed

"Wait Lexi hurt don't interrogate him now" I yelled

She came back

"Oh well hurry up and do your portal so we came get him cleaned up" She said fast

"Alright let's go get Jack" I said

"Hey Scar who is this?" Jack asks when we walked into the room

"Jack this is Alexa she's my cousin or sister as I like to call her" I answered

"Lexi this is Jack my boyfriend and I don't have time for you to interrogate him so let's go" I said

"Ok" they both said at the same time
I looked at them weirdly

"Okay let's go" I said as I put the portal up and Lexi walked through. I went to help Jack I got his staff and we walked through the portal too

We arrived in the front of Rupunzel's castle. The guards saw me and immediately let us go in. As we were walking to Rupunzel's room Eugene ran past us. I gave Jack his staff so he could fly. I flew up next to him and grabbed his hand. And Alexa flew beside me.

We arrived at Rupunzel's room door and knocked on the door. She said come in so we walked in.
"Woah" all of us said at the same time

"SCARLETT" she yelled and jumped on me and we fell

"I missed you too Rap" I said in pain. "Rap can't.... Breathe

"Sorry it's just I haven't seen you in a long time" she said giggling

"Well Rap can you do me a favor" I asked with my puppy dog eyes

"Fine what do you need" she asked giving in

"I need you to heal Jack" I told her

"Ok Jack come here" she told him

He limped over to Rupunzel and she motioned for him to sit down and she propped his leg on a stool.

"This may hurt" She told him

He looked over at me.

I walked over and squeezed his hand to tell him he was gonna be ok

Rupunzel started wrapping her hair on Jacks leg tightly
He hissed in pain
"It's ok Jack" I assured him I than kissed his cheek

Rupunzel starts singing

"Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine

Heal what has been hurt
Change the Fates' design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine

What once was mine" She finished

Jacks eyes were wide and his mouth was open

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