File Four

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This has gore.

Undisclosed SCP Containment Facility

SCP 10654-1 was back in his cell and was thinking about his current love life. Don't get him wrong...he loved them, but some well:

NO! NO! NO! A voice cried as a hand ripped through his chest and tore out his heart then proceeded to tear the rest of his body into pieces. Meanwhile, a woman was contacting one of the MTFs to stop SCP 847's rampage.

SCP 847 is going on a rampage. I repeat SCP 847 is....GAH! AHHHH!!!! The woman didn't get to finish her announcement before SCP 847 started to tear her apart. 

SCP 10654-1 quickly shook his head of that incident. Everyone would be better off not knowing the events of that evening when SCP 847 went on a rampage in order to be with him. Lots of men and women died that day and showed that SCP 847 would ignore all other males in sight in order to be with her newest obsession.

Needless to say that he wasn't allowed to meet her alone without harsher conditions and procedures. Not like he could blame them since she loved him once she laid eyes on him. Sadly, she was only the first of several females who would do anything to be with him. It had even gotten to the point where he had to be escorted to different sites with MTF's. However...

His thoughts were cut of by several armed men bursting into the room with guns drown. Dr. Clef and Dr. Buck quickly raised their hands while he just stared at them with some irritation.

"Guess we have some researchers to take care of along with this freak." One of them said which caused some laughs from his colleagues. As he did this, Dr. Buck told Dr. Clef to stay still in a hushed tone knowing that none of these men were walking out of this alive.

"Best we get rid of this freak then these researchers." Another said as he raised his gun to fire. Before he could, a vine wrapped around his arm causing him to drop his gun.

"What the..." he said before another fine wrapped around his throat. The man was struggling to free himself, but was quickly losing energy from the lack of air. He was shown a little bit of mercy by having a third vine shoot out and go through his forehead killing him instantly.

"You..." Another one of them said before a vine shoot him in his heart. 

"It's a shame that our interview has been cut sort thanks to these pests Dr. Buck." SCP 10654-1 said while ignoring the last two men. Both of which were paralyzed by shock and fear by the deaths of their comrades. 

"I feel the same considering how close we were on getting a breakthrough." Dr. Buck said as the two men raised their guns to shoot 10654-1. Unfortunately for them, two vines wrapped around their throats and raised them off of the ground. They wouldn't be getting any mercy from 10654-1 anymore so they stayed there until the life has completely drained from their eyes. 

Eventually, 10654-1 was lead back to containment while Dr. Buck and Dr. Clef were checked for injuries.

"You weren't kidding that he was dangerous." Dr. Clef said.

"I never mess around. We should just be glad that he won't hurt any of the foundation." Dr. Buck said as she started to walk away to give her report to the site director. 

SCP 10654-1 was dangerous, but can hold great benefits for the foundation. However, that fact shouldn't mean that any of the personal should let their guards down. We have done that multiple times only to have the sometimes "Safe" SCPs turn out to be Keter or Euclid. Not to mention the multiple enemies that we face everyday. Too bad the foundation will go against their most challenging and problematic challenge that they have ever faced....

The Louds.

Great Lakes City

Lori walked into her sister's apartment while wondering what her sister had to talk to her about. She found her sister on the couch and staring at her laptop like it held something important.

"Leni? Why did you..." Lori started to say before Leni snapped her attention towards her. It shocked her for a bit before her sister started to speak.

"Lori, I can't take this anymore. Everyday that we don't find our brother is another day that our family falls apart. We need to find him and bring him home." Leni said.

"Leni, we should really leave that to...." Lori began to say before Leni snapped at her. 

"Who should we leave it to? The police who keep making empty promises that they're closer to finding out the truth or the FBI who told us to give up since they're so sure that he's dead. Face it Lori...the only people who can find him are us." Leni said.

"But how can we find him if there isn't any evidence of where he has gone?" Lori asked. Leni chuckled before turning back to her laptop. Lori looked at the laptop too and saw a face that she hasn't seen for over five years....

Lisa Loud.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter....Bye 👋

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