Chapter 15

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Aphmau POV

I open my eyes to the sunlight shining on my face. People always say that's always a nice way to wake up. They lie. I get out of bed after trying and failing to cover my face from the light. Katelyn isn't in her bed either. I look at the time to see that it's 1 pm. I guess the ritual really tired me out. I get out of bed and have a quick shower before going downstairs and to the kitchen to see everyone talking at the table. Castor has my flower garland in front of him. I sit next to Castor and put it on.

"Morning." I yawn.

"It's afternoon." Katelyn says from my left. I just stick my tongue out at her before digging into the bacon that Jerome placed in front of me. I look in front of me to see Barney with his eye closed.

"Here." I pass him his eyepatch before turning and giving everybody else their own stuff. "All enchanted and upgraded! The Phoenix God was nice enough to re-enchant your items as well." They put their items on and Katelyn tries the link.


"I can hear you! This is so cool. Budder!" I think you know who said that.

"Adam you're meant to be the mature one." Jin says.

"Who's Adam?" Cadenza asks.

"It's Sky." Katelyn replies.

"How do you know that?" Max asks her.

"Jess told me while she was training for the hunger games."

"Hunger games? Isn't that what Jess, Mitch and Jerome would play while they train?" Ross asks next.

"Yep. They made it into an actual game and became rich off of it. They were undefeated until I came." I smirk at them before finishing off the rest of my bacon.

"Hey Jess, where's your Mjolnir charm?" Alex asks.

"Did you lose it? Don't worry because my rossomeness will help you find it!" Ross shouts before going to run out the door but u grab him by the collar while he runs past me.

"I haven't lost it." I throw him gently into his seat before taking off my flower garland and imagining it to be my charm I had before. Only Castor can see what I'm doing now. He helps me out the bracelet in. "It's here." I lift up my wrist.

"Where's your flower garland?" Cadenza asks now. I quickly imagine the flower garland and put it on my hand, purposely showing my now bare wrist.

"Now where did your charm go?" Katelyn asks this time. I take my garland off and show the whole table the transformation of the garland into a charm. "How did you do that?" She asks. I turn it back into a garland and put it on my head.

"The Phoenix God gave it to me. I can also teleport every few hours now. I also have an egg." I stand up and motion everybody to follow me outside and they do. They make a big circle around me.

"Why are we out here?" Jin asks.

"I want to hatch my egg. Now shut up and watch." I sit down of the grass and summon the egg in my lap. Slowly, cracks start to appear before a Phoenix bursts out of the top, tripping over as it tries to get out of the egg. "Hello little Phoenix"

"Hi." It replies to me in a quiet yet cute voice. "Are you the person my mama told me about?" She tilts her head.

"Yes I am." Boomy walks over to me. "Boomy she is going to be your little sister and apart of this family." Boomy joins her on my lap and starts to rub his head gently on hers. "I'm Jess and what is your name?" She tilts her head to the side again.

"I don't have a name." Her eyes tear up a bit. It looks so cute but I don't want her to cry!

"How about I give you one!" I look to see her rapidly nodding her head, making me laugh. By now, everybody has left except for Ross who is in his squirrel form on a tree. "How about Lucy? It means light." I ask her.

"I love it." She jumps up in the air. Ross decides to come over and start to jump into the air with her for no reason at all.

"Hey Ross." I laugh. He drops a berry in front of Lucy before running back inside with the others. Lucy sniffs it before eating it.

"Shall we go inside master?" Boomy asks.

"You don't need to call me master. You never had to. Jess is fine." I tell Boomy before standing up with them both in my arms.

"Okay Jess." Boomy and Lucy cuddle up to me before sleeping so I take them to the living room and place them next to each other before covering them with a blanket that Sky gave to me. As soon as I know they are okay, I sit down on a different couch and turn the TV on low volume and start to watch Big Bang theory until around 6pm where Lucy and Boomy finally wakes up, complaining that they are hungry so I go into the kitchen and start to cook some dinner for everybody else. I decide to make some spaghetti. Simple yet filling. While I let it cook, I put some food out for Lucy and Boomy who is just playing around. Soon, the dinner is done so I dish it out and call everybody, early hung everybody fall down the stairs as I am eating. It's pretty hilarious. Sky fell on Max and then Ross jumps on them both so Max is now chasing them both. Everybody else is sitting down and eating, just watching Ross and Sky in their last minutes of life.

"So when are we leaving?" Jin asks. We have to go on an adventure to search for any recruits that are still alive or are willing to come back. The squids could have slowly killed them one by one without being seen.

"As soon as we know where to look for the recruits or when Mitch and Jerome kick us out." I reply, sticking my tongue out at Mitch and Jerome who return the gesture.

"Well you guys can stay but I'm obviously gonna kick Jess out because who would I be if I let her stay? Can't live with my hunger games rival." Mitch laughs. I playfully glare at him. "Just kidding. Stay as long as you want."

"Yay!" I cheer before picking up my plate and putting it in the sink. I cooked so I'm not cleaning. By now, Sky, Max and Ross are eating so I will make them do it since they will be finished last. I pick up Lucy and Boomy  and giving them to Jin to take care of them before telling the others that I'm going to go on a walk and to mind link me if they need me. It's time to read another entry in the squid diary.

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