Chapter 17

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Aphmau POV

I open my eyes to Katelyn's hair on my face. What? I turn to see Katelyn sleeping in my bed with me and Ross's scarf around my neck. Aww they thought about me! I get out of Katelyns arms and place a pillow in my position instead before getting up and having a shower. I quickly finish and walk downstairs into the kitchen to see nobody here. That's unusual. I put some bread in a toaster and wait for the toast to pop up before buttering it and going over to the couch, turning on the television. It was the children's channel. Who let Ross watch Tv? Sponge bob was on so I left the channel on and started eating my toast, laughing at the funny parts. Gotta love spongebob. Soon, Jin and Barney come downstairs with Boomy and Lucy. They both jump on my lap with Lucy on Boomys head since she can't fly yet.

"Hey you guys. What's up?" I hug them both before petting Lucy and Boomy.

"Nothing much. How long have you been up?" Jin yawns, sitting down next to me. Barney sits down on my left side.

"A while. I woke up to Katelyn squeezing me to death." I play with the ends of Ross's ripped scarf as I watch Boomy and Lucy start to play with each other.

"Why do you have Ross's scarf?" Barney asks. I just shrug.

"I woke up with it on. To help with my wounds." I guess Sky told Ross that I was still hurt so they put it in me. Just as I'm thinking this...

"Where's my scarf!" I hear Ross shout as Sky runs into the room. I give him a look.

"Did you steal his scarf and put it on me?" He just awkwardly laughs before hiding behind the couch. Why is he hiding when I'm wearing it.

"Adam give me my scarf back!" Ross runs in as a squirrel, jumping over the couch, ignoring me, and jumping in Sky who is now screaming. He starts to playfully bite him.

"Help me Jess! Help me!" I pick up Ross and put him on my lap before taking off my scarf, instantly feeling the pain of my cuts. I guess the scarf was helping me not feel the pain. I give it to Ross. He turns back into a human.

"Why were you wearing my scarf?" Ross asks.

"Don't worry about it. I just woke up with it on." I try not to move a lot or show that I'm not in pain. Sky is the only one that notices.

"I'm gonna go get you some pain killers." He walks into the kitchen after seeing me nod and comes back a few minutes later with some pain killers and a glass of water. I quickly drink them down.

"Thanks." He takes it back into the kitchen before running and dumping over the couch and on our laps. Jim just face palms while the rest of us burst out laughing. Max walks downstairs and looks at us before sighing, mumbling that it's to early to be loud. Well sorry that your not a morning person. He goes into the kitchen.

"What was with the pain killers anyway?" Barney asks. I freeze for a second before relaxing again.

"I was attacked yesterday and I got hurt a lot. That's why Sky gave me your scarf while I was sleeping. He wanted me to heal." I sigh. Shouldn't lie to them. They will find out eventually. Ross immediately comes up to me and puts his scarf around my neck again, worried.

"Why didn't you say so! If I knew that, I would have given you my scarf. We seriously need to stay with you when you go out on these walls." He says.

"I know right! That's what I said. We need to give her a body guard. Who wants to volunteer?" Sky asks. Obviously everybody volunteers since I'm their 'little sister'. Even Max who came back into the room with a coffee. "Okay then. Jess is not allowed to leave the house without two of us with her!" Sky says.

"Why the need for that much protection?" Max asks. Me and Sky look at each other.

"No reason?" I say, more of a question then a statement. Sky gets off of our laps and stands up.

"Well anyway! I'm going to make us some food." He walks into the kitchen.

"So how do we plan to find the sky army?" Max asks.

"I don't know. Any ideas?" Barney asks. Everyone starts to say ideas, not paying attention to me or anything I say so I just stop listening to them and turn the channel to the news before getting my laptop out. I quickly create a little animation and an email before hacking the channel and pressing enter. Suddenly, the Tv makes a loud bang, making everybody look to it. After the explosion, it shows the words "if you have any information about the Sky army then please email this address." Under the words is an email address to the 'AngelicAphmau'. I open my email and start waiting for emails. Sky walks in.

"Hey guys, I'm fin-" sky drops his glass of orange juice as he looks at the screen. Everybody looks at me.

"Jess... What did you do..." Jin asks. I just shrug.

"You guys were ignoring me so I did my own thing." I simply say, not paying attention to them as I type down in a document the information people have given on me. Most were random emails from people though.

"That was stupid Jess! Who knows what could happen. How do you even know we will get any proper information?" Jin asks.

"Well I am getting a lot of people giving me locations that seem logical. Nobody knows what the sky army is so they won't know what we are talking about unless they are either a recruit or family to one." I explain. Before they could scold me, I continue to talk. "I think we should split up into two groups and start to group up the army. I think me, Ross, Max, Katelyn and Alex should go and find Preston. Sky, Barney, Jin, Castor and Cadenza can go find Deadlox." I say the plan. They all just give me a look. "What? Not my fault I'm smarter than you guys." I stick my tongue out at them.

"Well I guess we will go with Jess's plan. Let's get ready." Sky says. We all split up to prepare anything we need.

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