Chapter 3 : Lie

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Hi all 😊 really sorry for keeping u all await...  Damn busy with my office...

It's a Saturday and I'm working today too..!  Late nights at work and hectic schedules ki wajah se update nai kar payi...

So here u go!!

Chapter 3: The Lie

"Neil...calm down. God will definitely help us reach the crux of this riddle." Avni assured while she faithfully prayed god for help.

Just then Neil's phone rings.

" Hello Doctor, How come you have called me ? Vidyuth's reports and all were collected right ?" 
Neil enquired since the doctor's call was unexpected.

"Yes Neil. But I wanted to inform you about Mishti's blood report." Averred the doctor.

"Mishti's blood report ? Is there any issue doctor? " Neil asked worriedly.

"Nothing to worry about her Neil. But the thing is her blood group is not matching yours! Nor anybody else's in your family but matched with the blood group of Mr.Vidyuth R. I felt this strange since i was informed that mishti is your daughter. By the way i had asked your bebe's blood group too to check if it matches with hers but she did not revert to me. 

I felt you need to be informed about this". The doctor explained him the prior happenings which were unaware by Neil.

He was taken a back for a second and took time to understand the doctor's words fully.

"Doctor, are you sure that mishti's blood group did not match mine ? Please cross check or repeat the test again to confirm because this information is very crucial for me right now". 

Neil asked him impatiently while Avni looked puzzeled at the convo Neil was having with the doctor.

"Ofcourse Neil, I have personally checked and confirmed...mishti's blood group did not match with yours...but this does not mean that she isn't your daughter. We can confirm the relationship between you and Mishti only through DNA test." The doctor adviced what can be done to confirm. 

Neil was left speechless after hearing all this. Many past incidents ran through his mind, many doubts, what ifs ? Many thoughts...he was dumbstruck while the doctor kept saying

"Hello...hello neil...are you there ?" 

Avni shook his shoulder to bring him back from his thoughts and looked at him with an expression of confusion.

"Yee...yess doctor.. I shall get you the hair sample of Mishti and mine. Kindly prepare the report with utmost urgency.Thank you so much for informing me all this." Neil cut the call and sat on the bed flinching his plams.

"Neil, what did the doctor say ? Why were you talking about the DNA test ? Mishti's blood group? What's going on ?" 

Avni outbursted the questions which were pondering her all the while when she sat next to him.

Neil explained her what all he spoke with the doctor and that they have got a huge turning point in solving their problems regarding Mishti and Vidyuth.

"Ohh god...Neil i think we have to give the samples as soon as possible for the DNA test and get the reports as soon as possible. And we should be very careful about this because if anyone knows that we are getting the DNA test done they might hamper the result of the report. " Avni urged Neil to put forth this plan in action as they had very less time.

"Yes Avni, I'll see that the test is done under utmost secrecy and tight security with my personal supervision. Please get me the hair sample of Mishti right away." Neil was equally restless as her to start his first step in defeating the evil.

"Sure Neil...Did u see ? God helps us in some or the other way. He answered our prayers." Avni taps his shoulder and leaves to Mishti's room while Neil calls DD to make arrangements for the DNA test to be done.

** Hospital lab, 11pm **

Neil has been impatiently waiting in the lab for the reports. He was present inside the lab. Yes inside the lab wearing the lab robes, a cap ,lab shoes,and a mask to cover his mouth. He made sure the entire testing process happens right in front of his eyes so that he can believe that the reports are true and not hampered in any way. 

He did not want to take any risk with the reports since it was his relationship with Mishti at stake  

"Neil, the reports are here." The doctor hands over the reports envelope to Neil. 

Neil takes the envelope like a hungry child snatches away a chocolate. 

He starts reading the reports and heaves a sigh of disbelief ! The report was NEGATIVE !

The reports read no relationship between the two individuals. 

Neil's legs tangled to stand for the first time. He collapsed on the floor holding the papers.

He had now known how blindly he had believed such a big lie. He believed ! He trusted ! He accepted it with utmost dignity ! Upon all he gave pain to his dear wife and family just because of this 1 big lie.

Avni risked her life to bring back mishti. She accepted mishti because she believed that she is Neil's child. She did everything to bring happiness in mishti's life more than Juhi...her own mother ! How selfless she was ! 

He felt back stabbed.. he felt used...he felt betrayed for having a blind belief... He was supposed to be angry...very angry but here he was dipped in agony, depressed,saddened because he was betrayed by the person whom he loved unconditionally in the past... 

All these thoughts galored Neil's mind...a silent  tear drop rolled down his cheeks. 

He was still sitting on the floor holding the papers. 

**Khanna House**

DD and Neil enter the house together.

"Tillu...where were you till now ? I was so worried beta..." Shwetha asks Neil who choses not to reply and goes straight to his room. 

"Mata ji...we were in the station since we had lot of work. Sir had headache so i came to drop him." DD explains Neil's wierd behaviour and leaves.


"Avni, Neil has come. Seems he has headache. Go talk to him" Shwetha says and leaves. 

**Avneil bedroom**

Neil is lying flat on the bed like he just collapsed as he came in. His eyes wide open with a blank expression on face.

Avni goes near the bed and sits next to him... she knew that he was upset. She knew the moment she looked into his eyes that something terrible has happened. 

Actually she was eagerly waiting to know the DNA tesr report results but seeing her dear husband in such condition , her priorities changed to comforting him first. 

She slowly lifted his head and slided onto her lap. Neil looked upto her with tear filled eyes...a tear was about to drop from his right eye but was stopped by a gentle kiss. 

Avni had not let the tear drop by kissing his eye...she cupped his face and bent to touch his  nose with hers... and gently rubbed against it...

"I can't see you cry Neil...not even a single drop from your eyes " while saying this her eyes became moist too.


This is all this part...hope u liked it. If yes please comment if not then also pls comment :) :) This update was pretty quick...but pls let me know ur comments bcz if hardly 2 or 3 are giving me feedback then I'll end it here and conclude it as left to readers imagination further ;) 


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