Chapter 6 : Mission accomplished

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Hi all here is the much awaited part of the story...! A lengthy chapter indeed ! Without wasting you go !

Happy reading ! 

Chapter 6 : Mission accomplished 

The rest of the night Avni and Neil spent preparing themselves and arranging things for the next morning. They left no stone unturned in the process of their mission against Vidyuth. 

The next morning was supposed to be the final stage of their plan to unveil the wicked people's true faces in front of the society and permanently erase the ugly remark on Neil and his entire family. 

**6am* Avneil's room**

Neil is just out of shower draped in a bath towel down his waist flaunting his chiselled body like a greek god. His hair all wet and droplets of water hanging through each strand making him look even more hot. 

He looks at Avni who's trying to hook her mangalsutra. She looks immensely glamourous in that ripped jeans and an off shoulder white top...her hair tied up in a bun only adds to her enchanting persona leaving her bare shoulders increase her beauty... he's awestruck at his lady love...and cannot resist staring at her... while Avni notices him and taunts in a sweet manner.

" can come here and help me instead of checking me out top to toe..." 

He's snapped out of his trance and goes near her to help her hook the mangalsutra. He's always loved to dress up his wifey be it helping her tie the dori of her blouse or wear the sindhoor...he never missed the chances. 

His fingers slowly launder around her nape...

"Nee... neeilll..." Avni fumbles as she feels chills in her spine as his fingers touch her bare skin.

"Shshsh...kar raha hun..." he says with a little love filled annoyance as he hooks the mangalsutra. Eventually goes closer to her neck and gives a peck on it. Avni's eyes shut with the contact of his lips on her neck. 

Neil turns her to face him...moves his hand towards her hair and opens up the bun.

"What are you doing Neil ? My hair..." Avni avers but stops mid way as she looks at her bare chest man playing with her hair... He choses not to reply. 

He lets her hair open and arranges the few strands on her shoulder, both the sides so as to cover up her bare skin which was seen because of her off shoulder top. 

"My wifey's beauty is meant only for me to see...Only me.." He says in a sensuous tone while tucking her fringes behind her ear. 

Avni who was lost in him regains her senses and pushes him away...

"Uff...Humesha single track please go get ready...we are running out of time Neil.." She shies away and turns around to get ready. 

Neil just smiles at his already blushing wife and goes to get ready not before hugging her tight for once...

** Neil's Car **

"DD is every thing set as per my instructions ?" 
Neil enquires on call.

"Fine, we are leaving now." He cuts the call and looks at Avni while a line of tension comes across his forehead.

Avni holds his palm and assures him "Don't worry Neil, everything will go as per our plan".

"Hmm hope so!" Neil avers and starts the car. 

** old warehouse **

Vidyuth is seen sitting on a chair...seems to be in a deep thought. 

Juhi rushes to the warehouse and sees him.

"Vidyuth, tell whatever you want to tell soon... i don't have much time..." Juhi is interrupted before she completes her sentence 

"Relax darling...relax... you have loads of time..ofcourse, with me" He winks as he taunts her. Juhi looks away.

He goes close to her and holds her neck tight as if he's killing her. 

Juhi chokes and tries to free herself from his clutches...but in vain..

He has a wierd laugh and leaves her suddenly leaving her gasping for breathe. She has tears in her eyes and collapses on the ground.

"What happened Juhi darling?  Was it so suffocating ?? It's even more suffocating for me to see my mamoni in the jail and mishti with that ACP...! It's all because of you...and your lie ! That mishti is his daughter !! 

Did you forget the torture i gave you in the Rangmahal ? You are just like one of those girls whom I and mamoni used to sell off for money!   You are no different than them just because you are mishti's mother ! Women like you are fit only to sleep next to me...oh wait ! You slept with him too right ? Who was better in bed ? Is it me or that ACP ??" Vidyuth smirks as he goes  near juhi and sits in front of her...

Juhi looks away and shuts her ears as he says such disgusting words...she cries and cries...

"Vvviii...viidyyuthh...what did i do now ?? I did every thing you said right ? I exposed Neil's confidential mission about my fake death, exposed that mishti is his daughter, blamed Neil's mother for things which she hasn't done, tried to create rift between Avni and Neil...gav you my pictures with Neil...purposely i showed your fake media interview to enrage them...everything i did as per you...then why are you doing this to me...?" She pleads him profusely.

"Yes yes, ofcourse you did as pe my instructions...but what the hell is this ?! You sent me these morphed pictures of us to blackmail me ? Wow ! You think I'm gonna get scared by this cheap trick of yours ? are so brainless ! You thought Vidyuth R will even pay heed to your tricks ?! Hahaha oh gosh ! I can't stop laughing at your stupidity !" Vidyuth has a villainous laugh and suddenly grins with anger.

"Hey Meher !! Don't you dare to even think of such things. I called you here to let you know the further plan of escaping my mamoni from the jail and to defame that ACP...but sent me those shitty morphed pictures of us last night ! To blackmail me ?!" 

Juhi still weeping looks confused as to which pictures he was talking about...because she had not sent him any pictures. But she can't dare to answer him while he is in such a rage of anger...

Vidyuth continues..."Hey are of no use for me now... when you can think of black mailing me then you can think of betraying also ! And i don't spare those who betray me...specially women ! Your stay on this planet is over my darling...Happy journey to death ! 

And he takes his revolver and aims at her forehead. When he is about to trigger he hears a voice...

"Vidyuuuthhh...!!!!! Don't dare to move now !! You are surrounded by police...!" Neil rushes to him with his squad and aims his gun to shoot. 

Neil pushes juhi away and stands opposite to vidyuth.

"Your game is over Mr.Vidyuth Ragini Pandit ! Each and every single crime of yours has an evidence now...! None can save you ! Look around the warehouse...oh no ! Don't look...there are hidden cameras over here...the entire city has watched your drama and knows your true face now..They have seen it live !" 

Neil has a smile of victory on his face while vidyuth grins at whatever is happening around him...

"Wondering how all this happened ?! Should i say or you will let your brain do the thinking work ? Hmm that's ok i will tell you...I sent you the morphed pictures from Juhi's number. Avnu herself allowed mishti to sit on the bench alone in the market, i tapped your conversations with Juhi...i even know the truth of Mishti's paternity!  You underestimated me and my strength vidyuth...which is my wife Avni...and wicked monsters like you will never understand the bond i share with her..!" 

Vidyuth is left speechless as he now realises that entire city is watching him and knows his true face. 

"DD...! Drag him out...the media is waiting for his answers..!" Neil instructs his subordinates.

While DD goes forward to handcuff him...vidyuth drags juhi towards him and aims his gun on her temples threatening to shoot her.

"ACP ! The game isn't yet over ! Drop your guns or else i will shoot her...!! It's not difficult for me to kill her at one shot !" He smirks as he tightens his grip on juhi while she chokes to breathe.

"Nnnee...neeeiilll..." juhi attempts to call out neil... 

Neil who was expecting this moves forward and hits him hard on his legs while vidyuth being a pro at defence moves away still holding juhi as tight as possible. 

Vidyuth tries to run away while keeping juhi as hostage...

Neil left with no choice, fires a bullet at vidyuth which hits him on his neck...vidyuth collapses as soon as the bullet pierces his body.

Juhi falls away... Neil rushes to vidyuth to see him lying in a pool of blood. He sits down to check if he's still alive but finds him dead on spot.

"DD, call up the finger print department team and the post encounter team to be here right away !" Neil orders.

"Yes sir !" DD leaves.

Avni rushes inside as she hears the noise of the bullet and finds vidyuth lying dead. She looks at Neil with a worried face.

Neil goes upto her and explains...

"Avni...don't worry. Every thing is alright. I had to encounter him...was left with no choice as he tried to kill...kill juhi." 

Avni is still worried. She hugs him and cries.

"Are you okay Neil ? I got scared the moment i heard the noise of the gun shot..." 

Neil caresses her hair and holds her shoulder.

"Hey Avni...don't cry...i'm absolutely fine wifey...look at me..." He tries to comfort her while all this is seen by juhi who is standing still with tears in her eyes.

Avni moves apart and looks at him.

"Avni come let's go out. I've to address the media". 

They all go out. Neil holds Avni's hand and takes her infront of the media.

"First of all I'd like to thank you all for believing in my plan and coming here to help us show the true face of vidyuth. 

I hope the live telecast and the video footages where vidyuth himself confessed of his crimes and conspiracies are enough for people to know the truth. 

To safe guard juhi's life i had to encounter vidyuth. The post encounter process will start soon... I'd like to tell the world that I'm not the reason for the success of this mission. It's my wife's success. She stood by me,supported me,spent sleepless nights planning the mission along with me, put her life in danger to save mishti and what would have not been possible to complete this mission had she not been there. She's truly been an inspiration for me. I'm not praising her because she's my wife, but for her braveness and spirit to fight i bow down to her..." 

Neil finishes his lines and looks at his wife with love...while all she could respond was just smile with happy tears flowing down her cheek. He gives her a side hug and moves towards his car and drives away with her without waiting for she looks at them from far with a sense of guilt.

"Juhi ma'am...sit in the car. I'll drop you home". DD says her.


Thanks for reading guys ! Hope u liked the way I've put in my thoughts to end this track... With logic, drama, little romance when required and everything...

There's one last chapter left to this story... Will update as soon as u guys reply me through ur comments and votes..!

And so sorry for not replying to ur previous reviews... I'll definitely do in some time... Forgive me 🙇‍♀



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