Epilogue : The eternal bond of love

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Hello everyone!  I'm here to fulfill ur desire of reading an epilogue to this story of Avneil...

Here u go...! Happy reading! 

Epilogue : The eternal bond of love

**Avneil's room*10pm**

Avni is walking to and fro waiting for her dearest supercop hubby to reach home. He has been early to home all these days but only that night he's too late. He had already informed her to finish her dinner and not wait for him as he would have his dinner outside with his senior and come home. 

But still, Avni is too restlessly walking in her room awaiting Mr.Khanna as she mumbles to herself...

"Haaa...was it so necessary to go out for dinner tonight?! I gave an hint to him indirectly saying not to go out for dinner but this duffer Neil won't understand such hints...! What should i do about him ?! Ewww Avni...calm down he's going to come now. No need of getting so hyper...!"  

She suddenly stops as she sees Neil entering their room and turns to him. She gives a forced smile and gives him his night clothes to change...

"Hi Neil...how was your day ? Change ur clothes...here they are." She tries to start a small talk. 

"Aah very hectic Avni...too many meetings, investigations and this dinner ! Phew I'm tired now..." Neil takes his night dress and turns to go towards the washroom but is stopped by Avni. 

"Ah Neil...would you like to have cofee? By the time u change I'll go get it for us..." She says and leaves without waiting for his reply... She was that nervous and restless. 

"What happened to her ? It's strange...coffee at this time ?and didn't even listen if I want to have coffee or not...hmm may be she's tired too..." Neil thinks to himself and goes to change and fresh up.

Neil comes out of the washroom after some time and goes to stroll over his couch to relax.

Avni enters the room with the tray and places it on the teapoy. 

"Get up Neil...coffee is here..." She makes a cup of coffee for him and for her too. 

"Thanks wifey...!" Neil winks at her as she takes up one more cup which is tiny in size.

She pours horlicks in that tiny cup and moves it towards Neil. He looks surprised as why she's giving him horlicks after coffee that too in that tiny little cup..! 

He raises his eyebrows asking what it is...?  Avni just smiles and narrows her eye balls pointing the small cup... Neil looks confused but moments later he realises what his wife has been trying to tell him...his face lits up with joy and happiness...he hugs her tight...

"Avni...are you serious???? Like really ?? You are pregnant ? Are we...are we going to become mom and dad ?? Oh god ! I can't believe this...aahhh thank you so much Avni...thanks a lot wifey !!" He tightens his embrace and kisses her cheek...

While Avni's face beams with ecstasy to see her dear husband whom she thought was dumb to understand her hints. She reciprocates and smiles with happy tears.

They are bound in that embrace for a long time now...all they did was feel each other's state of bliss...No words were spoken no movement on each other's body...they were lost in trance... moments later they move apart...

Neil cups her face and wipes her happy tears...pecks her forehead.

He then launders his fingers on her stomach so as to feel the part of him bound inside her womb...

"Avni...this is where our princess will grow for the next few months hai na...?" Neil asks with a  enthralled voice...

"Yes Neil...its here..." Avni keeps her palm on his which was feeling her stomach.   

"Avni...I've No words to express you how happy iam right now...its the...its the best feeling in my life till now..." Neil's happiness knows no bounds as he encircles his arms around her waist and places his head on her lap... 

"I promise Avni... I'll look after both of you like none can..." 

Avni bends forward and pecks his cheek.


(After few months)

"Neil please na...i can't walk more...uff...come lets go home.." 

Avni says with a heavy breathe as she walks in the park and stands still at a place holding her 8 and a half month baby bump. 

"No no no...walk slowly Avni...you both have become too notorious these days. You have to walk another round wifey...otherwise I'm not going to buy you the candy floss !" Neil tries to threaten her while faking to grin his face.

"Very funny!  No need ! I can buy it on my own...!" Avni says sarcastically and turns to leave. 

But stops as she feels a terrible pain in her body...she catches hold of her baby bump and cries in pain...

"Aahhh...Neil...!!!! Neil...!" 

Hearing her scream in pain...Neil rushes to her...and holds her in his arms...

"Avni...!! Hey Avni... look at me...nothing will happen... 2 mins... just 2 mins...I'll take u to the hospital...please Avni...don't shut ur eyes...look at me please...!" Neil panics seeing his dear wife in so much pain... He realises that she has labour pain and calls out for an auto since he couldn't waste his time in getting his car from the parking lot...

**In the auto**

"Neil clutches Avni like he holds a little baby...he keeps tapping her cheek so as to not let her fall unconscious...while he sees her shutting her eyes he decides to keep her awake by diverting her attention to listen to him...

"Avni...my dear...please look at me...I'll not let anything happen to you and our baby...I'll baby sit her like a nanny...play with her...I'll get her tiny clothes...tiny shoes...tiny cap...hai na Avni...?" 

Even in such unbearable pain...Avni could have a smile on her face... Neil continuously spoke about all his sweet desires he has for his kid...

And they reached hospital in some time...


Avni was lying on the stretcher...crying in pain as the rate of terribleness increased...it felt like all her bones were being crushed at once...but she was ready to bear it all for bringing up the cute little one to the the world...

Neil was running next to her...holding her palm and still pacifying her... with tears in eyes as he couldn't see her in that condition... 

"Neee...neeeilll...I... I want you to...bee...there with...meee...during the delivery..." Avni tries hard to express her wish amidst the pain...

"Ofcourse Avni... I will be there...next to you..." Neil assures her and instructs the hospital staff to allow him be in the Labour room. 

Since the hospital staff very well knew that Neil was an honest ACP and an able officer they allowed him fulfill his wife's wish. 

**Labour room**

The doctor and the nurses are trying hard for a normal delivery...while Avni screams in pain profusely...Neil gets stunned and shocked to see how much pain a mother goes through to bring her child into this world. His respect for women increased all the more as he witnessed the difficulty a woman bears... 

He stands next to the bed holding Avni's hand as tight as possible...consoling and pacifying her his best but in vain as he wasn't able to know the amount of pain his wife has at that moment...

Minutes later...they hear the cry of the baby...

Avni screams at the top of her voice...scaring Neil to death...! He feels that he faced death for a second and returned to see the baby...with seeing Avni suffer so much...

As the little child is carried by the doctor and pats the back... Avni heaves a huge sigh and breathes heavily...

Neil catches hold of her hand and hugs her face...tears rolling down his face...drenching Avni's hair...

 "Avni..." He caresses her with love. 

"Sir, it's a boy...he's fine and healthy...congragulations...you can take him in your hands after we do the process of cleaning and cutting the umbilical cord..." 
The doctor informs Neil...He thanks God a lakh times for safely getting the delivery done without any harm to the mother and the child...

Avni looks at Neil...with tears in eyes...triumph in her face for bringing his child to see him through his eyes... 

Neil goes closer to her...hugs her and gives a gentle peck on her forehead...

"Thank you Avni...and sorry too...i put you through so much pain that I can't even imagine of...no more kids...i don't want you to go through this hell of a pain again...Our baby...our son...is here...Im happy Avni...very happy...so he and mishti are all our world and nobody" 

Neil expresses his emotions what all he was thinking all the while...he felt terrible too inside... He knows how many times he shut his eyes when he couldn't see the delivery process through his eyes...he prayed each second for the safe delivery...he felt his heart beat thousand times...he wondered how strong could his wife be for having to bear such an unbearable ache ! 

"Ssshhh Neil...don't say that...its not hell of pain...its the pain which every mother would happily want to go through..." Avni tries to explain him as she copes up...

"Avni...Avni...sshhh lecture me later...not now...haha.." Neil tries to lighten the situation while the doctor calls him.

"Sir, here is your son...you can take him.." the doctor gives the baby wrapped in a cloth. 

Neil very carefully takes the baby to his arms...he looks at him with a smile and tearful eyes...its an inexplicable feeling for him...

He takes him near Avni...and shows his son to her...

"Avni...our son...our child...look at him..." 

Avni, who was eagerly waiting to see the face of her child looks at him with love...pure affection was seen in her eyes...those tearful eyes conveyed a lot to the little one...

"Neil...our son is the symbol of our love,our bond,our relationship...he's a part of both of us...so I want to name him Avneil..." 

Avni expresses her desire to name the kid...to which Neil nods his head in approval and says...

"Sure wifey...your wish is my command..."  he smiles and puts around his arm around her shoulder with another arm holding the baby...


 And that's a wrap...! ❤ As we mark the end of this story u would like to Thank you all so so much for loving this short story so much and supporting me throughout... 💕

Hope I've done justice in showing the bond of our Avneil...

Please do like and comment ur views...how u felt about the entire story. Something that u loved?  Something that you disliked?  Be it anything please do share with me... I'll be so glad 😊

And i request you all to maintain your love and support for my other stories as well...much needed 😊 I'm sure the other stories too won't disappoint you 😊

Silent readers can I hear from you pls atleast now that the story is over...? 


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