Chapter 17

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Mabel P.O.V

After a few moments of sitting on the bed, I decide that I can't keep Dipper's secret. He's my brother and I love him and that's why I have to protect him. I can't let him be killed by Bill.

I can't imagine my life without my brother. We're inseparable. It's always been that way and I'm not going to let some dream demon change that.

To me, it's obvious that Dipper has been tricked by Bill. I know that my brother would not willingly enter a relationship with the very being that gives us horrible nightmares. Bill has used some sort of magic on Dipper to make him fall in love with him.

I wish that Dipper could see that he's being used. It would make things a lot easier. Unfortunately, Bill has him wrapped around his finger. I know that there will be no convincing Dipper otherwise.

'If only I had come with him. I would have been able to keep him busy. Bill wouldn't be able to have any time alone with him. My brother wouldn't be put under some weird mind control. If only I hadn't been such a coward.'

I run downstairs to see Stan and Ford are both in the kitchen. They both look surprised, yet happy, to see me.

"Mabel, when did you get in?" Ford asks, gesturing for me to sit with them.

"Do you know what Dipper's problem is?" Stan asks while taking a sip of his coffee.

Some small part of me almost doesn't want to snitch on Dipper. He trusted me with his biggest secret. I promised that I wouldn't tell anyone. I don't want to betray him. What kind of sister would I be if I broke his trust like that? Even if I'm only trying to protect him, I know that he would never forgive me. He's too far gone.

As much as I love Dipper, I can't keep my promise. He needs to realize that what he's feeling for Bill isn't real. He's being tricked. I hate to be the one to break his trust, but I must. No one else knows the truth. It's up to me to save him because he won't be saving himself.

"I got here a couple hours ago. I know what's wrong with Dipper and I need your help," I explain softly, sitting down at the table.

They give me concerned looks while inching closer. I have their attention now. I know that there's no going back from this point on. This won't be over until we get Dipper away from Bill forever.

This could be a very big mistake, but I can't let Dipper die. I know he isn't happy. He can't be happy with a dream demon. From now on it's all or nothing and I'm not stopping until I get my brother back.

'I'm sorry Dipper, but this is for your own good. I hope that one day you'll be able to forgive me. I'm only trying to help you.'

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