Chapter 25

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Bill Cipher P.O.V

It takes several hours in the Finger Dimension to find the perfect ring. I don't mind being gone for long periods of time, but I know that Pine Tree wants me home. Lucky for him, it won't take me long to get home.

I pay the jeweler for the ring and leave the shop. The ring is a silver band that I had engraved. Typically on Earth, women are the ones to get diamond engagement rings. I figured people would question Pine Tree less if the ring was just a band.

I take the ring out of the box for a few moments to make sure that everything is correct. 'Forever Mine,' was engraved on the inside of the ring. I hope that Pine Tree likes it.

After putting the ring in my pocket, I open a portal back to Pine Tree's dimension. I'm sure that he's ready to see me by now. I've been gone about four hours.

The Mystery Shack is dark when I arrive. It is rather late in the evening but not late enough for Pine Tree to sleep. I find it strange.

As I walk through the front door I hear and feel the crunch of glass. After moving my foot, I see that there is glass on the floor. My mind begins to race as I see drops of blood peppering the floor.

Something bad happened while I was gone. My only concern is Pine Tree. He has to be okay. I would never forgive myself if he wasn't. It would be my fault for leaving him alone.

I walk rather quickly, checking each room for Pine Tree. Finally, I reach the attic. It's the only room left. Hopefully, Pine Tree is okay.

I open the door and feel my entire reason for existence shatter before me. On the floor is my Pine Tree, a pool of blood surrounding him.

I rush over and lift him off the ground. He doesn't move at all and is limp and cold in my arms. He's been shot in the head and left for dead.

I cradle him in my arms and begin to sob. Pine Tree is the only person I have ever had an emotional attachment to. Now he's gone.

"Pine Tree," I say softly, some naïve hope that he'll respond, but he does nothing.

"Dipper," I try again.

"Mason," I whisper, using his real name for the first time, still to no avail.

He's gone and he isn't coming back. I can not properly resurrect him without consequence. He would never be able to function properly and his life would become agony. At this point, it is better to let him rest in peace.

I cry as I cradle his corpse close to me. I know he is gone, but I'm not ready to let him go. He's the only person that I have ever loved and I'm not ready to lose him. This can't be the way things end. I have to fix this.

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