⌯chapter one⌯

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chapter one -

It was two hours before dawn, and only one single cat was awake in BrookClan. Surprisingly, the clan was most awake at sunhigh, dusk, and night. In dawn they slept safe and sound. Although, they did sleep lightly during the night as well. So, it was hard for Minnowpaw to even stand up.

She was exhausted!

Her eyelids drooped over her yellow eyes, a lazy smile on her face. The refreshing smell tingled her nose, and freedom make her legs twitch.

Oh, how she wanted to get out of BrookClan! The clan was so full of self-centered and thick-skulled cats. Her own mother was snobby, comparing her kits to one another.

But Minnowpaw had something others shunned; she had a hunger for freedom.


[ the first chapters are a little slow, but just you wait. It'll get crazy soon. C: ]

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