angery noises intensifies

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No! Wait! Lemme Smash! What has my life come to? *MC* thought my tail was big. *MC* used to lemme smash. But, *MC* is smashin *ZEN*. *ZEN* is a hoe.


I need to stop XD

SO! Let's have a ranty talk!! YaaaaYyyyyyyyYYYYYYYYYyyyyy

So. Last week. My mom was called by a random, Unknown....

Auto correct stap


She was called by an unknown number. XD

When my mom returned, she handed the phone to me saying that a girl had answered, but hung up.

She assumed I knew this person.

So, I (reluctantly) called back.

I called.

This was our conversation:

(Please know that these phone calls are at the upmost accuracy, as I wrote them down right after they occurred.)

Me: *calls*
Girl: Hello?
Me: H-Hello......??
Kid: Who is this?
Me: Um...who is THIS?
Girl: *hangs up*
Me: wot mate

I don't know if I scared them by asking who it was or if it was my voice, as my voice can get quite.....un-feminine.

I have an odd vocal range o_o

I decided to change clothes after this conversation, because I had bought a new shirt the previous day and wanted to try it on...

A few minutes later, I tried calling again after telling my mom about the odd conversation.

The next (and last) phone call went like this:

Me: *calls*
Girl: Hello?
Me: U-Um...y-yes. Who have you been trying to reach?
Girl: You called me.
Girl: *hangs up*

Wtf... ಠ_ಠ

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