Part 11

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Hello my dear readers, 

Thanks for your support. I know most of you have thought Abhi is Prabhas. I am sorry. He is Mr.D only. You will know more about him in the coming chapters. This is a short update. please bear with me for that.


"Miru... ", Savitri and Nandu shouted her name.

While Prabhakar and Abhi held Mira. Aaryan rushed inside to get some water. Mira was taken to her room and brought to lie down.

Nandu's dad examined her. "Low BP... I guess she haven't taken her medicines."

"She didn't had her breakfast too." Anu cried by seeing her food remain untouched.

"This girl never listens to me..." They heard Savitri complaining and crying.

"Savi... Relax! She will be fine soon. Let us postpone the function. She seems to be tensed about something. Otherwise Miru is not someone who is very weak. Let us give her some time."

Saraswathy tried to console her sister. Savitri nodded her head. She and Prabhakar stayed along with Mira. While Aaryan and Nandu was nervous.

Abhi didn't know what to do. He noticed something unusual on Mira's eyes while she put ring on his finger. There was a worry and fear reflected. He didn't want to break the moment and hence thought of checking with her about it later. But everything went out of their hands. He wondered if he had put too much pressure on her with this relation. None dared to meet Abhi. They gave him some space. At least till Mira gains consciousness.


About three hours later, Mira felt a pain in her head. She tried hard to open her eyes and found her parents on either side of the bed.

"Amma..." She clasped Savitri's hand as tight as she can, which was intertwined with hers.

Savitri immediately looked upon her face and shed happy tears. Prabhakar caressed her daughter's forehead.

"I am sorry Amma Appa." Tears brimmed up in her eyes and her dad wiped it.

"Miru, don't stress yourself. Everything will be fine. We should have taken care of your health earlier." He consoled her.

Mira wondered why her father was saying all this. It has nothing to with her health. It was all because of the strange things happening to her. But how will she disclose all this to her Appa and Amma. Suddenly, Abhi's face flashed in her mind.

"Appa, where is Abhi. I want to meet him", She insisted.

Savitri passed a look to her husband and he nodded in positive.

Abhi was called on to her room. He was feeling guilty. He came near her and held her hands.

Mira on the other hand, felt miserable seeing Abhi in such state. He was still in the engagement attire. She smiled at him indicating she is fine. He kept quiet not knowing what to ask.

"Abhi... I am sorry! I wanted to tell you something."

"I know Mira. It is my fault. I should have taken care of your feelings. It is all rushed, putting too much pressure on you. i know it have taken a toll on your health."

"I don't understand what you are saying. Whatever happened has no connection with my health. I am facing something else. I don't know how to explain it. Right now I am sorry for making you embarrassed in front of our families. I destroyed happiness of my loved ones. Please forgive me for that. Abhi, you were and will be my best friend for ever. All I am asking you is time. I need some more time to make things ok. Let us call off this engagement for the time being. We will go back to our homes for now. Hope you understand." She concluded.

Abhi knew something is bothering her. He chose to keep mum. She will disclose once she is ready, he was sure. He grasped her hands and nodded in yes. Left her room leaving Mira lost in thoughts.


Prabhakar and Savitri couldn't find words to tell to Sridevi and Vikram. But they realised their state and responded positively. They were ready to wait till Mira is completely ok for the engagement.

Before leaving, Sridevi came to Mira ad held her hands. Placed it on her chest.

"I have full faith in you. It is only because of you, Abhi have changed. We know you are not fully ready to accept him as your life partner. It was our selfishness to bring you home as our daughter. Sorry ma. We understand you completely. And we are ready to wait until you are ready. You and Nandu are our daughters. Take care." She placed a kiss on her forehead and Mira's eyes welled up out of guilt.

Savitri smiled and joined them. Prabhakar and Vikram shook their hands and Aaryan's family left to Hyderabad and Mira's family to Bangalore.

Back in Bangalore, Aaryan, Nandu and Abhi stayed at her home. Avanti went back to her home leaving Anu with Mira. Anu was quite shocked with the happenings. She thought Mira will be happy. But she didn't know her best friend was hiding her pain all this while. It is all not physical pain but mental state does matters.

Mira was all gloomy. She ate less, spoke less. Locked herself in room spending most of the time thinking about something. Savitri and Prabhakar knew something was bothering their daughter. Though they both tried to ask her, she wasn't ready to open up. All the while Anu also tried to cheer her up. But in veins. She talked to Abhi and gave him the support he needed. Though it was difficult for her. Her presence was a relief to Mira's parents.


Abhi was trying hard to act in front of his Annaya and Vadina. He made sure to call his parents and check upon their health. He didn't want them to suffer more because of him.

He know Mira was not wrong here. She should not be blamed for anything that happened. It was not her fault. They shouldn't have forced her for this engagement. She needed time. And as she asked, he was ready to give her time and space.

He knew she needed time to forget him. Her dream man. He knew about everything. Aaryan and Nandu had already told him about her dreams. But they were sailing on the same boat. That was one of the main reasons why Abhi thought of sharing his life with her. She deserved to be loved. Betrayal was something one should never face in their life. He wanted Mira to be happy. He was willing to give her all the happiness in this world. She is a good soul and moreover she was his best friend.

After all this, they are still friends and that's what Abhi needed. Above everything. He didn't want to be a nuisance in her life. Moreover he needed time too: To move on from Anjali. Forever.

He kept on getting engaged in one thing or other. He spent time with his brother and Vadina. Initiated conversations by himself. Asking about their work and future plan. Aaryan and Nandu sensed disappointment and some sort of guilt in his eyes. It was hard for them too. To see their brother and sister suffering for something they are unaware of. Fate was fair to them but not to these two, they thought.


She was resting her head on his shoulders. Her hands were around him holding tightly. She was nervous. But he was her strength.

"Baby... I am afraid of meeting them. What if they reject me? I am already scared of your Appa and Amma." She snuggled closer to him clasping his hand on hers.

He held them tightly and kissed her forehead.

"Do you think I will leave you at any cost? My Appa is strict. Because he is an army officer. But my Amma is a sweet heart. It was her who took care of me when my dad was away for duty. I am sure she will love you."

"But... Baby it is not easy for them to accept me. We are different in many aspects. How will they adjust? "

"What differences exactly. Appa is an Army man. For him, there should not be any differences. But trust me, they will agree for my happiness. And who will not love my cutie pie. She is gem. One in a million. I am lucky enough that she agreed to be my better half." He pulled her nose, to which she laughed cutely.

"Baby... For me, I don't see any sort of differences. All I see is one thing. You are my better half. My love... My best friend... My everything... I can't lose you at any cost. Even if my family disagrees, I will not leave you. Because I can't live without you. We will fight for our love. I know they will accept us. Tell me, don't you have trust in me? Trust in our love?" He asked her.

"Yes I do. More than myself. And we will fight against any odds. I love you" She replied.

"I love you too..." He placed a quick peck on her lips and she blushed in response.


Mira jerked up when she heard a knock on door. She hesitantly opened the door to find Anu standing in front of her with a pale face.

"Shall I come in?" Anu sounded tired and Mira felt bad for keeping distance with her. She was always there as a support to her even at odd times. She was younger to her but always acted as her mother, well-wisher, and support system when her family was not around her. Still, she chose to stay with her leaving her family behind for her.

She nodded her head and asked her to come inside.

"Mira... I am not feeling good. With the way you are behaving. You had enough words and philosophies for Abhi earlier. How easily you said all those to him. And when it comes to your life, you are acting weird. This is so sad."

"I know Anu. I am being weird. I know how my family is suffering because of my behaviour and they are acting as if they are ok. Just for me." Mira broke down in tears.

Anu held her shoulders and made her look at her. "I am not talking about your family. Or any second person. I am worried about you. I don't want you to suffer. It is you who is important for me. I need you to be that old Miru. The same chirpy girl. I need my best friend back. Enough of this drama. Let us go out for a change. Don't say no. we are going out and that is final."

Mira knew there is no point in arguing with her. She hesitantly got ready and they went to a nearby mall. Throughout the journey, she was thinking about the dream she had. Why it had to appear now. She was trying hard to forget her dreams and move on with Abhi. And then he had come. Was she seeing things? No it was so real. She dint had the courage to ask him stay.

As suggested my Anu, she was doing a therapy: Shopping therapy specially meant for girls. Even that couldn't help Mira.

She felt uneasy for some reason. Someone was looking at her. Someone's intense gaze. She looked around to find if there was anyone but couldn't find any. Again after sometime, she felt as if someone is following. She saw a figure. Just like him. He smirked and went away. Mira tried to go behind him despite Anu's never ending questions.

Anu pulled her back and asked. "What are you doing Miru? Whom are you looking?"

"Him... he was here. Come with me Anu." She held Anu's hands and pulled her along with her. She lost track of him. Mira felt tired and sat on the nearby bench.

"I saw him again Anu... Mr. D". She told and Anu stood there with a shocked face.


Please don't blame Nandu and Aaryan. Even Abhi know about Mr.D. But they are bound by some things. Everything will be revealed at the right time :)

No proof reading done. Kindly ignore the mistakes.

Hope you like the chapter. Please press vote button and let me know your comments.

- Love Apz :)

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