Part 24

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Heylo my dear readers,
Thanks for your patience... And thanks to all those who have taken their time to enquire about the situation...
Kerala will be back... #WeWillOvercome
Thanks to all brothers and sisters for keeping us in your prayers...
And my malayali friends, pls stay safe !! Take care ..
Love you all ❤️


Savithri felt her heart getting pierced by an explainable pain. Vaishnavi's broken voice and the way she requested reminded her of the huge loss. Her daughter.. Her Miru...

"Amma" !
She wanted to be called her by that word again. But this was not her Miru, her own blood. She was a complete stranger. Why did she addressed her like that. Savithri was confused. She ran towards her room and fell on the bed.

Prabhakar was quite surprised with her reaction. He was praying for good.

And then he saw his wife crying like anything. It was more like torturing himself to see his betterhalf in pain. He realised the reason behind her outburst. Slowly, he went beside her and hugged her from side.

"Prabhaa..." Savithri spoke in between the hiccups.

He sighed. He knew something was coming to hit them hard.

"She.. she called me Amma! Why??"
He shut his eyes tightly.

That was the moment !!
He gathered courage from that supreme power.
Savithri must know the truth.
Thats the best thing.
For her, For Vaishu and For everyone.
She would be shattered. Would be dissappointed even. Its not easy for a mother to see another girl as her daughter even for a few days. Especially after loosing her. Not that it was easy for him either.

But Vaishu... !!
She had that thing within her.
Just like their Miru. It was effortlessly easy to love that girl.May be that was the reason that made things smooth for prabha. Her presence healed his wound to a great extend. Helped him in living his life after loosing a part of himself through Mira. And he was somehow sure that the same would be  the case for Savithri as well.

He sighed deeply. And held Savithri's face. He made her look at him.

"Savi... I need you to hear me out with utmost patience."
Savithri was clueless on his reaction. She stared at him with a plain face and he continued.

"I am sorry for hiding this from you. But now, I think you need to know this before something wrong happens. Savi, I had to do something for saving a girl's life. As i told you, she had lost her baby and memory. She dont remember anything and the doctor has advised not to give any kind of stress to her. Aaryan and Nandu have tried to find out her real identity and her whereabouts. All they could find was a letter she wrote for her friend which explains her situation."

He pulled apart from her.

Took out the letter from his bag and gave it to Savi. She read the letter and found herself struggling with tears. And she couldnt utter any word.

Prabhakar understood her state and continued. He needed to speak.
"Vaishnavi has already lost everything in life. Neither had she got the love from parents nor from her husband. Fate has even grabbed her chance to be a mother.
We were helpless Savi... We know that the consequences will be worse If she had come to know the truth in such a condition. She hasnt recovered yet. She needs more time".
He paused and looked at Savi who was eagerly listening to his words.

"Anddd..." He struggled with the truth that would hurt his better half more than anything. But he needs to let it out. He took a deep breath.

"And we had to hide the truth from her. If a lie could save a life, thete is nothing better than that right?
So.. so we made her believe that She was suffering from Meninjitis which was life threatening and thus she lost her memory.
And that ... We ... we made her believe that She is our Miru... Mira Shetty, our daughter ".
He didnot had the courage to look at his wife. Yet he had to.

Savitri stood there with a plain face. He tapped her shoulders inorder to get some response.

"I am sorry Savi... I had no other option than to act along with others. The first time she called me Appa... I felt our Miru is back through her. Not that any random girl can take her place.
But this girl is different.
Infact Vaishu was one of the reason why I am here like this. Unknowingly her presence and love had given me a ray of hope to live. That girl is so naive and I couldnt just ignore her and tell the truth. Afterall its her who was with our girl during her last moments. And our Miru wanted to save her and the baby. We couldnt save the little one but we can save her atleast.
Even if its through a plain lie.
Trust me, she wont survive if she comes to know the reality. She is a broken soul already and we cant take a risk. And Nandu, I saw her breaking down infront of Aaryan. She was on the verge of ending her life out of guilt. She thinks she is the reason for Miru's accident. I have already lost one of my daughters. And now I cant afford to loose the other one infront of my eyes. I am a human. I do have feelings."
Prabhakar was on tears.

"Forgive me Savithri.. For hiding this from you... Punish me if it hurts you... But I cant confront her with the truth... I cant...And I WONT" He fell down on his knees crying though his voice reflected sheer determination.

Savithri was hurt by his confession. Never ever in her dreams she thought that they would have to face such a situation.

Mira was their life... Their breath... Their sole reason to live... Their everything !! How can a total stranger be called as Mira? How can that be possible for her? She came here for escaping from her haunting memories and here she had to face another storm which will only give constant pain to her. She cant see or treat another girl as Mira.

No ! Thats not possible.. !
She wasnt against them taking care of Vaishu. Out of humanity!!
The girl has suffered enough in her life... Right from being deprived of her parent's care, getting betrayed by her love and then loosing her baby...

But all that doesnt give these people the right to hide her real identity...
Moreover, none can take the place of Mira.. She was a darling of their family... Their most precious child !!

She wiped her tears and held Prabhakar from his shoulders. She made him sit on the bed and gave him some water. Both didnt utter a word. Both engrossed in various thoughts...

Hours passed by !
Savithri finally took the decision!!!
Which satisfied her feelings and which did not cause offense to her loved ones and that will not harm Vaishu's health.
She will not confront Vaishnavi with her truth. And neither would she accept her as Miru and behave like a mother. It is the responsibilty of others to make her believe a possible lie for her not talking with her as mother.

Prabhakar, Nandu and Aaryan was relieved. Their biggest fear was gone. Though Prabha was not fully satisfied, he was atleast happy that Savi dint take any harsh step. He knew that as Mira's mother, she cant accept their decision but simply a mother who has lost her child will eventually find its sentiments in its own way. And he knew his wife better than anyone. He know that one day his Savi will love Vaishu.

On the other side, Vaishu's heart ached seeing her mother behaving indifferently.

Her mind was filled with different doubts. She wondered why and how her Amma could  stay from her daughter when she is ill.

Mira's mom was the most kind soul as per Nandu. Even she couldnt find a perfect justification for Savi's behaviour.

The trio made her believe a perfect story.
Mira was adamant to go to Delhi for doing a fashion designing course by resigning her current job despite of her mother's objections. And she dint even took care of her health. Also,she was adamant that she wont return untill her mother agrees. During that time, she got fever which resulted in Meninjitis. Savithri thinks its her anger and stubborness which caused her daughter down with sickness. And the guilt that Savi didnt accept her wish which made Mira suffer like this is the reason for her cold attitude. Also she wasnt aware of her sickness for a longtime.When she came to know, she was shattered and even denied to meet her out of sadness. After a lot of compulsion, she agreed to face her. When she called her Amma, she completely lost and caused the breakdown.

Poor Vaishu believed them blindly and her heart yearned for Savi's presence even more.

She wanted to hold her Amma and assure her that she is not upset with her and that she was ready to do anything for her. But her health didnot help. She couldnt walk on her own because of weak muscles and balancing issues. So she waited patiently suppressing her sadness.

She smiled for her Appa and Akka. They were with her day and night. Chinnamma was also by her side and she told her that Savi prepared food for her and sent those to give it to her which made Vaishu happy. She hoped  that her Amma will come to her eventually.

Days passed with Vaishu recovering slowly. Savithri was seeing and listening to the happenings.
She was silent throughout.
She could feel the difference in Nandu and Prabha when they are with Vaishu. Their face reflected happiness and peace. Savithri couldnt decipher what is it exactly. But she realised that Vaishu has became an inevitable part of their life. Even Vaishu has improvements with their love and care.
She was very calm yet chirpy girl. Always made sure that the people around her are happy even when she is in pain. That was one of the striking similarity of her with Miru. This moved Savitri to a great extend.

One day, Nandu had to go out to meet one of her director. Prabha went to drop her and asked Chinnamma to take care of Vaishu. Aaryan was out of town to complete his last schedule of his latest movie.

It was evening !!
Rain was pouring out like it had no mood to stop. Vaishu felt restless. She felt like the emotions pented up in her heart was pouring out in the form of rain. She wanted to feel it.

An urge to feel the raindrops made her take the effort to sit on her own.

She struggled a lot even for that small movement. But how long can she depend on others. She was sad, dissappointed and angry over her health.

It was then one heavy thunder striked, which alerted Savithri.

A tear escaped from her eyes as another memory flashed her mind. Mira was afraid of thunder and lightning though she loved rains.
She would always hold on to her or her Appa during thunders.
It was then she remembered Vaishu was alone in her room.

An unknown emotion rushed in.

She was in a dilemma.
Whether to go near her or not.

What if she needs something??
What if she is also afraid of thunders?
What is she is stressed out without anyone by her side??

On one side, she wanted to give comfort to her and on one side she didnot want to be a part of their lie.

Atlast she gave up and went towards her room. To her surprise, Vaishu was sitting on her bed staring outside the room through the window. She could see tearstains on her face.

Savithri felt bad for her.

Another thunder striked in and Vaishu covered her ears and closed her eyes in fear. Savithri felt the urge to hold her but she stopped herself at the last moment. She turned around and stood facing the door clenching her fists.

Vaishu felt her presence and found her Amma by the doorside.

She was surprised bt extremely happy to see her there. She wanted to run into her arms.
Forgetting her health condition, she struggled hard to get up from the bed and placed her legs on the floor.

She wanted to hug her Amma and convince her that she was neither angry nor upset over her. And that she is ready to stay with her parents no matter what happens.

Vaishu tried to get up on her own but failed miserably. She felt weak on her knees and lost her balance. With a lod thud, she fell down.

"Ahhh Ammaaa..." she cried out in pain and Savithri was horrified at the sight. Vaishu was lying on the floor and crying in pain.

All she could remember was her cry calling her Amma and her lying down in pain. Rest was all automatic.

Before she could think twice, Savithri rushed to her side and held her from shoulders. She called chinnamma for help but the lady was nowhere to be seen. With great difficulty, she made vaishu sit on the bed. Unknowingly tears started flowing from her eyes.

Both were silent for a few minutes not knowing how to initiate the conversation.

Savithri wanted to move away from her fearing of her own motherly emotions.

And she lost infront if it when Vaishu held her hands tightly and spoke.

"I am sorry Amma... Forgive me for hurting you. Please dont be silent like this. I need you. I miss you."
Savithri was visibly shaken by her words. She stared at her face without blinking her eyes.

"I promise, I wont leave you and Appa at any cost. No matter what happens, I will always be with you. Please Amma... Dont go away..."
Vaishu was crying uncontrollably.

Savithri's distance was giving her unbearable pain and she wanted to make her Amma alright. She craved for her love. Her mother's love, care and warmth.

Savithri felt like the world has been stopped. All she could register was her last words and her innocent eyes. Nothing else mattered to her at that moment.

"Please Amma ... Dont... Dont leave me..." She cried again and that moment every other emotions failed infront of her motherly feelings.
Yet again power of love won.

Savithri pulled her into a rib crashing hug. That was it. She cried along with Vaishu. Both found comfort and solace in each others arms.

"I wont... I wont leave you... " She kissed vaishu's face all over and caressed her hairs. Vaishu kept her head close to her heart. She kissed her daughters forehead and said.
"I will not leave you alone...ever..."

She paused for a while and with determined voice she spoke.

"I will never stay away from you my baby... my Miru... !!!!" Savithri closed her eyes allowing the never ending tears to flow freely.

Vaishu smiled at her and hugged her again. Finally she got what she longed for. She got her Amma. Now her family is complete. Vaishu was happy for what just happened and thanked god for giving her family.

The mother-daughter union was witnessed by an awestruck Prabhakar and Nandita.

They stood still with tear filled eyes and a smile curved lips. Finally they got her little one back through this girl.


"Aunty, he is sleeping. Dont tell him that I am here. He have asked me to leave." Karthik told Seetha.

Seetha was informed about Anand's health condition by Karthik. He know only his mother can give him the support in this condition. He wont listen to anyone else.

Seetha nodded her head and went inside. Her heart ached seeing her son in such a condition. His face has gone pale and he has lost all his charm.

Anand was always a happy guy. And he was even happier the last time she met him. But now, everything has changed. With Vaishu's disappearance, Anand has almost lost his life. Seetha knew how much he loved her and still loves her.

She sat near his bed and caressed his  head. He opened his eyes and saw his mother near him. He tried to look upon her face. His usual smile was missing which made her feel bad. Still she knew his condition. She held his palms on hers.

"Kannaaa... everything will be alright. We will find her. You need rest right now. Amma is here. Okie?"

He just stared at her in response and replied after a few seconds.

"I am glad that u came Amma. But..."
he hesitated for a while.

"But what??" She was confused.

"I have given her a promise. I need to fulfill that. So please u go to Appa. You dont have to stay with me."

"What?? No ! I am not going anywhere. I need to be with you now. My son needs my presence." She was angry and he smiled at her stubbornness.

He held her arms tightly and said.
"I understand your concern Amma. And I know who have called you here. Thanks to him. But please try to understand me. I will be back to you and Appa. But only after he accepts us whole heartedly. Both of US. So please you go from here for now. Trust me, I will come back to you".

She knew her son very well.
Once he deciedes something, he will not back off.
Like father like son !
And here she is, stuck between them.

She hugged her son and went from there with a heavy heart. She prayed that he gets his love back in his life.


Anand laid down beside her kissing her forehead in satisfaction. They yet again marked each other as theirs.
He kissed her lips with utmost care and respect.

A few minutes before, it was only their groans and moans filled with passion and love for each other which echoed in the room.

Vaishu was smiling and blushing. She kept her head on his bare chest when he pulled her close to himself.

After a few minutes, Vaishu started drawing patterns on his chest.

"Bavaa... I was thinking...!!" She earned a glare from him for that.

"Oops ok ok Baby not bava !!" She chuckled.

"Somehow I am not liking your Bava.
You are tamil ponnu now. Bt I am not asking you to call me in tamil. So its baby for us okie??" He asked and she nodded in yes pulling his cheeks.

"Hm whats it thats bothering my baby?" He asked.

"Am scared to meet Amma tomorrow. What if she is also upset like Appa?? They will be upset over me and not you. Its because of me, they cut all the relation with you na"

She was genuinely sad and her voice carried guilt. He held them and placed it over his lips giving her a small peck of assurance. And he looked into her eyes.

"No baby. I know Amma cant hate you. She loved you from the first meet itself. Its just the circumstances. And what I did was also not fair when you think from their side right? They have every reason to be angry on us. Lets see. One thing I will assure you. I will go to them only when they accept you whole heartedly as my wife and as their daughter. Otherwise, its just you and me. None else. I dont want any happiness without you." His voice was intense and she kissed him in response.

"I am lucky to have you in my life.. I love you Anand". She whispered and hugged him tight.


Anand could only give a sarcastic laugh thinking about their moment.

"I couldnt make you realise my love for you. But Vaishu... baby... I will not break my promise. If you arent with me,I dont want anyone else either. You have to be back for me, our parents and most importantly US."

He closed his eyes remembering her smiling face.


Pic credits : Insta, Google, Edits
This was the most crucial part of the story. Savithri's emotions was hard to write... I seriously dont know how it came out...
And I have brought your favourite Anand too...
Hope you like the chapter...
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- Love Apz ;)

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